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Regional Holidays
I've been (with the assistance of Elu and Asta) researching the early history of TSP, trying to find out a couple of specific dates; namely when we first adopted the Charter, and when we gained independence from the Atlantic Central Command (a raider group that controlled TSP back in 2003). These haven't be easy to find as they are back in 2003, and the first TSP forums no longer exist, but I've been able to narrow them down.

I do not believe that it is possible to find the date for the original adoption of the Charter - I know it was created under Goddessness in June 2003, on the Killer Monkey forums, but as these forums no longer exist I can not find the date. I believe they went down sometime on July 3rd or 4th 2003, necessitating the creation of our previous forums. References in early threads there are made to the previous forums and the charter being taken from there. As such I'm substituting the date Goddessness gained the delegacy for this, as she led our first government and oversaw the adoption of the regional charter.

As such, I propose June the 2nd, the day she took the delegacy, be adopted as <em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'>Coalition Day</strong></em>, celebrating the creation of the Charter, the government, and the Coalition.

Second to this, I propose that we adopt the anniversary of Lady Rebels taking the delegacy, sometime between the 18th and 23rd of July 2003, as Independence Day. Having done so, and despite being a member of ACC, she refused to fly the ACC flag over the region as it had been before the anarchy surrounding the XYZ affair. She went on to lead the region into full independence, and oversaw the completion of the work begun under Goddessness and Monkey Killer when they created the regional government and the Charter. I have TG'd her asking if she has a more precise date, but in the meantime my suspected date will suffice.

As such, I propose July the 20th be adopted as <em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'>Independence Day</strong></em>, celebrating the regions freedom and the beginning of an independent TSP outside of UCR control.

I'm posting this now so that if anyone knows where we can find more precise dates we can do so, ready for the <em class='bbc'>ten year</em> anniversary of both The Coalition and our independence. We are the longest running government in the GCR's, and possibly all of nationstates. We have been under the Charter, modified over the years, since June 2003. Since our independence in July 2003, the region has been out of our hands for a mere 36 hours. These are facts worthy of celebration, and regional holidays to do so should be established.

<strong class='bbc'>Refernces</strong>

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[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
As an addendum to this, May 24th (the anniversary of the end of Sedge's 36 hours long Devonitians coup) should be adopted as <em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'>Liberation Day</strong></em>.
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
I'm in favor of this, and I thought about making the day of our liberation a holiday as well.
Works for me! I know LR has been MIA for about a month now. If I see her soon, Ill send her your way, Bel Smile
The Confederation of Rebel-topian Nations

[spoiler="Positions - Past and Present"]

Forum Administrator

TSP Chair of the Assembly (12/13 - Present)

TSP's Craziest (12/12 - 3/13 -- 8/13 - Present)
Former Vice Delegate under Belschaft (8/13 - 12/13)

Former General in the NSA (5/13 - 8/13)

Former Minister of Security in TSP (9/12 - 12/12)

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs in TSP (5/12 - 9/12)

The one and only minion of LadyRebels (Goodness I REALLY miss that woman!!)[/spoiler]

[spoiler="CRN Member Nations"]

[nation]Rebel-topia[/nation] | [nation]Rebel-topia of The South Pacific[/nation] | [nation]Rebel-topia the 2[/nation] | [nation]Rebel-topia III[/nation] | [nation]RebelT[/nation] | [nation]Rebeltopia[/nation] [/spoiler]
Farengeto is my new best friend!!!!


"If you're normal, the crowd will accept you. If you're deranged, they'll make you their leader." - Christopher Titus

No holiday regarding Jonson's first involvement? Tongue
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Quote:No holiday regarding Jonson's first involvement? Tongue
I lol'd.
Quote:No holiday regarding Jonson's first involvement? Tongue
Never Tongue

Though maybe one for the day when the write in votes finally see him elected craziest.
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
If we have holidays, are we gonna have days of mournin', too?

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

Another one to add would be <strong class='bbc'><em class='bbc'>Foundation Day</em></strong>, if anyone can remember what date Max added multiple feeders.

Edit: April 29th look like the probable date.
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Motion to vote?
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
We will actually need a formal proposal on this.
Indeed. Bels, as its yours, do you want to do the honours? I'll put something together if you like.
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Maybe hold off until the end of the week and just add to the omnibus bill? Or is this just going to be a law?
As I can't see anyone having major objections, I'd pass it as a separate act; that way you avoid the risk of losing it if the Omnibus fails.
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
*bumping this up to remind himself to draft it*
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Quote:Another one to add would be <strong class='bbc'><em class='bbc'>Foundation Day</em></strong>, if anyone can remember what date Max added multiple feeders.

Edit: April 29th look like the probable date.
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>It appears to be April 3rd, to me?</a>

What are these holidays envisioned as? A mention in the WFE? Or is there supposed to be some kind of event? If it is the latter, these all happen in the span of 3-4 months.
Quote:<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Belschaft">Another one to add would be <strong class='bbc'><em class='bbc'>Foundation Day</em></strong>, if anyone can remember what date Max added multiple feeders.

Edit: April 29th look like the probable date.
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>It appears to be April 3rd, to me?</a>

What are these holidays envisioned as? A mention in the WFE? Or is there supposed to be some kind of event? If it is the latter, these all happen in the span of 3-4 months.
Quote:v1.4 (<strong class='bbc'>29-Apr-03</strong>)


Nations created since opening: 285,000.

Many changes implemented over the last few months:

- Regional Control! Now spammers, grief players and other undesirables

can be dealt with by UN Delegates and region Founders.

- Better, automated cheatscan to handle UN violations

- Improved password security (previously used crypt() algorithm)

- Added anti-hack security, to defeat brute-force type password

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- Added search ability to UN proposals

- Nations now need 2 endorsements before submitting a UN proposal

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- Fixed major forum/MySQL problem that was choking the site (hooray)

- Added "NationStates 2" and "International Incidents" forums

- Forum now has moderators

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- Back to 21 days before inactive nations are purged

- Fixed notorious "0" e-mail bug in "Settings"

- Fixed notorious "Bad Request" HTML bug

- Many other minor bug fixes & improvements

- <strong class='bbc'>There are now several default Pacific regions for new players</strong>
I'm not entirely sure. I'd certainly add them to the forum calender, and some kind of celebration would be great.

And I can't really help that all the significant events happened in a four month slot Tongue
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Oh, I read Apr 03 wrong. TongueNo, I know the dates can't be changed. Just wondering what the goal was.
Good question. I don't really know, either.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

The first day I joined TSP as "Bringing Sexy Back Day"?
I am a member of the Committee for State Security. Yay safe region!
Feel free to PM me with any questions / concerns Smile

Former Vice Delegate, Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Regional Affairs, Minister of Justice, and Chief Justice
Quote:Question from Southern Bellz to me in December 2013 MoFA campaign:

Bizarre scenario: Unibot asked you a non-loaded question about TNI or the UDL. How would you react?
I really do not want 'Liberation Day' to be a holiday. Its not really a topic I want to be reminded of every year.
True, and I was about to suggest we make the opposite day of the year Liberation Day. Tongue

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

Is this getting anywhere near being moved to a vote, Bel?
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Well done Bel, this is really fantastic work! *applause*

As for multiple feeders... it's hard to stretch my memory back but I'm pretty sure my first nation was definitely in east/south/west/north pacific and not <em class='bbc'>the</em> pacific... and I have a national flag image dated 22/04/2003 so I am skeptical of an April 29th foundation day but I would still support it if there was a strong consensus.
Expat of TSP since 9th March 2013
I think SB's statement is reasonable. I think we should implement the other holiday proposals.We should also create a "Milograd Month" that celebrates my existence. :milo:

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