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Rapid Response Army
Here is a short list of first draft rules and responsibilities for the ( D.S.P ) DEFENCE FORCE SOUTH PACIFIC.....( or until someone else comes up with a better one)....Responsibilities.......The force shall respond to distress calls from friendly or allied regions only, unless already sanctioned by the cabinet of the South Pacific. The D.S.P can be called upon to defend the south pacific at any time....Funtionality and command..........................................Structure......The DSP will consist of no less than 25 nations, rising to a maximum of 50 nations (UN catagory nations)Command.....The DSP is controlled by the Ministry Of Defence....The DSP is commanded by a General appointed by the Minister of Defence...The General answers ONLY to the MOD......The General will appoint 2 nations to become lieutenants ( to be notified to the MOD) who will take command if the General is not available for any reason, and who will take on the responsibilities of the General and answer to the MOD ( good or bad).........The Ministry of Defence is Ultimatly Answerable to the Cabinet And The Delegate.Under no circumstances will the operational soldiers mention to anyone outside THE SOUTH PACIFIC that they are a member of this defence force..unless already sanctioned by the Cabinet...This is a first draft of the rules and regulations, i am sure more will appear in future msg.ANY QUESTIONS OR TIT BITS OF INFORMATION, OR EVEN SUGGESTIONS ARISING FROM THIS....PLEASE MSG ME....THANK YOU.
D.S.P UPDATE............To add further to the rules, if the Minister Of Defence is unavailable for any reason, the responsibilities of The DSP will rest ultimatly with the Delegate( with Cabinet approval)
could you set up a watch? keep one person on the lookout at all times. i was in a region who did that as an antispam tactic. the watch could then be responsible for calling others to aid.
well im glad no onei s on here plugging for themselves...... :eyes: anyhow...i think its a great idea...

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


A watch sounds reasonable, i see no reason why that couldn't be arrange with the nations making up the DSP.To answer Reformed Texas, what you propose is to complicated and unuseable, keep it simple and there will be no mistakes, one commanding General and two lieutenants, all answerable to the MOD, who in turn will be answerable to the Cabinet and the Delegate, this is only one force, not multiple, in the NS what you propose wouldn't be feasable, in the Real world maybe, but not in a restricted sim.
I dont know about that. It does work. Iv watched it happen in The Communist Empire(Until it feel apart due to leadership). The CEA was very strong and had 12 ranks. And they were all filled. Really all you need in somebody to get it off the ground. And packing it to the people like crazy. So they know what it is, how it works, and what it is used for. Usally that was the Vice would do.

President Buyse

Reformed Texas
But we are not asking for a large force just something to help in the times of need for our region or another, such as with the Pacific.MATT,Check your PM's if you please.
'Bout time you got moving on this, MATT. I have a question: can cabinet members be in the army?
I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be allowed to. It's our region to defend as well and plus we tend to be more active than a lot of other nations.
I'm sorry I got to say something.......DVD babe I just read your signature, LOL, I almost fell out of my chair, I started laughing so hard......that last line, it just hit me right tonight :wacko: Anyway on to business, I would love to join but there is the whole Delegate move loose endorsments thing to be by..........LOL
I am unsure if we have this or not that is why I am asking, does The South Pacific have its own army? One to defend us. Because if we dont then why are we worring about other peoples weakness. We need to take care of ourselves first. It would be like a drug user whos hooked giving advice on how to get off drugs! LOL!

And if im elected Secretary of Defense we WILL have our own army, and a seperate one to watch over our friends! Big Grin

President Buyse

Reformed Texas

Quote:well im glad no onei s on here plugging for themselves......


