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Nation States GDP Calculation
I found this website: <a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>
you follow the instructions and it calculates your nations details by useing the variables in nation states. Works great, although some of the stuff is randomised.
Here is my summary:

Population: 399,000,000
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Imploded
GDP per Capita: $100
GDP: $39,900,000,000
National Budget: $5,216,925,000

And for my industrial puppet state:

Population: 369,000,000
Civil Rights: Rare
Economy: All-Consuming
GDP per Capita: $30,000
GDP: $11,070,000,000,000
National Budget: $3,082,817,880,000

Great stuff.
v.much fun GA!!!!for my nation i have...Population: 862,000,000Civil Rights: Very GoodEconomy: GoodGDP per Capita: $10,000GDP: $8,620,000,000,000National Budget: $2,070,937,760,000and for my colony i have...Population: 40,000,000Civil Rights: GoodEconomy: FairGDP per Capita: $5,000GDP: $200,000,000,000National Budget: $34,099,200,000

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Dick van Dyke Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 1,180,000,000Civil Rights: SuperbEconomy: StrongGDP per Capita: $12,500GDP: $14,750,000,000,000National Budget: $4,450,842,000,000 What a cool site. Good find, GA.
I have to say I don't quite agree with the way Pipian's calculator determines GDP and budget.Indeed, first, it takes in account civil rights ratings, whereas civil rights are absolutely not bound to the economy - just look at how Hitler succeeded economically with his level of civil rights.Also, it does not consider any possible additional (RPed) taxes for your budget, as well as (RPed) active population levels (who are the only ones to pay income taxes - AFAIK, babies don't pay income taxes).Finally, and more importantly, the correspondance between economy ratings and GDP per capita is very arguable.But these are, of course, only some thoughts...
<strong class='bbc'>The All Blacks Gross Domestic Product</strong>

Population: 1,306,000,000

Civil Rights: Excellent

Economy: Frightening

GDP per Capita: $35,000

GDP: $45,710,000,000,000

National Budget: $25,917,570,000,000

I'd be interested to know what options everyone chose...

here's my link:

<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>


as of 10/12/2003

Population: 1,528,000,000

Civil Rights: Excellent

Economy: Frightening

GDP per Capita: $35,000

GDP: $53,480,000,000,000

National Budget: $30,323,160,000,000
Quote:The All Blacks Gross Domestic Product
Economy: Frightening
GDP per Capita: $35,000
I always thought frightening was a bad thing, but I am jealous of your GDP. I guess your economy is just frightening to other countries who have to deal with you Smile
Yeah, me too. I was trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.... Then I gave up Big Grin Dredd
Here's mine...Aurellis Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 302,000,000Civil Rights: ExcellentEconomy: WeakGDP per Capita: $2,000GDP: $604,000,000,000National Budget: $93,318,000,000I've all but given up trying to revive the econony. Good thing I'm not the president Big Grin
Slackervania Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 1,337,000,000Civil Rights: World BenchmarkEconomy: GoodGDP per Capita: $10,000GDP: $13,370,000,000,000National Budget: $3,756,542,160,000And there ya go.
Fudgetopia Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 8,000,000Civil Rights: GoodEconomy: StrongGDP per Capita: $12,500GDP: $100,000,000,000National Budget: $25,374,600,000 seems okay for a new nation I guess!
Binky the Clown Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 137,000,000Civil Rights: SuperbEconomy: ReasonableGDP per Capita: $7,500GDP: $1,027,500,000,000National Budget: $242,235,180,000
Before I put my stats I would like to admit here and now that I am a NationStates junkie. So here goes:Music and Adoration Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 611,000,000Civil Rights: Below AverageEconomy: WeakGDP per Capita: $2,000GDP: $1,222,000,000,000National Budget: $143,487,240,000 Charma Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 419,000,000Civil Rights: FewEconomy: FairGDP per Capita: $5,000GDP: $2,095,000,000,000National Budget: $250,997,760,000 Phate Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 92,000,000Civil Rights: Unheard OfEconomy: Very StrongGDP per Capita: $15,000GDP: $1,380,000,000,000National Budget: $209,980,800,000 Jingleheimer Schmidt Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 92,000,000Civil Rights: SomeEconomy: Very StrongGDP per Capita: $15,000GDP: $1,380,000,000,000National Budget: $304,472,160,000 Knoblickia Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 86,000,000Civil Rights: SomeEconomy: PowerhouseGDP per Capita: $25,000GDP: $2,150,000,000,000National Budget: $661,408,800,00016 pound cannons Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 90,000,000Civil Rights: SomeEconomy: Very StrongGDP per Capita: $15,000GDP: $1,350,000,000,000National Budget: $297,853,200,000 I told you I was a junkie, with 6 nations.
wow bpr.okay i'm dumb i can't make it go. :glare: :wacko:
Quote:wow bpr.

