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An Analysis of NationStates Generations
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Link on Jolt</a>

Quote:<strong class='bbc'>An Analysis of NationStates Generations</strong>[/SIZE]

[size0]Contributed by Unibot

[size0]<em class='bbc'>"Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." George Orwell</em></span></span>

I?ve been thinking about doing an anthropologic analysis of NationStates generations for a while now. This isn?t a complete analysis by any means. Furthermore I do not know the history of NationStates as one would if I had ACTUALLY been there, so please correct me if I make a mistake. I use a theory of generational archetypes that I find works with the generations, if you are unfamiliar with this system; I have copied an explanation of the generational archetypes for you from a <a class='bbc_url' href=''>wiki article</a>. The basis of these archetypes is on the notion that the dispositions of generations repeat with the cycles of human events.

<em class='bbc'>

[size0]<strong class='bbc'>Prophet/Idealist.</strong> A Prophet (or Idealist) generation is born during a High, spends its rising adult years during an Awakening, spends midlife during an Unraveling, and spends old age in a Crisis. Prophetic leaders have been cerebral and principled, summoners of human sacrifice, wagers of righteous wars. Early in life, few saw combat in uniform; late in life, most come to be revered as much for their words as for their deeds.

<strong class='bbc'>Nomad/Reactive.</strong> A Nomad (or Reactive) generation is born during an Awakening, spends its rising adult years during an Unraveling, spends midlife during a Crisis, and spends old age in a new High. Nomadic leaders have been cunning, hard-to-fool realists, taciturn warriors who prefer to meet problems and adversaries one-on-one.

<strong class='bbc'>Hero/Civic.</strong> A Hero (or Civic) generation is born during an Unraveling, spends its rising adult years during a Crisis, spends midlife during a High, and spends old age in an Awakening. Heroic leaders are considered to have been vigorous and rational institution-builders, busy and competent in old age. All of them entering midlife were aggressive advocates of technological progress, economic prosperity, social harmony, and public optimism.

<strong class='bbc'>Artist/Adaptive.</strong> An Artist (or Adaptive) generation is born during a Crisis, spends its rising adult years in a new High, spends midlife in an Awakening, and spends old age in an Unraveling. Artistic leaders have been advocates of fairness and the politics of inclusion, irrepressible in the wake of failure.



<strong class='bbc'><span class='bbc_underline'>The Generations of NationStates and their Archetypical Representations</strong></span></span>

Protogonus Generation (Pioneers)= Hero/Civic

Zelus Generation  (Afterwards creation, preceding baby boom) = Artist/Adaptive

Proteus Generation (Pre Influence) = Prophet/Idealist

Lotophagi Generation (Post Influence) = Nomad/Reactive

Theseus Generation (Post WA + Decline) = Hero/Civic


Hypothesized ?Raleigh Generation? (Post-Revival?) = Artist/Adaptive   

[size0]<strong class='bbc'><span class='bbc_underline'>Archetypical Events in the course of NationStates History</strong></span></span>

Crises= Creation, the disbandment of the UN, the Great Decline

Awakenings= Regional Influence

Unraveling= the humdrum years following Regional Influence, cultural disintegration

High = the culture renaissance of NS (preceding Influence), the inclusion of multiple feeder regions to account for the Baby Boom. 

[size0]<strong class='bbc'><span class='bbc_underline'>A Brief Analysis of the NationStates Generations</strong></span></span>

<strong class='bbc'>Protogonus Generation</strong>

Very few of these veterans still exist; they are the pioneers of the game. They came to NationStates like Columbus with a great discovery, and conquered the world like Napoleon. They forged the first regions, and experimented with the first social societies and organizations. The generation?s main function was establishing systems, and new regions. A good real world example would be the Republican Generation (though George Washington was born a few years before it) that led the revolutionary war. The Protogonus had a remarkably low life expectancy, just over 21 days on average (deletion due to inactivity was 21, not 28 days in this era).

Some NationStates examples of the Protogonus Generation are,

<em class='bbc'>Maxtopia (Sir Protogonus himself)

Ineptia (Founder of the Heartland)

The Bruce (Founder of Wysteria)

Cupertino (Founder of Farkistan) </em>

<strong class='bbc'>Zelus Generation </strong> 

These players arrived to the game with fresh individualistic ideas to a slowly progressing NationStates world. Under their direction, NationStates exploded with a cultural renaissance. They were also easily frightened of crises. With their involvement, a baby boom progressed. These explorers of the modern world found that NationStates needed a bit more creativity, and added greatly to the already established systems, created new ones, and tried to bring order and righteousness to them, they were enthusiastic players. A real world example that correlates back to the Zeluses would be, the silent generation, that were a hard working group of people, known to be strong activists, though also were criticized for being ?withdrawn, cautious, unimaginative, indifferent, unadventurous and silent.?. The Zeluses improved on the life expectancy of their forefathers, and played the game with more consistency, their averaged life expectancy was 58 days.

