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Martial Law and Law of Succession - mavenu - 11-25-2008

<a class='bbc_url' href='http://z1.invisionfree.com/forums/theSPacific/index.php?showtopic=7344'>See here for current law</a>

While I was a cabinet member, cabinet routinely sent out TGs informing nations when they broke the 40% endorsement of delegate barrier. As you can see in the link, it's when they hit 50% when we warn them 3 times, then boot. (in effect, they get 4 TGs, though if they are extremely high, the boot could occur earlier)

I've been mulling over that perhaps if we sent an earlier TG (similar to the 40% number) when a nation gives out more endorsements (commonly called endo-tarting, or tarting) than a certain number set against the delegate's current level of endorsement. It can be set at 100%, 70%, or some other number.

This idea could replace the friendly note sent at the 40% endorsement TG, if we want to keep the same level of correspondence, or keep it and drop the number of TGs after 50% to 2.

Why do this?[*:1ez02x35]When a nation does give more tarts than the delegate's levels of endorsements, it can be seen as a direct challenge against the delegate, assuming ever nation returns the endorsement;

[*:1ez02x35]It opens the lines of dialogue earlier with the nation in question. So it also increases the potential for joining the board, and their knowledge of the region and its laws. It also reduces the amount of resentment they will feel when they are informed earlier;

[*:1ez02x35]It allows them to slow down/stop endo-tarting so they don't get to the 50% of endorsements and cause more problems/resentment;

[*:1ez02x35]It also reduces the amount of influence-damage when players need to be booted, as they will have a lower level of endorsements/tarts;

[*:1ez02x35]It allows us to track/talk to invader nations quicker, forcing them (in theory) to switch to another puppet. (i don't know enough about that side, so ... yah)

Martial Law and Law of Succession - Guest - 11-25-2008

The only problem I see with this is that tarts can only be found with the help of counter scripts, the availability of which is not necessarily guaranteed.

Martial Law and Law of Succession - Todd McCloud - 11-25-2008

Quote:The only problem I see with this is that tarts can only be found with the help of counter scripts, the availability of which is not necessarily guaranteed.
Well, sometimes they can be found by getting a random endo here and there. For instance, since being in TSP (again..), I've been tarted six times.

Are these people threats? Maybe, maybe not. Would it hurt to notify them earlier of the law of succession? I don't think so.

PLUS, in regards to invader nations, it is a small discouragement if we appear on-task and catch them early, if they are tarting and appear hostile.

Martial Law and Law of Succession - Eluvatar - 11-26-2008

Quote:The only problem I see with this is that tarts can only be found with the help of counter scripts, the availability of which is not necessarily guaranteed.
I guarantee such availability.

Martial Law and Law of Succession - Guest - 11-26-2008

[quote name="Eluvatar"] [quote name='"tsrill"] The only problem I see with this is that tarts can only be found with the help of counter scripts' date=' the availability of which is not necessarily guaranteed. [/quote']

I guarantee such availability. [/quote]

Thank you.

But who guarantees <em class='bbc'>your</em> availability? Wink

Martial Law and Law of Succession - Todd McCloud - 11-26-2008

[quote name="Eluvatar"] [quote name='"tsrill"] The only problem I see with this is that tarts can only be found with the help of counter scripts' date=' the availability of which is not necessarily guaranteed. [/quote']

I guarantee such availability. [/quote]

Oh you do, do you? ^_^

Martial Law and Law of Succession - htz31361849782 - 11-26-2008

We do have some safe guards that must be considered. Some of us who are very active in TSP our NS names are not the same as our names here on the boards. You will never find a nation called htz3 any place in the Nation States and many times people will try to avoid detection by not seeking endo's from people on these boards but they end up asking for our endo's. I don't know about the rest of you but I keep track of those who ask for my endo if I don't know them. I will watch them sometimes for months because some of these people may try to get a huge amount all at once while gathering slowly at first.These scripts will never replace vigilance on our part.

Martial Law and Law of Succession - Todd McCloud - 11-26-2008

Quote:We do have some safe guards that must be considered. Some of us who are very active in TSP our NS names are not the same as our names here on the boards. You will never find a nation called htz3 any place in the Nation States and many times people will try to avoid detection by not seeking endo's from people on these boards but they end up asking for our endo's.

I don't know about the rest of you but I keep track of those who ask for my endo if I don't know them. I will watch them sometimes for months because some of these people may try to get a huge amount all at once while gathering slowly at first.

These scripts will never replace vigilance on our part.
Quite right. That sort of goes back to what I was saying and how it's easy to detect these guys by just watching who endorses you for no apparent reason.