okay i'm dumb i can't make it go.  :glare:  :wacko:
here Bisty... Try this:

<a class='bbc_url' href=''>The Free Land of Bistmath GDP</a>

how you do that? i tried that and they all came out zeros. :eyes: well, thanks to mp dredd here are my stats.Population: 893,000,000Civil Rights: SuperbEconomy: ReasonableGDP per Capita: $7,500GDP: $6,697,500,000,000National Budget: $1,578,949,020,000
Population: 699,000,000Civil Rights: Unheard OfEconomy: All-ConsumingGDP per Capita: $30,000GDP: $20,970,000,000,000National Budget: $5,078,095,200,000Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 18%Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 74.33%Military Budget: $3,774,600,000,000Enough for:121,369 F-15Es, or...188,730 Su-34s, or...200,776 F-16s, or...343,145 MiG 29s, or...877,813 M1A2 Abrams, or...1,258,200 T-90s, or...6,441,296,928 M-16s, or...12,582,000,000 AK47sI wonder if this military spending is appropriate for my region, considering that the military is basically our only priority.
My figures are not impressive, but I shall post them here anyway.Stagnant water Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 186,000,000Civil Rights: GoodEconomy: DevelopingGDP per Capita: $4,000GDP: $744,000,000,000National Budget: $118,590,624,000 Smile
Kremona's Stats
<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>

Kremona Gross Domestic Product
Population: 161,000,000
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Good
GDP per Capita: $10,000
GDP: $1,610,000,000,000
National Budget: $311,406,200,000

Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 6.77%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 35%
Military Budget: $108,992,170,000

Enough for:
3,504 F-15Es, or...
5,449 Su-34s, or...
5,797 F-16s, or...
9,908 MiG 29s, or...
25,347 M1A2 Abrams, or...
36,330 T-90s, or...
185,993,464 M-16s, or...
363,307,233 AK47s
Here are my stats
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Malajhaliza Gross Domestic Product</a>

Malajhaliza Gross Domestic Product

Population: 299,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,500
GDP: $3,737,500,000,000
National Budget: $743,321,475,000

Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 7.56%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 38%
Military Budget: $282,462,160,500

Enough For:
9,082 F-15Es, or...
14,123 Su-34s, or...
15,024 F-16s, or...
25,678 Mig-29s, or...
65,688 M1A2 Abrams, or...
94,154 T-90s, or...
482,017,338 M-16s, or...
941,540,535 Ak-47s Big Grin
Lincolndom Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 453,000,000Civil Rights: SuperbEconomy: StrugglingGDP per Capita: $3,000GDP: $1,359,000,000,000National Budget: $239,662,368,000 Hey I was going ok with my economy....what happened! Time to get some of my population out of University, off the beaches and get them into the workforce...damn lazy.....@*$%#!!!
Quote:how you do that? i tried that and they all came out zeros. :eyes:
so did mine bisty Sad can anyone help me pleaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee//??????????
Quote:<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' > how you do that? i tried that and they all came out zeros.? :eyes:
so did mine bisty Sad can anyone help me pleaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee//??????????
</blockquote>here you go Monkeybutts

<a class='bbc_url' href=''>The Monkeybutt Gross Domestic Product</a>

The biggest thing is to remember to use <strong class='bbc'>%20</strong> if there spaces in your country name

I.E. <!-- w --><a class='bbc_url' href=''></a><!-- w --><strong class='bbc'>%20</strong>all<strong class='bbc'>%20</strong>blacks

Lemme know if you need more help

i did that and go nothing *sigh*but thank you mp that is so great of you *gives mp big hug and sloppy kiss* :wub:
Quote:i did that and go nothing *sigh*

but thank you mp that is so great of you *gives mp big hug and sloppy kiss* :wub:
Any time :eyes:
Monkeybutts, darling here you go.The Monkeybutt Gross Domestic ProductPopulation: 253,000,000Civil Rights: Below AverageEconomy: FairGDP per Capita: $5,000GDP: $1,265,000,000,000National Budget: $184,588,800,000 Anything else you need?

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