One self "diagnosed" Zelus and notorious roleplayer, Automagfreek, commented on his generation, it's history, the great decline and the future with a lot of passion that I think will connect with fellow zeluses. I encourage you took take a further <a class='bbc_url' href=''>look</a>.

Some NationStates examples of the Zelus Generation are...

<em class='bbc'>Frisbeeteria             

The Most Glorious Hack




1 Infinite Loop (opened the original NS flag Service)</em>

<strong class='bbc'>Proteus Generation</strong>

This generation arrived in a baby boom that naturally followed the cultural renaissance of NationStates. They found themselves in a very developed world, with several different demographics and styles of play. Many players frolicked in the wide variety of organizations and institutions that had been created by their forefathers. However there was an increasingly large dispute over Influence, which divided them from their conservative predecessors. There also seems to be prevalent liking of humor, which stemmed from this generation. As for a main function, expansion was one the underlining principles under the Proteus Generation?s prevalent years. The mod conspiracy theories stems from this generation, but flourished in the Lotophagi generation. The best example of a Proteus Generation in Real Life would be the Baby-boomers, who alienated authority and were the first to really relish in the life style of a ?teenager?. After the "Awakening", they died away fairly quickly, and became very conservative in their manner and roleplays (focusing on mostly Real Tech and strict political guidelines). This shift to realism might have been caused by the turbulence of the age, but no matter what, it obviously was a factor in the Great Decline. This could correlate back to real life, with the radical teenagers of the 60's becoming business oriented "yuppies" of the later years. The Proteuses had a lower life expectancy then the Zeluses, and on average, players died away at 49 days. This drop in the expectancy could be due to the overwhelming amount of expendable puppets at the time created for roleplays.

One Proteus describes his memories of the generation...

<em class='bbc'>"While we were the newbies in the RP world at the time, it seems to me at least that we quickly came to dominate it, along with the more motivated '03 posters. (In II the so-called Proteus Generation gave rise to posters such as Praetonia, Doomingsland, The Kraven Corporation, etc.) Oddly enough, while we tried to break the rules a lot starting out, we later on became the most conservative of the generations so far, nearly flattening the political landscape before disappearing from the scene, mostly due to RL obligations. (Or something.) Nowadays it's hard to find a Proteus who's still active enough to count; even in the General Forum they're gradually dying off -- generally those who stay in the UN or become moderators last the longest. As far as generations go, though, it has a shorter staying power (only 2-3 years) than any of the two that preceded it, although longer than the succeeding generation's (which can be less than 2 years on average)."</em>

Some NationStates examples of the Proteus Generation are...

<em class='bbc'>Flibbleites



Evil Wolf</em>

<strong class='bbc'>Lotophagi Generation</strong>

Afterwards the cultural disintegration following Regional Influence?s activation, new nations found old organizations to join. Cultural progress is at an all-time low. There is a slow steady decline of population in this era, (NS looses about 45% of its size over two or so years). At this point in time, some start talking about a possible sequel. The residents become apathetic, if one went to the technical forum with a suggestion for the game his answer back would be ?the mods already turned that down, so it?s not going to happen? within a few minutes of posting. This generation found that gaining respect among players, becoming influential and savoring distinguished autonomies was important. Many of the players on NationStates are probably in a real world generation such as Lotophagi, but don?t even know it. Generation X would be a suitable example of such. One Lotophagi explained his generation's existence as a fairly ignored one, because they're <em class='bbc'>"not old enough to be well regarded by the ancients and not young and brash enough to demand the attention of the Theseids"</em>. Also adding that <em class='bbc'>"they make a decadent playground of the mouldering monuments of a once grand civilisation for which they have a unjustified nostalgia, since they never experienced the Apotheosis at first hand. They are the Byzantines, Spain under Phillip IV, The Sassanians, The Late Hellenistic Kingdoms, The Mannerist and Baroque periods of 17th century Italy e.t.c"</em>. The Lotophagi had the longest of life expectancies out of the generations, with 81 days on average. This depicts the generation as being the most dedicated base of players.

Some NationStates examples of the Lotophagi Generation are...

<em class='bbc'>Todd McCloud





<strong class='bbc'>Theseus Generation</strong>

The most recent of generations, these nations we?re born in an apathetic world that had been thrown on its side. Societies had been totally destroyed with a mysterious great decline, and the UN exploded into an ?extra-dimensional fireball? to be replaced by a newfangled successor, the World Assembly. Many players of this generation find themselves lost on where to join, with a world that has been spread thin of dieing ideologies and playing styles, without the population to support it (as if a disease has ravaged through and sucked the meat off the belly of the beast, leaving only a skeleton). With a crisis emerging, their generation will do what it is necessary to fight through it, with a creative driven passion and determination. They at times don?t realize it, but with a crisis at hand, Theseuses have been raised to preserve what they can, as well as revive, restore and bring back the game with all its glory and might. This generation is in complete correlation with the real life generation that is edging on university age no doubt, the Millennials! It would be interesting to see if real world events such as Obama?s inauguration had an effect on NationStates. Though the generation has not yet finished its prevalent years, a rough life expectancy is calculated at 37 days on average. Much lower than previous generations, and obviously a sign of the Great Decline.

