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Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Printable Version

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Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Drugged Monkeys - 05-06-2013

<strong class='bbc'>New Southern Army Code of Conduct</strong>
<strong class='bbc'>Preamble:</strong>
This document hereby establishes the New Southern Army (hereby known as NSA ) Code of Conduct. These rules and guidelines shall be written instruction for all members of the NSA to follow.
<strong class='bbc'>Article 1: Command Structure</strong>
<ul class='bbcol decimal'>

[*]<span style="font-weight:normal;">The NSA will be led by the Minister of the Army and a panel of three Generals, </span>herein referred to as the General Corps.

[*]Further ranks will be bestowed at the discretion of the General Corps.

[*]All new NSA members will be designated the rank of Private until such time as they have a a complete understanding of the Code of Conduct and NS Military gameplay.

[*]Beyond the MoA and General Corps, the rankings will be as follows from next highest on down. Major, Captain, Private 1<sup class='bbc'>st</sup> Class, Private. (Per NSA Rankings)

[*]The General Corps is responsible for the planning of and overseeing of all missions of the NSA.

<strong class='bbc'>Article 2: Requirements of Membership</strong>
<ul class='bbcol decimal'>

[*]All NSA members must comply with the TSP Charter and Code of Laws.

[*]No NSA member is permitted to share any operation sensitive information with anyone outside of the NSA unless otherwise instructed by the General Corps.

[*]All NSA members are required to keep an influence puppet in TSP, for purposes of regional defense. When not participating in operations, members are encouraged to gather WA endorsements and influence on this nation.

[*]All NSA members must treat each other with respect and offer assistance to one-another whenever possible.

[*]All NSA members will be required to participate in at least one update a week, provided three or more opertaions are planned and carried out in a given week.

[*]Insubordination will not be tolerated, defined in Article 3 Line 1. NSA members found guilty of insubordination will be subject to suspension or discharge. Each incident will be handled on a case by case basis by the General Corps as defined in Acticle 3 Line 3.

[/list]<p style="font-weight:normal;"> 
<strong class='bbc'>Article 3: Term Definitions and Disciplinary Procedures.</strong>
<ul class='bbcol decimal'>

[*]Insubordination will be defined as such:

[/list]<ul class="bbc">

[*]<span style="font-weight:normal;">Disobeying a direct order from the General Corps.</span>

[*]<span style="font-weight:normal;">Treason, as defined by Article 6 of the Code of Laws. In the case of classified information, the accused will be tried by a tribunal consisting of the General Corps and Cheif Justice of TSP. </span>

[*]<span style="font-weight:normal;">Taking military action with another NS military entity against the Coalition, NSA or her allies.</span>

[*]<span style="font-weight:normal;">Espionage, an act of or attempt to obtain information that is confidential or not made publicly available for use by oneself or an entity one represents. Distribution of private information that originates within the NSA without the express written permission of the General Corps.</span>

[*]<span style="font-weight:normal;">Failing to meet the Requirements of Membership, defined in Article 2 of the Code of Conduct.</span>

[/list] 2. Disciplinary action will be judged on a case by case basis by the General Corps.
3. Disciplinary actions are defined as follows, including but not limited to:
<ul class="bbc">

[*]Public apology

[*]Dishonorable Discharge

[*]Honorable Discharge



<strong class='bbc'>Article 4: Amendments</strong>
<p style="font-weight:normal;"> 
<ul class='bbcol decimal'>

[*] <p style="font-weight:normal;">This Code of Conduct may be amended in accordance with the Charter of The South Pacific.

[/list]<p style="font-weight:normal;"> 
<strong class='bbc'>Article 5: Supremacy</strong>
<ul class='bbcol decimal'>

[*] <p style="font-weight:normal;">This Code of Conduct is in addition the the Charter and Code of Laws in The South Pacific. Specifically Article 5 Section 4 of the Charter and Article 4 of the Code of Laws.


Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Antariel - 05-06-2013

Against. I'm not wild about demoting all current SPA ranked members, which is what this *looks like*, though in reality the NSA is a new structure. In practice, it looks like all non-generals just got demoted.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Drugged Monkeys - 05-06-2013

Ant, this is the Code of Conduct not the NSA structure. That part is already in place. The SPA is gone, done and replaced. The sooner you realize that the sooner we can get on with the continued success if the NSA. I have expressed to you already that there is no demotions, as soon as we get settled in with all the "paperwork" I will move the people to the correct ranks. The old SPA had a terrible structure, entirely too many ranks and that caused complete disarray. The new structure calls for less ranks, instead of the too many chiefs not enough Indians mentality.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Drugged Monkeys - 05-07-2013

Furthermore, the previous rankings were not even legally established. It was just a system that Sheepa put together. So to claim that those ranks held any merit besides paperwork saying it and MoS's going along with it.
The new Code of Laws states "he Minister of the Army and General Corps will be responsible for creating further regulations for the NSA and presenting them to the Assembly for passage in accordance with normal Assembly policy."
This is what a real army does and needs, true policy and structure. Otherwise it's all smoke and mirrors, waiting to break.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Comrade Troy - 05-07-2013

I'm for it.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Hileville - 05-07-2013

I am in favor of the proposed Code of Conduct

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - God-Emperor - 05-07-2013


Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Rebel-topia - 05-07-2013

If this goes to vote as-is, Im for it.
GE: This isnt a voting thread. Why dont you like it?

