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A Proposal to the South Pacific
Then perhaps the justice department can come up with some sort of list yes? A good set of rules, will allow due procces to be observed.
i would tend to agree with the general consensus.. Yes the accountability.Yes the consensus.I do think that a section should be put down for ejections, nominations for ejections.At least the other nations could see and object if they so wished...I also believe that only majority vote from cabinet, should result in ejection from the region, we are after all a democracy..........
If we have a section for ejections everybody who comes here will think we are some sort of tyrannts abstractly ejecting poeple based on less that 1% of the people in the SP.
Actually, I agree that it is a matter for Justice - drawing up a list of bootable offenses, post it and allow a week for comment/debate, then bring it [the List of offences] before Cabinet, for passage into legislation.

The "official warnings" page should be listed and pinned with Justice as well ... with the name of the 'offending' nation and number of warning {only if it is a second? or final? warning - everyone is entitled to a second chance and first warnings should be delivered more discreetly, but remain on [?locked?] record with Justice}.

:glare: :eyes: ... a Gold Dragon's worth ...
GA, it's not like we're not allowing people to join the forums. yes the population of the boards is only 1% of the SP, but that is not ultimately up to us. we can plead with new nations to join, (i generally have been sending out a note to all nations i see joining the SP) we can advertise on the board at the SP. But it is really up to the individual nations to join us here. as long as the pages are advertised and the members have the possibility of discussion, we are not tyrants.
Well now our Government at work on this already hahahaha, sometimes it helps to get things flowing don't it? and as for the nations joining the SP forums, I am trying, to telegarms all the Nations in the South Pacific with the general information such as this telegram,

Hello Great Leader of CW-8943,

I do hope that you are enjoying the game, I would like to take the time to say hello and also to invite you to the South Pacific Forums, the address is

<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>?

if you have time that is, and I hope that you are having a nice day/evening/night Smile I do hope that I covered all the bases Smile

The Queen of LadyRebels
Delegate of the South Pacific, at this time Smile


do you have any idea how hard that can be when you are going through about 5000 nations, but I am trying to at least hit about 10 pages a day with this telegram........*eyes crossing time for sleep, oh yes sleep, it is a good thing, does a body good, well a mind anyway Smile*
My nation is in agreement with this motion so long as it may be amended by the cabinet if the power is misused in the future.
Quote:I would agree with that, this way the problem can be solved immediately while the need for accountability would still be addressed.
I second that. I think that on the second warning posted to them, the message sent should carry that their nation is to be posted on a Forum to give them the chance to be accountable for their actions. After this attempt and if it continues - well strike three and they are out!

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