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Dear nations of The South Pacific,After living in The North Pacific for a while, and seeing that the delegate there (Treenudity) gets almost no response when he asks ppl what to vote on UN-resolutions, I got a revolutionary idea: every nation should have a second-in-command!Some of the regions have delegates that have 500+ votes on a resolution, and that seems a bit out of proportion to me. I'm writing a proposal right now, to have delegates with a maximum of 300 votes, who can appoint a second-in-command that can have 150 votes. This way democracy will be broadened, since they will together reach more nations.Do you like this idea?Yours,The Ancient One (Paul)
First draft:Category: The Furtherment of DemocracyResolution name: Second-in-commandWeight: StrongDescription: The voting process in the UN has gotten out of hand; some of the delegates have 500+ votes now. To restore the democratic voting process, delegates get a maximum of 300 votes. A second-in-command has to be appointed who can have a maximum of 150 votes. Delegates and their appointed second-in-command nations will have to work closely together to convince their region's nations of their good intentions and will have to listen more closely to "the voice of the people".Yours,The Ancient One (Paul)
I'm confused. How would that change the low response to each proposal? It seems to me that you would still get the same people responding, except they would be responding to 2 delegates instead of one. Also, all of the hard work that delegates with large numbers of endorsements (i.e. Ladyrebels) have done would be diminished if they weren't getting UN votes out of it. The decisions of a few nations will still affect the UN population as a whole unless the lack of participation is addressed first.
Also you fail to note that UN resolutions cannot be used to change the way the game runs. I think this is too big a change for Max to do anything about it as a un resolution. Plus DvD has a good point, if people dont care, you cant really do much about it. Its not really much of a better situation over here anyway, only the active members actually have a say in weather the proposition is supported or not.
Dickvandyke and Greater Arkania, thank you for the reply!First of all, let me state that this proposal is not ment to crack down on the qualities or leadership of LadyRebels. I am perfectly happy with LR as delegate, and Treenudity of The NP is ok too.Second: it's a proposal. A proposal has to be supported by 6% of the UN-delegates before it becomes a resolution. And even then it can easily be 'shot down' by lack of support!However, I think voting is unfair at the moment. Take The NP for example: 550 UN-nations, Treenudity has 533 endorsements. That means if all countries vote against, and Treenudity would vote for, the ratio would be only 16 against (550-533+1 from Treenudity himself) Face it: it's a little out of hand to give 1 vote for every endorsement given.This should be maximalised to 300 (is my idea)LR would still be delegate, because the one with the most endorsements gets to be delegate. The only thing is, the endorsements above 300 won't give you votes anymore..Also, there's the second-in-command, who can have 150 votes.When applied to The SP, LR would lose about 20 votes, because the second-in-command votes can be "used" as well!About ppl not participating, there you both have a point. I'm still working on that, but there's probably no easy way to fix that!If Max doesn't like the proposal, or it would change the game too much, well than he can delete it before it could theoretically can become a resolution.Yours,The Ancient One (Paul)
Second draft:Category: The Furtherment of DemocracyResolution name: Second-in-commandWeight: StrongDescription: The voting process in the UN has gotten out of hand; some of the delegates have 500+ votes now.To restore the democratic voting process, delegates should be aided by a second-in-command, who has to be appointed by means of endorsement by the UN-members of the region. The second-in-command can obtain half the amount of votes of the delegate.The purpose of this change is to lessen the gap between the delegate and regular UN memberstates and to make sure that 'the will of the people' cannot simply be ignored by one single nation (the delegate). UN-delegates and the nations that are second-in-command will have to work closely together to convince their region's nations of the rightness of their decisions and in return memberstates will hopefully feel more committed to the work of the UN.Yours,The Ancient One (Paul)
AR, with all due respect, this proposal is pointless. It just makes things even more complicating than it is....
Dear Geomania,I'm sorry but I disagree with you on this point. Although it would make the game more difficult, it would also become more challenging (at least, that's my opinion).Therefor I have submitted the proposal to see if I can get the needed support.Maybe the moderators will delete it rightaway, because it suggests changes in the game.Hoping I haven't offended you, or any of the other splendid nations of The SP,Yours,The Ancient One (Paul)
Relax, you havent offended anyone, it is good you participate so much.

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