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Just wondering....
After declaring we all research a cure during the Zombie Apocolypse and having our delegate embrace the zombies and utter "Don't worry. I have a plan!" statements during the event but was cured before the plan could come to fruition, is the delegate in violation of Section 2 of the charter:

  1. The Delegate may not surrender the sovereignty of the Coalition to any group or alliance without the express permission of the Assembly.
<p style="margin:0px;">in his attempts to destroy the region in killing as many civilians he could with zombie hoards? Was there a real plan discussed with anyone as to why he was developing zombies? Extermination of your population would be surrendering to an outside group in my eyes.

Former Chief Justice of the South Pacific

[Image: vipersig.jpg]
Clearly it's time to raise against recall the undead traitor. Zombie hoards are a weapon of mass destruction, so we should also set up a tribunal and summarily execute whoever gave the orders.

[Image: wwzB8Av.png]
minister of foreign affairs

The few survivors of [nation]Eluvataran Outback[/nation] join in the outrage.

Life to the undead Delegate! LIFE TO BELSCHAFT!
[Image: HuoZhaoDao.png]
Burn them!
I think this calls for more than a resignation, I mean what Bel has done is an atrocity of the levels that can only be compared to Stalin's murder of 20 million Russians. 


What say we to an execution by firing squad?



Not only Bel but Max the creator of Z-Day should be drawn and quartered for creating a mini-game that impinges on the rights of the TSP to be free of such shenanigans and horrific monstrosities of which the equilateral distance between osmosis and permeation of the inevitable have been deductively imposed upon the judicious and frutitious....






The South Pacific


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