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ejected from the UN for rule violations?
Alpha C and DR have been ejected from the UN.. we have no delegate.. what the heck is going on?
People are leaving The South Pacific in droves... ... ...WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!?!Is the region we're working so hard to stabilize going down the tube? Not on my watch!!"Don't Give Up the Ship!!!"
Oh dear Christ. Not again. :angry:
Waitaminutehere...It's physically impossible for our region to be without a delegate. Whenever the old delegate is lost for whatever reason, they should automatically be replaced by the person with the next highest number of UN endorsements. Even if a nation has only 1 endorsement, that means they're it. A lot of people are losing endorsements because nations are disappearing, but we should still have a delegate. And somehow I'm having a lot of trouble believing that Alpha C was booted for UN violations. Alright, intelligence people, it's your time to shine.BRING US THE HEAD OF WILLY THE MAIL BOY!!!!!!!*ah, well, close enough*
You guys heard slacks. GO GO GO! XD
Quote:And somehow I'm having a lot of trouble believing that Alpha C was booted for UN violations.
That was what was reported in our "Regional Happenings" as well as on the UN page. hell if I know what that means though.
Zorlack is quite correct - the first thing I saw when I logged in after 3 days away was 'Desert Rose has been ejected from the UN for rule violation' - then it was shortly followed by Alpha C!By my reckoning Garylandia should have become delegate, I can't believe it hasn't kicked in yet!!!
It takes a whole day to refresh....
There's never a dull moment in this region. I'm not surprised that we've once again lost out delegate, its seems to be a regular occurance these days! It will probably take the UN a 24hrs to register that we have no delegate. Once again exciting times are upon us, I wonder who will take over?My theories concerning Desert Rose and Alpha C are that:-1) they may have been the same person with multiple accountsor2) someone has reported them to the mods because of unfair practice such as influencing the game. Afterall they were/are both members of the Atlantic. The possibilities are endless! Huh
yeah the obvious UN banning is multiple accounts.. hmm somebody knows and should fill us in :angry:
DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR OR SEE.Two respected members of the South Pacfic have been branded code this i say nay.the response to this was posted on the SP board, however to facilitate anyone who missed it, here is the bones of it.Two nations made the mistake of sharing for a time the same computer, which uses the same ISP.The system ( which is strict) noted that this computer was accessing two diferent nations and bumped them off.this was a mistake easily made.they are now in talks with the moderators to facilitate their return.WHICH WE HOPE WILL BE SOON.The Pegenerator Of The Federation Of THE MATT- DUCK.
Damn, you'd be good in intel.

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