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Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Printable Version

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Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Hileville - 12-11-2012

As per a post by LR in a private area that is being deemed a resignation and the pending removal of citizenship for not having a nation in TSP Todd McCloud is appointed as Chair of the EC. Todd previously has served in this capacity and he will do an excellent job in it once again. This is a public hearing for Todd and will last one week.

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - HEM - 12-11-2012

Todd, is there any chance of this job conflicting with time commitments elsewhere?

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - God-Emperor - 12-11-2012

Do we take that as a yes?

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Todd McCloud - 12-14-2012

Quote:Todd, is there any chance of this job conflicting with time commitments elsewhere?
Heh. Well, I am currently the delegate of TEP, so I don't really want to run in any elections here at this time. I can do it, I'm just a little on the slow side these holidays after being sick and having a lot of work to finish up prior to the end of the year. Still, if I'm needed, I can do it.

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Drugged Monkeys - 12-14-2012

Maybe make AMOM the chair and Todd can fill AMOMs spot?

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - HEM - 12-14-2012

Yeah, because no offense, but it did take four days to answer that question TongueI think Todd is a great choice. But I think this election shows us that we do need an active Election Commission.

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - God-Emperor - 12-14-2012

That goes without sayin', but, as much as we all love Todd, he's not a permanent solution but a temporary fix. Even he knows it.

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Hileville - 12-14-2012

Hmmm... I actually like the idea of making AMOM Chair and Todd a member as AMOM is more of a permanent figure. I will consult with both of them.

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Drugged Monkeys - 12-14-2012


Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Todd McCloud - 12-17-2012

I'd be OK with that

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - HEM - 12-20-2012

Is this official now?

Appointment of a new Chair to the Election Commission - Hileville - 12-20-2012

Whoops. Forgot to post that this is official. AMOM will be the new Chair and Todd will be an Assistant EC.