Some NationStates examples of the Theseus Generation are...

<em class='bbc'>New South Hell

Unibot (Author of this amazing analysis)

Mayor for Life



5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.
Seems to be have been edited.

Quote:Raleigh Generation

A fresh, new generation which has joined a reborn NationStates. Inspired by the creativity, and the rapidity surrounding these turbulent years - they'll live it up! In most debates, the Raleigh's will side with the younger, 'hipper' Theseuses in debates, and be the ones that fill their older brother's new found institutions' memberlists - but they will receive their authority and learning from the Lotophagi, which is a particularly un-existentialist generation to receive an education from, and thus the Raleigh's won't be as particularly action-driven as the Theseuses were but instead, rule driven. Their chapter will be the institution 'cultivational' years of NationStates, with these new areas of the game being hoisted on the shoulder's of the Thesuses, expect the Raleigh's to play upon their shoulder's in the biggest playground that NationStates has ever seen - people will look back at this period of time as one of the golden ages of the game. The Great Revival. The new rules of the functioning playground will be made up by the Raleigh's with the help of their educators, the Lotophagi.

I would define a Raleigh as anyone who wasn't around to participate on the Jolt Forums (actually choosing to participate on the Jolt Forums is an entirely different matter however...) - therefore making this quick, turbulent environment of the newfound, beta forums - the only environment that the Raleigh's have ever known.

Some NationStates examples of the Raliegh Generation are...

Give it some time.

(Dates of Emergence, May 1 2009 - And Beyond, anyone who was not in the game when the Jolt forums were the official forums - in all of its ad-ridden bad karma anti-gloriousness !)
Quote:Predicting the Future of NationStates

Using this model, I can lay out a prediction of the future. The Theseus generation will convince other significant members of the generational landslide that a course of action needs to be taken to combat the Great Decline. Consider this time an epic battle of ideologies, generational rivalries, and a rebirth of social institutions. Older, wiser and well respected members of NationStates will awake from their pedestals, and feel compelled to help the cause. The Lotophagi will be hesitant of such changes, and for the most part let the crisis be averted by others. Not out of ignorant lethargy, but out of social apathy and a love for a system they don?t understand fully, or truly know. This hesitation is a logical one, the last time the system was changed it led to the Great Decline (regional influence). Zelus and Proteus generations may have a hard time distinguishing the movement behind these changes from the ones that brought forth the initial awakening. In the coming months, systems will be revamped, or scrapped and replaced with something more efficient.

The Theseuses will carve their way into NationStates history with new social institutions and game mechanics that bring about a NationStates revival. There is a relative calmness for a while, the Raleigh generation emerges. Their populace is a homogeneous one, which partakes in only a few different demographics, silent and forgettable. But their existence is welcomed by the Theseuses who had worked hard to see such arrivals and new blood. Ralieghs will find themselves befriended and taught by Lotophagies, who are as lost in this new and brave face of NationStates as the newborns. Their doctrine of stability, knowledge and authority will drive the Ralieghs to enforce strict new social rules in their prevalent years. In the coming months of mid 2010, the young and fresh Alaric generation will materialize. With their arrival marks a new age of imagination which helps to expand on the world forged by the Theseuses and the Ralieghs, but also instigates a huge change to the game?s mechanics. Around 2012, a magnificent alteration to the game will carry a huge price, as Alaricods and Ralieghs argue over its creation, popular institutions will become outdated with the changes. Creativity and populace will decline once again, worse than in the original great decline. Imagine NationStates falling like Rome. The Zhuangzi generation will slowly fill NationStates hollowed halls, echoing generations before it, as they attempt to put the pieces back together like a gigantic puzzle. The Alaricods and the Ralieghs will drop out of attendance with the fruitless attempts of the Zhuangzi to put back together its troubled world. NationStates will die a slow lingering death and will never reach its cyclic heroes, the Croatoan generation scheduled to arrive in early 2016.

One has to remember that NationStates will be very different in 2016. There will be a few distinctive demographics, and many failed projects. New features such as Regional Issues, and a glorious new systems for delegacy will be abroad. Predicting NationStates in six years is about the equivalent of guessing what Earth will look like in 110 years. Also one has to consider the possibility that the Internet will change, in six years, a lot of technological progresses can happen, as well as a possible NS3 sequel (shudder...) that could drain the Croatoan populace's attention from NS1.


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.

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