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An Evil Lurking Over Us - Printable Version

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An Evil Lurking Over Us - Mirabellis - 09-03-2003

Fellow nations of the South Pacific,When our holy empire was created, we received a telegram from a state inviting us to join the region known as 'Das Fourth Reich'. This region and its leading nation seemed to embrace the ideas of National Socialism.We call upon our fellow nations in the South Pacific to ponder this issue and the consequences of a renewed fascist regime in our world. Will we stand by?-His Imperial Holiness, Giovanni I, Emperor of Mirabellis

An Evil Lurking Over Us - bistmath - 09-03-2003

I have seen these telegramms.what have they done? how strong are they?

An Evil Lurking Over Us - Greater Arkania - 09-04-2003

Do not worry yourself. There are extremist groups here like there are in the real world. Just ignore them becouse they dont have the membership to make anything happen. I get the telegrams as well.

An Evil Lurking Over Us - Geomania - 09-04-2003

Thnx for the heads up Mirabellis. Just curious: Where'd you get your name?

An Evil Lurking Over Us - Coral Islands - 09-04-2003

Quote:Do not worry yourself. There are extremist groups here like there are in the real world. Just ignore them becouse they dont have the membership to make anything happen. I get the telegrams as well.
Quite right. No need to worry with this.