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MOTION - Electoral Reform
The People's Republic of Imrie hereby proposes that all cabinet posts must be democratically elected and that an unopposed candidate should not automatically be installed in their chosen post.Currently there are two posts with a single candidate, and one with none at all.The People's Republic of Imrie proposes that if any of these posts do not have at least two declared candidates by the time that voting opens then there should be no vote on these particular posts until a later date.All of us have a duty to make ALL nations in the South Pacific aware of this website and these elections. I hope you will all join me in spreading the word.
The People's Republic of Slackervania supports Imrie on this, with qualifications. Our region cannot operate with certain Secretarial positions being unfilled because of lack of candidates. Slackervania proposes that if there is not more than one candidate for certain positions within 36 hours of an election, that nations be allowed to make nominations of those they feel would be up to the task. In the meantime, I'll be doing everything I can to make this site and these elections known on the regional message board.
can i ask what the Secretary of the Region's responsibilities are??? because the main reason i wouldnt immediately rush to go in there an put up my campign would be cos i dont know what the hell im campaigning for!!!! any ways if one of you guys could get bak to me on that one that would be cool.Delegate of Rajargajan
The People's Republic of Imrie accepts Slackervania's ammendment to the motion and notes that only two posts now have single candidates.Check out the charter for the role of Secretary of the Region.By the way I can't seem to get logged on properly!
I disagree completely with this proposal.Not only am I currently the only unopposed canidate, but I oppose it because it is silly.Everyone has a chance to run. Because no one else is intrested in the position I'm running for, I should not be punished? And, if anyone is deeply against the only candidate running for the position, then they can run for it can't they? That's part of the democratic process.Second, if other nations are nominating people, a nation that does not want the position may end up with the position. There they will not preform the function and we will be in trouble.Currently, (as I wrote in the charter as I find this to be the best solution) if no one runs for the office, then the delegate can appoint people. We already trust him with the region - can't we trust him with the appointment of his advisors if needed?As with all proposals, I will wait for one more agreement. Providing that happens, I will change it immedately.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


I have a proposition to make. I don't know if this is what Tsunamy's shooting for, but here it goes:The Dominion of Aurellis proposes that while voting for any office, as long as there is at least one candidate there should be a "No Confidence" option (I believe this is done in Russia). What this does is that if the majority of votes are registered for "No Confidence," the race for that office is declared null and void, and the results are discarded. The Vice President (or other nation appointed by the UN Delagate) will assume responsibility while a second election for the contested office is conducted. If the results are the same for the second election, then the UN Delagate will appoint a nation to serve as Secretary until the next election.If no one runs for an office, then the UN Delegate shall appoint an official to serve as Secretary until the next election.Submitted on this July 7th, two thousand two, by Premier Arthur Williams, Delegate from the Dominion of Aurellis
While I thakn you for what I believe is your support, no that's not what I was looking at.I was looking at this concept:If you don't like who's running for the position - run yourself! Anyone can run. If you don't run then there should be no complaining. Simply that.Whoever runs - runs. Whoever doesnt - doesnt. And because you don't like someone doesnt mean we should not vote for them.I'm sorry this is how I feel. If only one candidate runs, there need not be a vote and that's that. The only person that runs will get it.For instance, Imrie, if you don't think it's right for me to run unopposed - bring it. Run for the same position. It's the basis of representitive democracy.I'm not taking personal offense to this, but as I said in my first post, I think this whole idea is silly.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."



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