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<a class='bbc_url' href=''>10 Confessions</a>

First of all, if you have no knowledge of telemarketing, I'd say that 90% of telemarketing calls come from centers, not the business itself. I have no way to test that statistic, but seeing as the centers I worked for were part of corporations that took clients like Bank of America, Westinghouse, EA Games, Siemens, etc and had centers all over the world, only the small fry do it themselves.

These days telemarketing reps are mostly pawns. Most of them only know enough about the product or service they're selling to read you a script and rebuttal some simple questions you might have. They don't pick their number. Most centers run on an auto-dialer that recycles lists of numbers monthly.


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.
I think the point that these are people making minimum wage and should be treated differently is kinda silly. They make money off of annoying society. I don't know anyone who finds telemarketing at random to be a service they enjoy getting. They are for the most part a drain on society and the only reason why it continues is because they work there.I want to say before I get called out for being cold, that I feel that everyone should be treated with a base amount of respect, but I feel the telemarketer-myself relationship is one based without a fraction of respect at all. In fact the advice in the article is not to politely decline their offer, because they will put you back on the list. Then it goes on to say to treat them with more respect because it is a low paying job. Respect is a two way street, and you can't piss on someone else respect, then cry foul saying how you need respect.
Quote:They are for the most part a drain on society and the only reason why it continues is because they work there.
The only reason why it continues is that it apparently generates more revenues than costs.
That's true. Telemarketing is almost like those websites that pay people pennies to give their sites tags to generate more searches. Sure it generates more click revenue than cost, but they are making the internet a worse place in the process.
Quote:8. If you don't want the product, don't just decline.
Most people that aren't interested in the product are put back on the lists until they request not to be called anymore. Politely declining the offer will just get you another call in the future. (I know that myself and other reps have put polite people on our do not call lists even if they didn't request it. We could get fired for this, but some people are too nice for me to want to bug again, and the chances of getting caught are slim.)
just make sure you tell them that you want on the Do Not call list.

but yeah, they know that most people won't bother tracking them down Sad


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.

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