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Why would we vote for carta when they don't offer anything good at least Belschaft looks around at stuff other people post and talks about why its bad he is probley going to get me for this but you can't honestly expect me to even think about voting for carta now i am not saying Carta is bad cause there not i can tell you he is better than me trust me but i know Belschaft should win if not well i don't know i would put something forward to limit he days people could be in office but i don't know if we have that i am new so...... all i am saying is if Carta wins i want a revote
Wow, what a compelling argument! You convinced me!
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Have you taken a look at this thread?</a> I'm pretty sure that I made it clear what a Carta delegacy would be like there;

- /More/ Active Forums

- /Increased/ IRC Activity

- A Frak'n awesome Roleplay Forum that would feature more active roleplays and such.

- A awesomesauce Welcoming Committee/Package that would ensure that all new members of the community feel welcomed, and such would make it so that hopefully more newbies stick around.

- More adspam moderation.

- Possibly a prettied forum. ( mind you that this would have to be discussed first )

- Waffles...everywhere.

- And much more...! Big Grin

As a delegate, I would be reachable, open, honest and active. With me as delegate, you'd often find yourself having more of a voice in this community, however such is not to say that newbies don't have a voice around here already.

I'm pretty new to this region, but ultimately it is my goal to make sure that the other nations of TSP have just as much fun as I've had since I've arrived here. NS is ultimately about fun, and in my opinion there is no place better on NS to have fun than The South Pacific; and that is why I'm here. Tongue

I'm sorry to here that you don't like me as a candidate, although I hope you will reconsider your vote.

Also, with that said:

Congratulations on making it to the forums. Feel free to look around and get a feel for the place. If you have any questions, comments, and or concerns, pop by #the_south_pacific on espernet irc and I'll be happy to address such. Alternatively, you can also send me a telegram or a private message.

The South Pacific is the best region on Nationstates; I sincerely hope that you stick around. Smile

<strong class='bbc'>- Carta

TSP Delegacy Candidate</strong>
Yes i have looked at it and i am not really lking you as the delagate because most delagates' never do what they say i have not found a Belschaft one yet but if i do i will not vote for him either cause if you look at they NEVER DO WHAT THE SAY THEY ARE GOING TO DO NEVER you have this long list of stuff you want to do plus more of it i would be in full swing of you if you got it done in 60 days if you do that i will eat my words though i know you won't cause by the looks of it Belschaft is going to win but even without that i would probley be in crazed mode cause we would have a buch of new people in command so i don't like that.
Johnson, this seems like a standard 'politicians bah I hate them they lie' speech. To which the standard response is usually give them a chance to DO their policies, and wait for the next election then vote someone else in. You can't just ask for a revote if the person you don't like gets in....well not straight away. Tongue If there are no waffles I'll totally coup you if you get in Carta TongueIf you aren't going to vote for either of them....what do you want politician to say to get elected? Not promise anything because they won't keep it?Huh Whoever wins the election, I personally think we should support them in their policies.Echoing Carta somewhat: that said, welcome to the forums Smile
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Thank you for welcoming me but i just know that will happen. Topid was just leaving when i came in and some people were mad that he didn't do anything worth wild so he wants to do some things just like topid well they obvisley didn't work and never the leess my vote is and always is for Belschaft all day everday as long as i am in TSP he is taking items people liked from the last campaigns and using them Why? cause they were popular but they can't be done no they can't be done.
johnson, you are certainly entitled to like one candidate over the other candidate. Why would this be a matter for the assembly to discuss though? If you don't like a candidate, that's fine, don't vote for him, encourage others not to vote for him (although the assembly is not a good place for that I'd say) but demanding a reelection is a) silly and B) kills democracy ("you are free to choose any candidate we tell you to vote for")I am glad we have different candidates, with a distinctively different style. It gives something to choose from. Most of us have a preference, one way or another.
[Image: 1ad3869e-07b4-47f3-8bf1-247c729479d6.jpg]

look i was trying to do that so i don't know what you are talking about that and it is something for the assmbley to take up so i was saying i like Belschaft and thats thats i do not like carta under a situation so i won't vote for him but i does not limit that i want a revote if Belschaft loses i would hate that and it would make me quite mad
If this is the standard IQ of Bels' support then he really needs to work on his platform... ^_^
Quote:If this is the standard IQ of Bels' support then he really needs to work on his platform... ^_^
Hey :glare:
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Only time can tell us what will actually happen.^_^...Actually, genies can too. :lol:
And The Doctor, of course.And The Master...cos he was never shown dying.Johnson, voting preferences probably could go in the Regional Message Board, or in a general discussion board....not really an Assembly matter.EDIT: Regional Affairs is the board on the forum this thread is best for, methinks. Smile
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Quote:If this is the standard IQ of Bels' support then he really needs to work on his platform... ^_^
Good thing it's not Wink
[Image: 1ad3869e-07b4-47f3-8bf1-247c729479d6.jpg]

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