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Treaty Between TNI and TSP
Quote:<strong class='bbc'>Non-Agression and Cultural Treaty Between The South Pacific and The New Inquisition</strong>


We the regions of The South Pacific (hereinafter referred to as TSP) and The New Inquisition (hereinafter referred to as TNI) enter into this agreement in the spirit of friendship and to strengthern the mutual ties that we both hold.

Article I - Non-Agression Between Signatories

- TNI recognises the constitution, government and laws of TSP as legitimate and agrees not to undermine or overthrow them or to assist any other region in doing so. TNI further agrees to offer assistance in the event that another region or organisation attempts to overthrow the legitimate government of TSP.

- TSP recognises the constitution, government and laws of TNI as legitimate and agrees not to undermine or overthrow them or to assist any other region in doing so. TSP further agrees to offer assistance in the event that another region or organisation attempts to overthrow the legitimate government of TNI.

- Both TNI and TSP agree to peaceful military relations with one another. They agree not to seek to overthrow the delegacy of either region and not to assist any other region in doing so.

- The Signatories agree to share any intelligence relating to the security of the other region with appropriate members of that region. This includes, but is not limited to known invasion plans, spam attacks or any other type of forum sabotage.

- Signatories agree not to conduct any form of intelligence operations inside the other region.

Article II - Cooperation Between Signatories

- The signatories agree to host embassies for one another on their forums.

- The signatories agree to cooperate in the organising and hosting of cultural events.

- The signatories may cooperate on military training exercises, however this is left to the discretion of the governments of both regions and is not mandatory.

Article III Defense of a Signatory Region

- Should the direct security of the region of TSP be threatened, TNI will provide military aid at the request of the government of TSP.

- Should the direct security of the region of TNI be threatened, TSP will provide military aid at the request of the government of the TNI.

- The above clauses apply only to the Nationstates regions of TSP and The New Inquisition. Any further military aid is left to the discretion of the governments of the signatory regions.

Article IV Termination of Treaty

- If a signatory region wishes to terminate this agreement they must give 5 days notice on the forum of the other region.

- Termination of this agreement shall not be seen as an act of war or hostility.
Full support
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Full support as well.*high fives Ant*
Full disapproval. We shouldn't be getting into bed with TNI -- they're frankly shitdisturbers ("conquering" TRR recently HAR HAR HAR) and probably just want us to sign a treaty to divide the feeders into their silly TNI v. FRA war. I'm fine with a fluffy treaty when the region we're getting in bed with is somewhat respectable -- but this will just hurt our reputation, get us connected with an unsavory type and help divide the feeders. I'm really not interested.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

Not a vote thread Tongue

If the government wishes this treaty I will bring it to a vote on the fifteenth (assuming I'm still in office? :-$ )
[Image: HuoZhaoDao.png]
It is now the 15th. Motion to move to a vote.
TNI and the SPA working together? After what just happened in TRR?
Quote:It is now the 15th. Motion to move to a vote.
I want this to be voted on, because frankly TNI <em class='bbc'>should not be allies</em> with us after what they did in TRR.
For those of us who've been busy.What just happened in TRR?
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Refer to this thread: <a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>. TRR was raided in the beginning of February by TNI.
Oh I thought something meaningful had happened. TongueTo quote my views at the time; LOL.It was not an attempted coup, but a light-hearted raid, quickly abandoned. There's a difference between Sedge/Dev and this, methinks.
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
So if there was a "light-hearted raid" of The South Pacific, you would condone it?
Quote:So if there was a "light-hearted raid" of The South Pacific, you would condone it?
I voted nay. I do not believe that an alliance with TNI which involves military activity, established so soon after their attack on a sinker region (which, though it was brief, called for action from forces outside of The Rejected Realms and was still an act of disregard for the functions and sovereignty of a sinker region) and without adequate discussion between TSPers and TNI members on TNI's tendencies/attitude towards the feeders/sinkers as a whole, is currently prudent.Perhaps the fact that my home region is still discussing what happened in TRR (which involved TNI) with members of TNI and Europeia and has not yet concluded the discussion and reestablished our relations is influencing me here. Perhaps it is not fair of me to say "nay" in TSP because of this. However, the fact that I see little concern in TSP for what occurred is slightly unsettling.Mainly out of discomfort with current conditions, I will stand by "nay." My personal position may change in the future depending on what I see from TNI members.
I really don't care too much about TRR after how they treated me. TNI has shown TSP more respect with this treaty than TRR has had in years.It sucks but its the truth.
Quote:Each signatory recognises the government and laws of the other signatory as rightful and shall not seek to overthrow them or assist another region or organisation in doing so.
Why do we need to put this into writing?

