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[Discussion] Contingency Planning
Quote:Not really, I think. I have heard the following options:

1 Cybernations
2 MMORPGs like kingdom of Loathing
3 Micronation

I would like to hear a bit more about the first and the second option. What is it, what do we need for making the switch?
Can anyone shed any light on the options listed?..

Are there any further ideas for contingency plans?..

Can we further develop the ideas/issues already discussed?..
[url=""][Image: image,Coming-spc-Age-spc-of-spc-the-spc-...,black.png][/url]

Prime Minister of The South Pacific

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Badger Fulcher Extraordinaire

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I've looked at Cybernations, and while it didn't impress me (it's mostly about warfare, I gather), it seems the closest fit to what we have here. A micronation would be entirely informal (and that's an option, I guess), and KoL is just... something completely different.
Quote:and KoL is just... something completely different.
An Adventurer is You!


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.
Quote:<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' > and KoL is just... something completely different.
An Adventurer is You!
</blockquote> An Adventurer <em class='bbc'>is</em> me. And I played for a year without meeting <em class='bbc'>anyone</em>. And even now that I joined a guild there, there's still very little human interaction.

It's a fine game, a lot of fun. But it's not right for this.
Cybernations dose have differences from NS. You create a country and you are assigned to a color but can change to a different team much like regions here. Once you start your nation you tax your citezens to earn income. That income is used for many things military, technology, wonders, improvements, and infastructure all of which have many options within them. Within teams alliannces have formed these are good for protection and trading partners.War is an option you can also go into hippie mode which means no one can attack you. Much like this gaame there are offsite boards for most alliances where wars defense and trades are dealt with.If you have specfic questions I will anser them for you. In CN I am The Shaft of the NPO.A real hobnail boot type warrior kind of a bad ass who would just as much want to blow you to kingdom come as look at you if you are not a NPO or one of our alliies.
Former Delegate of The South Pacific
Quote:The question of citizenship is key. We?ve had a luxury in being a feeder in NS in that we have no territorial, ideological, or recreational. We have people from all walks of life and many different political stripes. If we moved to MN, or CN, would we need to establish citizenship criteria? What would that criteria be? We can?t simply say we?ll be a closed group, because we would eventually fade away as people drop off. How do we determine SP citizenship outside of NS.

As for our charter and government system, when/if the other game is chosen, we can then look at what the duties and obligations of government officers should be.
I think one of the regions we have embassy swaps with is set up with both CN and NS. I'll have to figure out which one it is, when i have time....

I also lost my bookmarks, when i upgraded my computer this week...


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.
Quote:In CN I am The Shaft of the NPO.A real hobnail boot type warrior kind of a bad ass who would just as much want to blow you to kingdom come as look at you if you are not a NPO or one of our alliies.
:lol: He speaks the truth! I also play CN. I :wub: it. I'm ParrrrTay *cough* warmonger *cough* there and I was a member of NPO for a long time, I'm now a member of Valhalla alliance. (Which is allied with NPO)

Alliances have their own forums and generally interact on mIRC and a main forum. It's a very active game.

I'd also be happy to answer any questions you have about CN.
Or we can turn tSP into our very own forum/board-based roleplaying game...
Brutland and Norden Factbook (work in progress - check for updates!) Smile

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