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I preordered Halo!
*Does the "I preordered Halo on PC!" dance* I preordered Halo on PC! I preordered Halo on PC! I preordered Halo on PC! I preordered Halo on PC! HAHA BIOTCHES!
I preordered Soul Calibur II for the Gamecube a couple days ago.mmmm... Taki...
well congrats to both of you :blink:

here ya go:

<img src='' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />

Big Grin
*does the "I've got a cookie!" dance* I've got a cookie! I've got a cookie! I've got a cookie! I've got a cookie! I've got a cookie!
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Halo is an award-winning video game in America, and it's finally coming out on PC.
Halo is loads of fun, I got to play the demo version for Xbox over Christmas break. Took hours to beat it, but it was l33t.
I'm no expert on computer games, but I loved playing HALO on X-BOX. I especially loved working the gun on the warthog. LOL Big Grin
Aarg, I hated the Warthog...I couldn't drive the stupid thing...but the grenades were good...they stuck to those little guys that ran around...^^
I never drove it, I always got to fire the terrett (sp?) on the back side of it. I also liked that it takes less coordination to use the warthog than to have it be just your character. (I'm not very coordinated when it comes to that sort of game) I mean, I can play the piano and many other two handed instruments, but I can't manage to maneuver in that game very well. Oh well.
Halo is good. Halo is your friend. I'm waiting to get up enough money to pre-order Halo 2. I've actually heard rumors that the first Halo was rushed; and that was a darn good game.
Wow, if Halo was rushed, imagine how good Halo 2 and the PC version of Halo is gonna be!?!?!?
I know. I'm more interested in Halo 2, though, since I've sold my eternal soul and purchased an Xbox (and I enjoy it...). Big Grin
I've got a PS2, and I am very happy with it.
the true power and functionality of the x-box is unleashed when you mod it. It?s definitely one of the coolest tech toys ever created.
Uhhh... I think I'll stick to FIFA 2001 on the PS1 if that's ok!
Am I the only person who still uses anything made by Nintendo anymore?
Actually, no. I play with my N64 occasionally and I'm trying to pool enough money together to buy a GBA SP.
lets see my x-box has an 120 GB HDD. I can rip any DVD straight to HDD. I have the HDD shared and mounted on my computer. I stream my mp3s and stream all my downloaded video through my xbox and enjoy them on the big screen/stereo and it looks freaking great. You can keep your PS1.
:Confusedtares at Zorlack's system:: :o I'm gonna have to do that after my warranty runs out...
My PS2 is plugged into a sub woofer speaker system ('courtesy' of my brother)...that's it. No other mods. Once I get enough, I'm gonna get a japanese mod chip so I can import, but nothing like Zorlack's.
Nope sorry, still can't make head nor tail of this... spechen sie Deutsch?I'm occasionally amazed that I can get my PC and PS1 to work, never mind the rest so I think that's what I'll stick to!!! :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:
I'm having enough trouble with my PC as-is. With my luck I'll fry my Xbox trying to get it to do that. :glare: But at least it'll be for a good cause... Big Grin
*runs over and shakes Imrie's hand, since her baka teacher never bothered to tell them how to say 'Do you speak German?' in German class*
Das ist nicht gut!!

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