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[BILL] Decorations and Awards Act
Quote:<em class='bbc'>Decorations and Awards Act</em>

<strong class='bbc'>Preamble</strong>

The South Pacific, believing there to be members of the South Pacific and NationStates abroad that ought to be recognized for their great contributions, gallantry and defense of the noble principles it holds true and steadfast,? does so establish the following conventions for said recognition in a manner that is most fitting of its community.

<strong class='bbc'>Article I ? Formation of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award</strong>

1. Every Eighteenth of January and July, which marks the creation and ?at the time of writing? departure of The Cat-Tribe, the South Pacific Assembly shall award, and present in the name of the South Pacific, a Memorial Award of appropriate design, with ribbons and appurtenances, hereby referred to as ?The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award?, to an individual or group of individuals that has distinguished themself conspicuously by their steadfast and exceptional defense of democracy and political freedom whilst such ideals ?

(1) face curtailment or clear and present endangerment;

(2) have yet to be entrenched.

2. The procedure for organizing The Cat-Tribe Memorial Awards shall be divided into three basic sections: the Nomination period, the Announcements of Recipiency, the Award Presentation;

<strong class='bbc'>Article II ? The Organization and Procedure of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award</strong>

1. THE NOMINATION PERIOD is a fixed duration of time between the most recent Announcement(s) of Recipiency and the upcoming Announcement(s) of Recipiency. During said time, at least one candidate for The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award ought to be publically suggested by a member of the South Pacific Assembly in an individual proposal thread in the South Pacific Assembly. Nominations ?

(1) may be suggested for candidate(s) extant or posthumously;

(2) can be for any member of the NationStates community except those holding an extant Cat-Tribe Memorial Award;

If five other members of the Assembly support this proposal, the proposal shall be considered quorate and thus voted on by the Assembly during a vote lasting seven days to decide whether or not a nominee shall be awarded The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award;

2. THE ANNOUNCEMENTS OF RECIPIENCY shall occur on the Eighteen of January and July of every year. The nominee(s) of any proposal(s) to have been approved by a simple majority in the Assembly during the most recent Nomination period, shall be formally declared as a recipient of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award by the legitimate or acting delegate;

3. THE AWARD PRESENTATION is a ceremony for a recipient of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award, which ought to be hosted by the South Pacific and celebrate the recipient?s excellence. A keynote address by a relevant speaker and an open session for subsequent congratulatory remarks shall be the suggested format for the Awards presentation;

<strong class='bbc'>Article III ? Provisions for Reconsideration of A Cat-Tribe Memorial Award</strong>

1. If a recipient of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award is found to have either committed acts that undermine the acts that distinguished them initially or found to have been awarded initially under false pretenses, this knowledge may be used as reasonable grounds for a vote to withdraw a recipient?s Memorial Award. Any such challenges to recipiency must be endorsed by a supermajority of the Assembly during a vote lasting seven days;

<strong class='bbc'>Article IV ? Immediately Following the Passage of this Act</strong>


(1) an irregular nomination period shall begin and will conclude two weeks later for the first Announcements of Recipiency. Following this event, the procedures and organization as identified in Article II shall be followed wholly;

(2) the legitimate or acting delegate shall appoint an artist or group of artists to design the medal of the Cat-Tribe Memorial Award, its ribbon and any appurtenances;

<strong class='bbc'>Article V ? Closing Remarks</strong>

May this resolution be amended with any future ideas for an award or decoration to be bestowed by the South Pacific.
According to the Charter, this drafting thread is open for seven days. ^_^
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

Codger brought up a good point on IRC. <+Codger> but what if TCT returns somebody? it'll sound bad to be a memorial<@Unibot> True.<@Unibot> perhaps I'd just remove the 'memorial' from the award name.<+Codger> Dedication<@Unibot> Yeah.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

Since it's only about one award, I would suggest to call the bill the "Cat Tribe Award bill". As to the name of the award: The Cat-Tribe Award for Democracy and Freedom (or something to that extent)?
[Image: 1ad3869e-07b4-47f3-8bf1-247c729479d6.jpg]

Looks good Uni, but you need to make it comply with <a class='bbc_url' href=''>this</a>.
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Ugh. I was trying to follow it <em class='bbc'>vaguely</em> already. L-#3 mandates "the bill must be divided into the following parts", not that each division need be explicitly identified like the author chose to do. If explication is required by the bill, I'd rather see that bill repealed, its formatting is frankly, atrocious. A lot of wasted characters in the unnecessary 'clause', 'section' headings -- numbering and lettering suffices in most bodies of law. This bill for example borrows its formatting from the U.S. Code ? 3741 which established the Medal of Honor.

Quote:Since it's only about one award, I would suggest to call the bill the "Cat Tribe Award bill".
See Article 5, the intent was this resolution could be amended to include future awards or decorations. ^_^
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

Quote:Since it's only about one award, I would suggest to call the bill the "Cat Tribe Award bill".

As to the name of the award: The Cat-Tribe Award for Democracy and Freedom (or something to that extent)?
I like the idea of calling it The Cat-Tribe Award for Democracy and Freedom.
I like the current name and ability to add in new awards (how about the Mavenu Award for Statesmanship or the Geomania Award for Exemplary Military Service?)
Quote:I like the current name and ability to add in new awards (how about the Mavenu Award for Statesmanship or the Geomania Award for Exemplary Military Service?)
I agree here, why can't we have more? Personally, I believe THE MATT-DUCK should have a memorial award dedicated to him.
Hey Todd, any word on whether this is legal under L-#3?
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

I've decided to keep the name as is, since we can have warm memories of those who are living just as much as those who have passed on. I hope this is an acceptable decision. I would like to motion for this to be put to vote. According to the law, it looks as though I'm suppose to submit the bill to the voting chamber, is this correct?
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

I second the motion to vote. Has anyone seen Hammer?
Hmmm, best not to wait for the Chair actually. Let's just move on this without the chair if we can and wait till we have a new one if not.
Quote:Hmmm, best not to wait for the Chair actually. Let's just move on this without the chair if we can and wait till we have a new one if not.
The vote is supposed to be motioned to the floor after today according to the Charter. There is nothing in the charter in regards to what happens if the chair is not attending, but I assume, Bel could fulfil this duty of the chair without any real harm done.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

[quote name="unibot"] [quote name='"Topid"] Hmmm' date=' best not to wait for the Chair actually. Let's just move on this without the chair if we can and wait till we have a new one if not. [/quote']

The vote is supposed to be motioned to the floor after today according to the Charter. There is nothing in the charter in regards to what happens if the chair is not attending, but I assume, Bel could fulfil this duty of the chair without any real harm done. [/quote]

Yeah, I'll bring it to vote.
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Thank you Bel. :wub: Nice to see the vote onward and so far, on its way to entrenchment.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

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