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Open address to TSP
Fellow citizens of TSP, I would like to take this time to address the assembly.It's been a while since I've had an active role in the government and since I've had an extended amount of time to devout to the game. However, I hope you will all listen to me request and think about what I'm asking.Recently, our current delegate, Southern Bellz, proposed altering the government in an effort to create more activity in the region and make the government most responsive to the needs of the region.The proposal was uniformly denounced by the most respected members of the region. And yes, I understand the concerns.To those members, I was to repeat that I understand your concerns.Freedom in TSP was something we always fought for. From the earliest days with The XYZ_Affair until the most recent threats, we've remained vigilant protectors of freedom in the region. However, I'm concerned we're missing the forest from the trees.Not to speak too metaphorically, but we're at a crossroads. As inactivity has been a problem across NS, the region has been hit hard. We need to increase activity.It's been a while since we've had active, able nations who want to take leadership roles in the region. And God knows, after the years we've all put in, it's time for a break. But guys, we finally have that. In Bellz, Todd and Dyr we have people who want to break TSP out of it's slump and make it an active, vibrant place again.What I'm asking guys is this: please, give them a chance.I feel like I've been inactive the most out of the older nations here, so let me speak from experience. It's always perturbing to give up power and influence. You always wonder if the people after you are going to maintain the systems as you have, keep things running as well as you did and listen you your input on new initiatives. I had the same issues when I gave up being the solo admin on the board so many years ago. I was concerned that others wouldn't care as much about the region as I did and whether or not they would make the decisions as I would.And the results are obvious. The admins and global mods have created a forum that I could never have dreamed up myself let alone execute. As my influence waned in the region, yours grew. You made the tough calls and TSP and the forums are much better for your service. It was hard giving up power, but in the end, it helped the region as a whole.Now, I'm not asking anyone to give up power and I'm sure the senior nations I'm speaking to will always be influential in the region. But guys, I'm going to be blunt here: Our way isn't working anymore.I have little doubt that our government is the best in NS. However, we've been plagued with inactivity and we are seriously in danger of dying here. Maybe, instead of just jumping on new ideas as being anti-TSP or a change, let's direct things that make changes more like TSP. Offer changes instead of nitpicking what's wrong. Offer support instead of telling new nations why something won't work.I'm sure there will be a ton of reasons why my speech will be disregarded and ignored. But guys listen to me: We've worked too hard to let the region die like this.We have new blood that is willing and capable to lead. Yes, it's hard when we hand over power to new nations. But remember guys, these nations learned TSP from you. The qualities of the government and the way to act they learned from how you responded and treated every threat and every suggestion. Guys, you're all good teachers. It's time to give the next generation a chance.I want to end this with the following to the senior nations out there: I know it's rare for us to agree on things and I realize I'm normally the thorn in everyone's side arguing against what the majority is for. However, I do consider all of your friends even if now, like so many times before, I'm being critical. With our dwindling numbers, I hope we'll all be around for another seven years to see where TSP goes from here.Thank you all for reading. And good night.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Tsu, thank you very much. Your sage-like advice has been respected in my eyes since that gatesville conference... what, three years ago?I can't speak for others, but I personally don't think it's the opinion of me, Dyr, and Bellz to destroy what all of you worked incredibly hard here for. I don't want to remove all that blood, sweat, and tears you put into this region, this government, and the friendships you forged here from your rather tumultuous beginning. But I don't want it to just fade away either. The three of us "newbs" ( Wink ) have different backgrounds and ways to go about things. In a way, that's a balance. But even so, I don't want the "old guys" from this region to feel like they've been cast by the wayside. Causal game-posters too - we want you here as well. We need your help! I do see there is a need for changes here. But these changes need to be explored and addressed in such a way that it is fair and accepted. You all built this house, and we're not going to go all demolition-style on it. Really, the house is beautiful and strong, but it's... well, kind of dusty. And empty. And it might need some new plumbing or wiring. Maybe even a washer / dryer combo (don't worry, this analogy is ending fairly soon). What I'm trying to say is I and I believe the others do not want to destroy what you all worked hard for. On the contrary, we would like to preserve it, but we might need to change some things to help bring in new tenants... er... members. I don't want to do these changes alone, or even with a group of people. I would like to include everyone in these changes, because this is a region of all of us, not me or a select few. So, talk to us. Help us out. If I'm doing something wrong or bad, don't hesitate to scream in my ear. If it's a good thing, well, just kind of nod a little and I'll take it as a 'we're good to go' sort of thing. But again, in the thick of things, it's important that we don't divide the community; instead, we make it larger and stronger. As it stands right now, the region is pretty inactive and can use the help. I have a few ideas and stances that I might be proposing soon, so that might help. Positive activity can go a long way, so we shall see!Essentially, I (and I believe the others here) are thankful and proud of what you made this region. Every single feeder has fallen under an oppressive government within the past three years. Except here. That is a bold testament to the strength and comradely of the faithful at TSP. It's a unique place, a unique place I'd like to be able to share with others and not watch it become a faded relic. You all worked incredibly hard for this, and we know this. Perhaps we could work hard for it too?

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