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New Name??? - tsunamy - 07-07-2003

It was suggested that we make a new name for the Assembly. are we coming up with a different name?

New Name??? - Geomania - 07-07-2003

Congress? House of burgresses?

New Name??? - Slackervania - 07-07-2003

I've always thought that General Assembly of the South Pacific worked just fine.

New Name??? - tsunamy - 07-07-2003

well, personally i like general assembly too.however, Imrie suggested it didnt seem formal enough. he suggest the Parliament.but, I think we should put it on the ballot.so lets organize choices:1) The (General) Assembly2) Parliament 3) Congress4) House of Burgressesany others?

New Name??? - Aurellis - 07-07-2003

How about the South Pacific Council? Or maybe the Council of the South Pacific?Either sounds good to me...

New Name??? - Slackervania - 07-07-2003

The problem that I have with names like Council, Parliament, and Congress is that all imply that the members are elected, whilst reality is that every nation that is a member of the South Pacific is a member of the Assembly.

New Name??? - Rajargajan - 07-07-2003

i reckon congress sounds good anyway...cos technically we are all voted in...its just all of us aint it??

New Name??? - Imrie - 07-07-2003

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I believe that 'Parliament' is the most appropriate name for this forum. It's essentially the same as what you Americans call Congress.Perhaps it's just my background in British devolved government speaking... :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

New Name??? - Rajargajan - 07-07-2003

And i still think Congress sounds the best cos It has a better sound to it.... but i dont have any *goverment speaking* experience as such.no matter if there even is a need for a change it will happen the way it will.

New Name??? - Imrie - 07-07-2003

I suppose Rajargajan has a point. What it's called isn't really that important. Whatever the masses want I will not object to. :angry: And what is a House of Burgresses????

New Name??? - FlyingPig - 07-07-2003

he he, my thoughts exactly Imrie Tongue I'd personally prefer parliament, it has more of a 'people' feel to it with all views being heard and taken in to account, not that a congress wouldnt do the same, it just doesnt seem to have the same connotations attached to it in my humble opinion, but thats all it is an opinion. I look forward to seeing how this all turns out..lol

New Name??? - Aurellis - 07-07-2003

There was a House of Burgesses (sp?) in colonial Virginia. Not sure what was special about it, though...I'm not a supporter of the "congress" name; after all, if "con" is the opposite of "pro," what's the opposite of "progress"? Tongue

New Name??? - blackplaidrose - 07-07-2003

I don't really think the name of it matters all that much. Someone once said "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet". If this is true, then what difference would changing this be? But if I had to vote on it, i would choose Parliament, or maybe the People's Council of the South Pacific. Both would be a very suitable change. Sincerely,Music and Adoration

New Name??? - Aurellis - 07-08-2003

Yes, while it is true that a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet (and I think it was Shakespeare), would it be as appealing by any other name?A name is everything. It is the first thing you notice about people, and the one thing that everyone wants noticed. Business will kill for their name to be first on any deal, because most normal people associate the first name as the one with the power.Yes, it will be just as important no matter what name we choose. But the name must embody all that it is. For the record: I do agree with you on the name, Music and Adoration.

New Name??? - Katie Miyake - 07-08-2003

"...A rose by any other name would smell as sweet..." -Juliet Capulet (speaking of Romeo while on her balcony), Romeo & Juliet, William ShakespereSynonyms found in Webster's New World Thesaurus (1971)1) Government2) Ministry3) Council4) Parliament5) Assembly6) Cabinet7) Deliberative Assembly8) Senate9) House10) Plenum11) Voice of the PeopleAny of these would be appropriate for a name for this congregation. Ooh, that's another good one.12) CongregationBut I personally think that 'the People's Council' sounds a little...amature-ish and unofficial. But that's just me...the person who thinks 'Plenum' is a good choice for the name of this Assembly.

New Name??? - tsunamy - 07-08-2003

i'd go with Plenum...

New Name??? - Slackervania - 07-08-2003

In Ancient Greece, if you were an official citizen of a city-state, then you were a member of the Senate of that city...The Senate of the South Pacific.Sounds good to me.

New Name??? - Geomania - 07-08-2003

The Senate of the South Pacific...that's got my vote.

New Name??? - Katie Miyake - 07-08-2003

ah, but in Ancient Rome, (as is in the United States) senators were elected officials, and were only of the patrician social class (The rich snobs. Where are my prunes?).The plebeians (Which I feel most in the South Pacific qualify as) were part of the Tribune.Therefore, you can see the social connotations and hidden meanings attached to the title of 'Senate'. Plenum (the opposite of a vaccuum) means 'full, of attendance by all members'. And it sounds cool.

New Name??? - Slackervania - 07-08-2003

I don't know why, but Plenum reminds me vaguely of ducks. :glare:

New Name??? - tsunamy - 07-08-2003

Plenum reminds me of pentiums - not exactly sure why...

New Name??? - Geomania - 07-08-2003

Alright, i think someone should close this thread. I believe we have enough names on the ballot (8).

New Name??? - tsunamy - 07-08-2003

Alright. Ill go with Geo.One more vote and i get ride of this thread.

New Name??? - HEofMichu - 07-16-2003

I'm not sure about what a name has to do with anything. If you're all worried about what it would mean, then just say it like it is. Voluntary Cabinet of the South Pacific sounds fine to me. Hopefully I'm the last person to have anything to say on the issue (if that's what you want to call it) and I'll be known as the decision maker of the group. I'd better be since I have nothing else to do with my time, having no job and no life beyond wallowing in self pity, reading, and listening/critiquing music. Feel free to talk to me and take me out of my boredom. PLEASE!!!

New Name??? - Slackervania - 07-16-2003

Michu, this IS the new name. It was voted on during the elections, silly! :eyes: