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Change in voting laws?
Our current law is this:

Quote:Voting Law:

The South Pacific, being a region founded upon the principles of Democracy, shall be committed to protecting and upholding the legitimacy of the Democratic process. As such, let the following be known:

1. Each nation shall have only one vote in all regional elections and matters of regional import.

2. Any nations suspected of casting multiple votes in an election or other important poll shall be immediately put on Trial, as per the Charter.

3. Nations pleading Guilty or No Contest to the charge of Voter Fraud shall be banned from the regional forums for a period of not less than 2 (two) months and no more than 6 (six) months, and banned from running for or holding public office for a period of no less than 6 (six) months. Their name shall be permanently added to a public list of offenders along with links to evidence of their actions and their Guilty plea.

4. Nations pleading Not Guilty that are found Guilty of the charge of Voter Fraud by a jury of their peers as per the Charter shall be banned from the region and the regional boards, permanently, and their name added to a public list of offenders along with a link to their Trial. Nations found Guilty are entitled to Appeal, given substantial new evidence in their favor or evidence of gross incompetence/bias on the part of their Defending Agent.

5. In all regional elections, no nation shall announce candidacy for more than one governmental position per election. The position of Secretary of Silly, which is not a governmental position, shall be exempt from this rule.

I think that votes should be typed out. This would bring two things to the region:

1) People would be accountable for their vote, it establishes a voting history that people can follow for future elections
2) It would prevent ambassadors and other people that shouldn't be voting from voting.

So assembly votes people would vote For or Against. I think for voting for people in positions though, it should stay the same.
We had moments in our history where we had some tensions in our region. At those moments it was crucial that people could vote anonimously and not be held accountable for their votes. And, quite frankly, I would like to keep it that way (the anonimous vote, not the tensions Tongue).So far we've tried to rule out people voting who shouldn't by putting them in the right permission mask. These are generally not a lot of people, as, for example, ambassadors who have a nation in the region are technically allowed to vote, I think. We could consider a public list of the voting base, but it means a lot of work as you not only have to keep track of who comes, but also of who goes. Which means you have to set up rules as to what constitutes "gone". A possibility could be a sign-in list that gets cleared after each election, such that everyone who participates in between two election cycles has the right to vote.The underlying question is, of course, do you suspect there currently are people voting who shouldn't?
I wouldn't be against such a move.My concern, with regard to elections especially, is the personal effects on the candidates and who they are going to cope knowing exactly who voted against them.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Well there was this lovely chaos in TEP</a> over anon voting/vote stacking over a liberate region.

And Tsu, i think any politician, either here or in RL has grown a thick enough skin to deal with detractors. We can't please everyone in RL, so why would we expect that here?


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.
I agree with mav on that fact that everyone can't be pleased. I am pretty happy about the way everyone in TSP has treated each other even when we all have disagreed on the best way to go about things.I honestly feel people should be accountable for their vote, the bonus is that this may prevent fraud as well. What is the point of being able to hide your vote? That you don't have to defend your opinion? If anything being to do that in TSP will make us better when interacting on the world NS stage.The thing about the masks is I don't want to discourage anyone from having their say and their voice heard here.
Quote:<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Well there was this lovely chaos in TEP</a> over anon voting/vote stacking over a liberate region.
yeah, I got pretty annoyed Tongue
Why do you find it important to hold people accountable for their vote?I like to know your reasoning because I find it very important NOT to be held accountable of your vote. The point of not having to do so is that people can vote without fear for repercussions. That you can vote without having to think how a vote for or against someone might influence your relation with that person. That you can vote without having to worry how your vote is taken/interpreted by the rest of the region.
That case was different then here (I believe) - TEP had an influx of citizens (who were often accepted with semi-complete applications), and it appeared as though they became citizens just to alter TEP's vote in the WA
My vote is my own and if I don't wish for others to know how I voted I think it should be that way.I vote on almost every issue that effects TSP if my vote will be published I will no longer vote. I remember that when the Pacific was going more main stream there was a great deal of fighting going on around here. People acting as though those who didn't agree with them had no right to bring up their objections. Why should I be made to account for how I vote who is anyone to judge me. We are already suppose to have a system where a person can only vote once in any election or on an issue so I see no need to be made accountable for my vote. Correct me if I am wrong on this but I seem remember a bit of contention about that isse as well.
Former Delegate of The South Pacific
I don't disagree with considering these sort of changes but I don't think this is right for TSP
I would prefer for us to maintain a list of eligible voters, as tsrill suggested, and then have the member groups set up so that only those people can vote in polls. That'd allow anonymity, while also ensuring we don't have outsiders coming in to influence our votes. The only downside is the extra work it'd be to maintain such a list.
I agree with Tsrill and Sedge. I would far rather we have anonymity in our voting. In my opinion, it is better for the community to keep that level of trust between and among our members.
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When the laws are used to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society -- the farmers, mechanics, and laborers -- who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their government -- Andrew Jackson

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