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - God-Emperor - 05-07-2013

For starters, I don't think ranks should be 'bestowed,' they should be earned. 

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Rebel-topia - 05-07-2013

I understand this point. Thats not something this deals with, though. Thats something you'll have to bring up separately as a charter amendment.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - God-Emperor - 05-07-2013

Negative.  Neither the Charter nor the Code of Laws mentions rank once.  This does.
The equally weak subsequent clause doesn't set up any sort of standard, which will more than likely leave the army in the same lurch it's been in the past year.  Everyone is either a private or a general unless the rank is 'bestowed' upon them from on high.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Rebel-topia - 05-07-2013

Im quite sorry. It is the Code of Laws.(<a class='bbc_url' href='http://forums.thesouthpacific.org/topic/4692-code-of-laws-of-the-south-pacific/'>Link</a>)
Article 4:2 - "The NSA will be led by the Minister of the Army and a panel of three Generals, herein referred to as the General Corps, selected by the Assembly and serving a life term."
As assume this is what you're referring to as "bestowed ranks"...

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - God-Emperor - 05-07-2013

No, I was referrin' to these two sections.
<ul class='bbcol decimal'>

[*]Further ranks will be bestowed at the discretion of the General Corps.

[*]All new NSA members will be designated the rank of Private until such time as they have a a complete understanding of the Code of Conduct and NS Military gameplay.

[/list]I also don't understand the proposed rank structure, as it is.  I like the fact that there're fewer ranks, but what's the difference between Major and Private?  Popularity?

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Drugged Monkeys - 05-07-2013

I see you what you mean I think. Do you mean it needs to be defined on how someone is promoted? I thought it would be common sense that ranks aren't just "given" out. That's why everyone has started on the lower end, needing to prove their worth before a promotion.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Estoric - 05-08-2013

"Coalition" presumably means Coalition of the Pacific - would it be better to simply state "NSA and current allies"?For the rank stuff - we're arguing over nothing much. There's really only 4 levels to NS military gameplay IMHO: Minister + planning team (strategic), field CO's (tactical), experienced personnel, new personnel. We've gotten fairly close to that here.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Penguin - 05-08-2013

I like it.
 I think that with a tiny twick here and there it will be great. 
My only question is Art 2 Sec 3.... 
call me silly but could you explain that a bit better please.... Smile danke Smile 

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Rebel-topia - 05-08-2013

You're silly. But we knew that already. Tongue Tongue 

Quote:Article 2:3All NSA members are required to keep an influence puppet in TSP, for purposes of regional defense. When not participating in operations, members are encouraged to gather WA endorsements and influence on this nation.
It means to keep a puppet in TSP (mine would be Rebel-topia of the South Pacific) to gain influence when not on missions. So when stuff like Cartas crap happens, you CANT be ejected easily. 

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Drugged Monkeys - 05-08-2013

Quote:"Coalition" presumably means Coalition of the Pacific - would it be better to simply state "NSA and current allies"?For the rank stuff - we're arguing over nothing much. There's really only 4 levels to NS military gameplay IMHO: Minister + planning team (strategic), field CO's (tactical), experienced personnel, new personnel. We've gotten fairly close to that here.
I added "or her allies"
Quote:I like it.
 I think that with a tiny twick here and there it will be great. 
My only question is Art 2 Sec 3.... 
call me silly but could you explain that a bit better please.... Smile danke Smile
We talked on IRC and I believe we have cleared this up.
Please note it says "Required" to have the nation but "encouraged" to gather the influence.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - mcmasterdonia - 05-08-2013

I obviously support this.
As DM said the SPA is dead. Any of the ranks that existed back then are irrelevant now, this is a whole new thing.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Vejay - 05-08-2013

I'm for this

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Rebel-topia - 05-08-2013

I motion this goes to vote

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Drugged Monkeys - 05-08-2013

You beat me to it, I second the motion to vote

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - thehegamon - 05-08-2013

I think it's great!  But I have one question...why does the ranking system go directly from Captain to Private 1st class?  It looks like a huge jump in rank.  Could Private 1st Class be made Sergeant, or Master Chief Tongue or something?  Other then that cosmetic issue, I think it works nicely!

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - Rebel-topia - 05-08-2013

There's a jump from PFC to Captain, so that above PFC, they seem higher ranking, as they should be. No need for "middle" titles. The rank and file will be Privates and PFCs, with a handful of Captains, and a few Majors, depending on the size of the NSA.

Proposal: NSA Code of Conduct - God-Emperor - 05-08-2013

There's nothin' that says it depends on the size of the army, and, if that's the intention, it should be on paper.  If not, we're just gonna have a bunch of 'officers' and no enlisted personnel, or vice versa.  Doesn't really avoid the too many chiefs and not enough Indians problem.