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The East Pacific - Printable Version

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The East Pacific - Todd McCloud - 12-21-2008

It appears that they're back to being free, which is obviously a good thing. However, with things like elections and uncertainties in who the current delegate is, should we be cordial and offer them support in these times? I'm not the MOFA, of course, but perhaps to offer them a little support or encouragement wouldn't help?

The East Pacific - kloister - 01-14-2009

Support and encouragement is good, but we need to be clear that we are impartial and will not get involved in the detailed politics of their region...We would need to see how things went and strike up the appropriate conversations with the new Delegate and elected Cabinet as and when that happens...

The East Pacific - Todd McCloud - 01-24-2009

Speaking, lol.I've been thinking of a mass-agreement between the feeders and some of the bigger UCR's to perhaps spark some activity and centralization in NS. Nothing governmental-changing, nothing along the lines of "let's critique said region about this" bullcrap. I'm kind of interested in something that would help increase the bonds between our regions. Of course this is all preliminary, but it's an idea and I'd love to hear honest input.

The East Pacific - Caer Rialis - 01-24-2009

Todd,LEt's hear some of your ideas so they can be fleshed out

The East Pacific - Southern Bellz - 01-24-2009

Isn't that what the Azure was supposed to do?

The East Pacific - Todd McCloud - 01-24-2009

Essentially, a centralization of larger regions in NS. Kandarin said he did some number crunching, and roughly half of all NS exists in the five feeders, Laz, and TRR, with more existing in larger UCR's like The New Inquisition and Taijitu. My plan would be to try and 'blend' these regions, at least in their posters. Believing that activity draws activity, it would therefore be easier for these larger regions to attract players. Take a look at this:* The West Pacific has recently had an influx of empire nations. While I admit I initially accepted their idea of trying to take out inactivity in TEP, they eventually went beyond rogue and ejected rughly 200 nations from the region. Nevertheless, now that they are there, I believe they'll try to go at their ways, which would be bad. Perhaps a blend of posters from foreign feeders and region would help soften their blow, if it happens (I don't know).* TEP is recovering from the empire, but we've been telegramming newer nations and casual nations, and received good results. It's produced at least ten interested players, which I consider a success, knowing how feeders are.* The North Pacific is inactive and its people are complaining about inactivity.* Without Krull, The Pacific *is* inactive.* Here, I think we have a good policy, which I admit I gleaned a lot off of when we worked on The East Pacific's concordat. I think a lot of feeders can use this and learn from our history here.* Laz is large but having issues with security (as can be expected)* Taijitu is currently at 108 nations. I've never seen them this low.* TRR is currently at 577 nations. See Taijitu.So while I'm not a believer in the 'death of NS' (I'm an optimist), I *do* believe there are little things we can do to maybe help things in and around these regions to maybe cause more people to come to the forums due to more activity, and thus help us gain another 'influx' of new people to the region. Sort of like how the game was fun for us when we all first joined, that's how I'd like it to be for the newer people and casual players (though I do believe this can be done without wars, drama, feeder takeovers, ejections, etc).So my biggest concern is feeder and large region centralization. The AA, in my opinion, if it was designed for this purpose, has failed. BUT, I am only one person, and my experience as delegate hasn't even truly began yet. Yet I'm open to discussion, especially here, because I know you guys a little more than some other feeders. Do you have any ideas / critiques / comments that would help me, or help the game?

The East Pacific - Southern Bellz - 01-24-2009

I feel like more centralization of powers in NS in a terrible idea. If NationStates is static, putting a plan in motion to make it more static does not help anything. In my mind Azure shows this, as does NS history that I have seen.Defenders united in ADN, a lot of raider groups united in the umbrella org 'Invaders'. I am pretty sure capitalists united in ACCEL (or something like this), and communist under the RLA. What consolidation and unification does, is make for less friendly competitions between places. All of these groups are defunct, or a shell of its former self under a different name.I have no problem with being friendly with feeders, but what attracted me to The South Pacific, was that TSP is its own place. There is something in TSP that screams independence to me. It could be because of our unique way we have delegates chosen. I don't want to see some program that folds us into other region's “culture” as a poster on the Taijitu forums, there are some pros and cons of their posting styles, and many of them I like. However, I don't want to see it in TSP, that is why I am in TSP.We have some great players here, most of which I have great respect for, and enjoy playing this game with. Our problem isn't a lack of posters, it is a lack of direction. It's not I would say this is a result in once a government is set up, what else is there to do, to be excited about? Set up super alliances? These alliances seem to have no goals or aims, but call out in the name of the common good and defense of its members. Defense from what? I don't see a power in NS that could take us out.They way I see it, we need defense from our own habits, to prevent history to happen to the feeders. I don't know what the solution is for us. I have been trying to look at our own army as an example, but with a neutral region, such as ourselves, there is not much to do but station our troops here.At this point I am rambling. I hope you guys will be able to find my points in here somewhere.

The East Pacific - Todd McCloud - 01-24-2009

The main problem with Azure was two things: one, it was a defense treaty, not necessarily one for activity, and two, while it has been effective in that no member region has been attacked, it's only members (that I know of at least) are TNP, TP, and Taijitu. It didn't really extend outward. I figured it was more of a harder stance on protecting against the likes of Gatesville and the empire.Centralization may conjure up images of a watered-down culture, but it doesn't have to. I think bringing in activity from all member regions into here would effectively help things out quite a bit. Who has RP'd in The East Pacific? Or who out there has really killed ten minutes of their time to play a game or open up a store in the TSP marketplace? Who goes to The North Pacific and talks to people there? Or goes to UCR's like The New Inquisition and listens to their radio broadcasts?I just think all regions have a lot to offer for all of us. It'd be a way to get to know others more, to see what other regions are going through, and to offer help. Because, honestly, activity is a form of security, and it is an animal - it reproduces and breeds more activity. I could be wrong and what not, but that's how I feel.And there is the potential threat that some feeders, especially the more active ones, could see a slight dip in activity due to others posting around. No one can force others to not post elsewhere, but I do think it would be a good idea for a centralist stance to have more exposure of other regions in the membership and more relations as well. Everyone is so apocalyptic. "Oh NS is dying!!" But people forget they were talking about the game dying when I first joined here four years ago. And while I still maintain my optimism - I don't think the game is 'dying' - I do think things like that stated above could help improve things. And even if one person tries to improve things, that's better than no one, right?So again. I don't know, it's just my thoughts.