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A warning to the dumbasses of the SP.....
"The Democratic States of Garylandia is a very large, safe nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 97 million are either ruled by a small, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which."This is an exerpt from the description of Garylandia's nation. WTF IS GOING ON!?!?!? His population is only 97 mil and he has like 220 endorsements. We gotta stop this shit before another XYZ happens!
Unfortunately, the majority of the nations of the SP seems to be incapable of learning from past experience. And we cannot force them to learn.
If people do not learn from the past, they are destined to repeat it in the future. I wish we could do something, but there is nothing we can do, aside from warn everyone and hope that works.
Well, Alpha C is scheduled to get back from his vacation tommorrow. This whole business with the UN should be straightened out a day or two after that. I'm fairly sure that once Alpha C's UN status is restored, he'll automatically get all his endorsements back (since you get back the endorsements you had before you left a region as long as the nations that endorsed you are still around). With any luck, Alpha will be our delegate again by the end of the week. B)
I have never re recived endorsements upon return to the nation. but here's hoping alpha c will be returned to us.bisty.
keep dreaming Slackervania Big Grin
I am currently talking to the games mods to see if they will let me back in and have the same number of endorsements. If not I have started a new nation called AlphaC and have already applied to the UN. If you would like me back as the delegate please endorse AlphaC when it becomes a UN memeber. Thank you for all of your support while I was gone!!!Alpha C
You know with everything happening, I hope that everyone will put the right person back in the seat, we know that the endorsement swamping will not stop, so let's us that to our advanatage and work to get the sleeper nations to endorse AlphaC again, if we all work together I think we can have him back in the seat in no time flat, .........I got to go check right back.
Thank you for your support Desert Rose. I just hope in the meantime the South Pacific will be safe.Alpha C
Dude, with Imrie and I in intel, the SP will be safe.
I am just worried about the delegate getting hacked since they have not been online for four days now. Alpha C
Quote:I am just worried about the delegate getting hacked since they have not been online for four days now.

Alpha C
yup, now is a good time for any form of attack.
with all due respect to Alpha C, Desert Rose and everyone else...i don't think garylandia is another XYZ. he has been on the website. he knows what is going on. perhaps he just wants to be involved.if we want AlphaC that is fine and i will endorse his nation as soon as I can. however, i urge everyone to not condem garylandia without him even being here.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


I think it's more afraid that someone else will hack and no one will have the power to stop them, not gary himself
Both Gatren and Tsunamy bring up good points, but I think we're gonna have to hope that no one decides to become a haxor. BTW it's good to see you at the forums, gatren....
I am not sure on this hack thing. Are you saying like hack his/her password?Should we be changing our password every day or something?
No, it's hacking the system, not the nations.
Thanks Geomania, I hope to be a bit more active in the SP. Things have been kinda crazy for me lately so I haven't had time for anything.I don't think it is an actual attack on their password. More a rapid increase of endorsements like we saw with XYZ. Maybe even combined with huge drops of endorsements in other people.
oh ok, I am not sure how or why one would do this to the system. Why not play fair and have fun like the rest of us.
ok I will bring it up here, my sister's daughter's nation a couple of days ago got hacked, my sister got control back of the nation for her, it was a warning to her and her daughter, and I think it is funny that this "thing" only seems to happen to Delegates, not to the rest of us, but the warning came on a nation that is not a member of the UN, never has been, this is just a thought here for everyone, and changing your password everyday, I don't think you have to go that far, unless you are a Delegate, then it might be wise to take extreme measures to safeguard your nation.
It's the thrill of corrupting the system, I suppose. BTW, Jake, I saw your website, and I must say, you are one of the most hardline republicans I've ever met or heard of.
Extreme measures meaning a combination of numbers and letters and capital and lower case letters (are the passwords case sensetive?)
Acutally, they are, Gatren. OMG, DR you're that old?
I will take that as a very nice complement.
I am really studying the <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Constitution Party</a> right now. I really like it. It is more like the "real" Republican party.. or should I say what the Republican party used to be.
Geomania I quoted you on my site. Smile

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