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December Bloodletter 2013
<p class="bbc_center">Kavinsky - Odd Look ft. The Weeknd

[Image: HVN9AEV.png]
Image originally by ckmoore on deviantart

Unknown Bloodletter

December 2013 Edition


[Image: tumblr_mw0v07iS5N1rx0gnvo1_250.gif]


[Image: Directory2.png]

Archempress: Elindra Kshrlmnt Dion Diablessa

The Voice: Ahntong

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Avakael

Minister of Internal Affairs: Erebos Janmaren

Minister of Culture: Anubis

High Archbishop: Captain General Shepard


[Image: DionBroadcastingCorporation2.png]

I suppose it's time for our mandatory article about how big we seem to be getting as a region. There's always plenty of reasons why we've grown so fast and I'm pretty sure I've hit the nail on the head with this one.

[Image: tumblr_mt6mpq8oEs1svx9hco5_r1_500.gif]

In all seriousness, though, we've still got lots of work to do. The new nations haven't necessarily translated to forum activity; we are also working to be better role models as actual government people to ensure that new entrants to the government have the right idea on what and how much stuff they should be doing. This is difficult as we are terrible role models in the first place, but whatever.


[Image: ElectionZone.png]

The election cycle once again occurred. Indeed, it actually occurred almost on time for once. Some Incognitans were confused as to why elections had occurred after just 2 months instead of 6- until it was explained that elections are actually supposed to occur every 2 months and that we've been told that our contempt for democracy isn't a good enough excuse to not do it properly.

Anyway, after Elindra finished filling out all of our ballots for us, we wound up with a government that was more or less the same as the one we already had- with the notable change of Anubis as our new Minister of Culture instead of Captain General Shepard. Anubis is a relative newcomer to our region and we wish him only the best of luck in working out why the carpet in his office smells like cat pee.


[5:05:24 PM] Erebos Janmaren: Wanted is nothing like banged.


[Image: technical.png]

Unknown has officially reorganized the absolute %#@& out of the offsite forum after having won the FRA's "least mobile-device-friendly forum in NationStates" award for the second year running., with its 10,000 pixel long index page, 10mb+ worth of unnecessary images and a uniquely "difficult to look at when the sunlight is bouncing off the screen" default skin, completely cleaned out the competition after a two week long series of nominations, selections and voting.

The reorganization has cut down the number of forums on the index page from more than 40 to just 11, consolidating what were previously entire categories of forums underneath single subheadings, with the current record being 16 index level subforums consolidated under one index level subforum (underneath yet another new level of 4 subforums). Many citizens were astounded at just how small the forum now seemed to be, considering the changes to be "kinky".

Incognitan officials were reportedly disappointed that their own region won instead of whatever region Tyler happens to be running right now, but judges ruled that a forum being completely full of pretentious preteens was a hazard that affected users of all computers, not just smart phones and tablets.


[Image: marketstt_zpse93a0247.png]

Incognitans were amused to discover a couple of weeks ago that Blackwater Tavern was under new management. The pub, which hadn't a single customer in nearly two years, was purchased by the founder of the newly rebooted Renegade Islands Alliance, Shizensky. The change of hands is one of a string of purchases of raider oriented watering holes by defenders, an inexplicable trend given that defenders have never been known for frequenting taverns, and that almost all of the establishments have been woefully unprofitable.

Police are continuing to investigate why Shizensky has failed to provide the agreed upon money for the tavern, and have lodged a dispute claim with PayPal on the matter. However, insiders in the apparent scam have said that Shizensky never intended to pay for the pub, because if he paid for it he wouldn't be able to redevelop the site with the planned Alliance Defense Network Memorial Apartment Complex, a vital development to help house the ever increasing population of the Renegade Islands Alliance.


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Thanks for the Update! Good luck with promoting new generations of leadership. Smile

Kris Kringle

Vice Delegate of the South Pacific - 
Forum Administrator
Deputy Minister of Communications and Integration (former) - Minister of Foreign Affairs (former)

Kringle's What? Moment: [01:32] Then let's have breakfasts at night between the Delegate and Vice Delegate

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