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Bulletin International News: SkyDip steps down from Delegacy of Europeia
International News: SkyDip steps down from Delegacy of Europeia
Arnhelm, Europeia
The Bulletin: Believe everything you read.

Just before the zombie crisis struck NationStates, former Europeian WA Delegate SkyDip announced that he would be resigning from his office as Europeia's WA Delegate, for reasons that are hitherto unknown.


[Image: skydip__427904.jpg]
SkyDip, looking slightly like Freddy Krueger, delivering his resignation message to Europeia


The recent elections have already sparked controversy with one (illegal/unofficial) candidate, who goes by the name of Conservative United States of America or "CUSA", managing to annoy most of Europeia by, as put by one particularly irritated RMBer, "offering political fanaticism, pure stupidity and a fundamental lack of knowledge on how NS works". Here are some examples of this:



i would make a good delegate. i have a conservative backbone and a conservative heart BUT do respect others. i will be a good delegate and maybe one day even become founder.

integrity is what this region needs. i offer integrity and honestness.

i will make sure europeia has a strong defence and strong educate system. as delegate I will build a leaner army in my nation and all nations

Particularly ridiculous statements have been emphasised. After having ignored the repeated advice of many on the RMB, CUSA is now about as welcome as diarrhoea in a swimming pool.


[Image: george-bush_1239113c.jpg]
CUSA begs the question: "Is our Europeians learning?"


However, Europeia could still be saved from falling into the bottomless pit of Nazi transvestites woeful representation in the WA, as Notolecta, a long-time Europeian, and another candidate, Environmental Warrior, have brought experience to the table of candidacy, and so the race is now on between them and other candidates, such as Zenny. Many of the cats in Arnhelm have also reported seeing Mousebumples, a veteran WAer, return to Europeia, allowing them once again to perform cartoon slapstick comedy together. The Presidential cat, Tiddles, is yet to comment on Mouse's return, but we assume he is pleased by the news.


[Image: tom_and_jerry.jpg]
Europeia drags Mousebumples back into its grasp


So how will Europeia fare after the elections conclude? Will she get a Delegate whose intellect is similar to that of Homer Simpson, or will she get her knight in shining armour to save the region from said incompetent buffoon?

Written by Matthew Vinage, of Her Nordic Majesty's Ministry of Information.




P.S. I'm posting this here instead of McM because it's my first article for The Bulletin. I apologise if it's not up to the same standard. McM will probably post the next Bulletin article. Oh, and this is my point of view, not Balder's.

[Image: communist_quinntopia_smiley.gif]Communist
[Image: communist_quinntopia_smiley.gif]
The Rt. Hon. Matthew Vinage-Sovetskie EEN OR4 WE3
[Image: matthew_vinage-sovetskie_zpsfa186baf.png]

Loved the article! Good luck on the election. 

Kris Kringle

Vice Delegate of the South Pacific - 
Forum Administrator
Deputy Minister of Communications and Integration (former) - Minister of Foreign Affairs (former)

Kringle's What? Moment: [01:32] Then let's have breakfasts at night between the Delegate and Vice Delegate

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