One reason, because TNI could otherwise do it and probably already did try to do it.

We shouldn't be getting into bed with people out of fear; nothing good ever comes out of being a coward and turning to the same people that keep our fears alive and necessary. We're a region built on the principles of community, respect and joviality, none of which are shared by the people who raided and held Belgium and then attacked TRR to claim it "conquered" the region, or the people who destroyed North Atlantic and still hold that region as a testament to their political domination over innocent communities.

I have friends in a lot of their victim regions and I'd feel like a dirty pig if I back down and shook TNI's hand for the sake of security, when those communities were treated so poorly and given none of the privileges granted in this proposal.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

I hate to make it seem as if I'm sympathetic towards how TRR treated us during and after the coup - I'm not and I never will be - but I must ultimately note that it is within our best interests that the GCRs stand united against threats such as TNI. Neutrality between TNI and TSP sounds best at this point.
I have no problem with the fundamental idea of an agreement with TNI ensuring peace and collaboration in times of need; I do have an issue with the current situation and with TNI's recent activity, and I do agree with Uni when he states that the atmosphere in TSP seems to be one of fear rather than of openness and collaboration, and I also believe that TNI needs to be a bit more understanding of feeder politics before they enter agreements like this with feeder regions.I will be speaking to members of TNI, after which I will be able to comfortably decide my personal position on FA interactions with them.
I still fail to see why this agreement isnt the best for TSP? I am more than fine with helping TNI if they truly need aid, and odds are if anyone needs it, it is us. TNI raided a GCR who we have a blah relationship with. Why are we going out of our way to foster a relationship that doesn't exist to spite one that does?If TNI wants to get involved with feeder politics, we do it the right way, by giving them a shot. If they start knocking off close allies, I think it becomes a different story, but the era where all GCRs are all for one and one for all is more or less dead. I sat and watched as TWP and TRR made things worse for us, instead of offer help during the coup. I am willing to foster relationships but not at the expense of people who want to help TSP.TNI wants to foster a relationship with us, with terms that are mutually beneficial. Let them.
I think you can better understand my position after our long conversation on IRC, and I also understand yours. I am tempted to change my vote (if that is possible), though for now it will remain, primarily because I am feeling cautious.
SB has swayed me to change my vote on this matter. I shall abstian from voting as opposed to voting against this motion for the time being.
Don't get me wrong, I was the one who pushed to reopen relations with TRR and TWP; but this treaty is still in regional interests.
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
Quote:I still fail to see why this agreement isnt the best for TSP?
It's a cowardly move to endorse a bunch of thugs who'd threaten TSP otherwise. One's regional "interest" is another region's act of political submission and spinelessness.

The more we entertain friendship with these devil-tongued shit-disturbers, the more our reputation as a beacon of liberty is going down the tube to "secure" our "interests". Fuck, interests, you can't <em class='bbc'>believe</em> in "interests", but you can <em class='bbc'>believe</em> in "principles". I don't think we should expect people to be interested in partaking in the South Pacific community when its government stands for almost nothing anymore.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

I fail to see why we should generalize that TNI attacking a GCR would mean they would attack us. TRR showed you cant lump all GCRs as one for all and all for one after Sedge's coup.We tried to fix that with the MPA, but TRR showed no interest. They dont care about GCR unity, and its not our job to care for them. Our just is to foster OUR regional interests with groups that are interested in US.

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