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VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections - Printable Version

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+------ Thread: VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections (/showthread.php?tid=2753)

VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections - Todd McCloud - 11-04-2010

Motion to change Article 11 of the charter from this:

Quote:<strong class='bbc'><em class='bbc'>Article 11 - Special Elections</em></strong>

When a new Delegate takes office, the Delegate may call for new elections. Providing this is the case, the elections will be held on the next Saturday and will occur on the first Saturday, after that date of every third month after that.
To this:

Quote:<strong class='bbc'>Article 11 - Special Elections</strong>

When a new Delegate takes office, the Delegate may call for new elections. Providing this is the case, the elections will occur on the first Saturday of the next month.
It has also been recommended that this section be removed from the Charter.

Please simply vote 'yea' for yes, 'nay' for no, or 'remove' to vote for removing this article from the Charter. Voting for this article will end on <strong class='bbc'>Wednesday, November 10th at 5pm EST</strong>. Extensions for debate or voting may be requested, but that does not guarantee it will be accepted.

VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections - Polkstreet - 11-05-2010


VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections - Guest - 11-05-2010


VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections - HEM - 11-07-2010


VOTE: Article 11: Special Elections - Todd McCloud - 11-10-2010
