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Balder's Government Shuts down
[big]Speaker of the Riksdag holds the Government hostage![/big]
The Riksdag, 9:18PM
The Bulletin: Believe everything you read.

Speaker of the Riksdag, by Night continues to hold the government of Balder hostage after negotiations between the Riksdag and the Winter Palace broke down this afternoon.

[Image: tumblr_me3vnrDpD71qg6zuso1_500.jpg]
her Nordic Majesty, Queen Rachel during her meeting with by Night

"Given the strong feelings on both sides about this, it's also possible to take a more collaborative approach." said Queen Rachel in her 20 minute meeting with Speaker By Night "It's important that we reach a compromise so that the Government can continue to operate efficiently and that government bodies can reopen without unnecessary delay"

by Night continues to refuse to compromise on the debate in his bid to portray the Administration as failing and the unpopular legislature as the alternative executive government of the region.

[Image: 090105_boehner,+Orange.jpg]
Speaker by Night blames the Rachel Administration for the Riksdag.

"Queen Rachel's administration continues to wrack up the regional debt. We cannot continue to raise the debt ceiling, it just isn't sustainable. Rachelcare has got to go. The Riksdag will push ahead with this plan and if necessary, we will take all executive power away from the Queen and her ministers until we get our way. The Riksraadet is to blame for the failures and inactivity of the Riksdag, not the Riksdag itself, that would be absurd" said by Night with a stamp of his foot

Oil baron and power hungry tycoon Zeorus has been playing the field.

[Image: FE_DA_1030_Donald_Trump_1425x283.jpg]
Zeorus has been keeping at least one person satisfied

"As a member of the Riksdag and Riksraadet this debate can only benefit me and my constituents. The more power and authority I have in both positions, then the more authority I can snatch away from other members of the region. Only I am trustworthy and competent enough to hold such power" cackled Zeorus.

While the Administration of her Nordic majesty, Queen Rachel continues to score in the high 80's in the approval ratings and the Riksdag holds less faith in the electorate than faeces being good for the skin and the theory that NES is big foot (13%), by Night continues to hold the region hostage in this power struggle. In this battle between palace and Riksdag, the citizens of the realm, are the ones that truly suffer.

Written by her Nordic Majesties, Ministry of Information.
mind me saying but that photo is from the movie Tudors; that's Queen Anne Boleyn. Just saying..but great update

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