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New thoughts on "citizenship". - Printable Version

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New thoughts on "citizenship". - QuietDad - 10-16-2013

The wording and handling of what a citizen here gets in the way sometimes. I propose to make it that anyone with a nation in the region is a citizen and as such can come to the RMB or forum and speak their mind and request an audience with their government. The registration portion we now have for citizenship would be called registering to vote. Just like in real life. This makes new people feel included right away as the get the feel of the game and the region.


We can take it a step further in that nations created in TSP are immediately citizens and people coming in from outside regions need to be "naturalized".


Just trying to remember my first week on Nation States and the intimidation of the foum and all these people telling me what I needed to do and if you don't do it right your in for a long day. Got to make it so people slip in to the game and not get thrown in.

New thoughts on "citizenship". - Sandaoguo - 10-16-2013

We have that system already, just under different terminology. We differentiate between "residents" and "citizens." Residents enjoy all the same right as citizens, except the right to vote.

New thoughts on "citizenship". - QuietDad - 10-16-2013

I know, but I live in the US. I am a Citizen. I am protected by the government. To participate in the government I register to vote. I understand that my way really doesn't change the way things wor, just they way they're spoken of.