anyhow...i think its a great idea...
And this is my motto when i run for an office postion. If you dont vote for yourself, who will?! :glare:
Considering that several of our Cabinet members were part of the recent move (sadly, an unsuccessful move) to defend The Pacific, I see no reason why Cabinet members should not be allowed to join the army. Several of us have non-UN puppets so we can maintain our presence here whilst aiding an ally.To answer your question, RT: Currently, our region is the largest in the game. It also has the most stable government. Our government would not be stable now if we were uncapable of defending ourselves, as it was the act of defending ourselves against a hacker tyrant that brought most of the active nations in the region to the fore. However, many of our allies are not capable of defending themselves so readily or successfully. Much as the United States takes responsibilty to defend its weaker allies, we have the same responsibility. 50 nations doesn't make much of a difference on our homefront, but to our allies such a force could be crucial to their survival.
I HOWEVER DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH CABINET MEMBERS BEING PART OF THE ( DSP)Cabinet members are by their nature the senate so to speak of the South Pacific and as such would under normal circumstances not be a part of an invading or defence army, unless they are a commanding officer.This Army must be by its very nature, be separate to the Cabinet. But i will conceed a point, lets put that to a vote, if the majority of members of the cabinet agree, then we will make it so.I personally disagree with it, but then thats me.I ask that you seriously consider this point, if no member of the ruling body of this region is involved with a Help or break army, then accusations cannot fly, if they are it brings up, problem possiblly with the moderators...I am hoping here your understanding is with me.
in reply to Texas, we have always had an Army for defence.You have insulted the leprechauns, and they are not happy with YOU.
i beleive that cabinet members should be allowed in. but, that there should be a cap on that.on sunday night (my time) i wrote you, matt, and tsunammy and asked them to stay as i went. you two were far ahead of where i was endorsement-wise so my leaving did little to affect the government.i believe that an army is necessary right now. but, our first concern must be the stability of our own government.
I agree Bistmath, stability must be maintained, and if the cabinet wanted to help and they rushed off, the region would possible be under threat from an outside force. defence is the best offence..
Well now honestly, and I hope you do not mind my stepping in,

the Pros of the Cabinet Members being in the Army

1. more nations to help out in a time of need.

2. can keep up with what orders are going on behind the sceens.

3. can make sure that the Delegate is not trying to pull a fast one Big Grin , sorry I had to say it *takes a bow*

the Cons of the Cabinet in the Army.

1. quick move orders, withdrawing too many endorsements from the Delegate.

2. taking orders, after all you are part of the Cabinet and free to give and vote on orders, that would be cleared through the General and the MOD.

3. giving orders that are not followed by the MOD and trying to pull rank, with the whole I am a Cabinet Member just like you.

4. with only one MOD, being a Cabinet Member as well, the internal fighting that the troops would see do to the fact that, say like this for example.

MOD, "Move to region soso and endorse soso."

CM, "I do not like that soso region and have had past dealings with soso nation, I will not move there."

MOD, "You wanted to be part of this Army, so follow orders that you are given."

CM, "No, I am a Cabnet Member and will not be treated like this."

so with this in mind, think of the internal fighting then of course you would have to think how this would affect your realtionship with each other after all was said and done.

5. either way it gose the Cabinet will know everything that is happening with the Army, if you feel the need to help out by moving your UN nation to the region in question, you still have the free will to do so, and you know that you are always welcomed back to the SP.

ok enough rambling, I hope that I made that clear for you, I think that the true choice is up to the MOD and the Cabinet, I just thought the Pros and Cons thing would help everyone think a little more. I am not saying one way or the other, honestly, and no I will not say one way or the other. This is up to you to work out not me Tongue
And she does it so eloquently as well LOL, LOLhad to put laughs in for that one....
Thank you MATT :lol:
We should not be able to do that. We must not have the right to refuse orders from a MOD. If we do, we should be charged with some crime. That's what they do if soldiers refuse orders in the military....
That is in the real world geo. I belive that all nations in the army have a right to refuse to participate in an activity. This is important in order to ensure that the army can never become an oppressive force. However if cabinet members agree to be in the army they have to follow orders the same as any other sodiers.
But being a Cabinet Member it comes naturally to hold you in a better position than the regular troops, because of the fact that you are a CM, I think *frickfrackfirecraker* I said I would not do this but *frickfrackfirecraker* that when it comes to the Army that the Cabinet would need to not be involved in the troops kind of way, but to be involved because they are part of the process of running it, but the MOD has final say in and over the troops, not even the Delegate has final say in the Army and what they do.But if members of the Cabinet want to move with the troops to help keep up moral, then what is truly stopping them from doing that. ...... Big Grin *frickfrackfirecraker*ok just a few *frickfrackfirecraker* thoughts on the matter :glare: and don't make me say it again.
Quote:in reply to Texas, we have always had an Army for defence.

You have insulted the leprechauns, and they are not happy with YOU.
Wait I missed that leprechauns? What in the world are you talking about?


President Buyse

Reformed Texas
The armies in the nation of MATT-DUCK are composed of leprechauns. Keep, up! Tongue

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