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Honestly, I have been pondering what to do about a few things that are coming up.If a nation starts gaining endorsements, and I mean alot of endorsements all at once and will not contact anyone with their intentions, after being contacted by the Cabinet or the Delegate, what should we do about this?a Suggestion, if they tie or get to the point of being close enough, as in passing the Second in the Region in endorsments, then I would think that we need to do something, after all if that nation is not talking to anyone how can we be sure that it is going to be for the best of the Region, and allow us the Freedoms that we have in place?a call of Marshal Law should somehow be implemented in the Charter that way if something like this happens then the Cabinet and the Delegate would be able to move fast on protecting the Region.I know that this would mean baning a nation before talking it over with the Council, but do we want to take the chance of another XYZ Affair thing happening?So let's get a few thoughts on the matter. Then put this before the Council for a vote on it. But that will be decided by Bisty.
well it's not marshal law it's martial :wacko: ... I say if you pass 100, the issue should be posted on a forum with the nations intents and reasoning, not a huge deal, after 300 or so we'll have to see, I don't wanna be like FS here :glare:
I don't like it. But, it's a good idea. However, if a less than honest delegate would get the seat posing as an honest delegate, then were all [censored].

I'm gonna have to debate with myself (no I'm not) a little more.

I'm with Aurelis.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

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P.S. We also walk dogs.

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You don't like the idea, I don't even like thinking about it, but if a nation will not respond to you then what are we supposed to think? Tongue thanks for pointing out the mistake there Military LOL.......there could be a time limit on it, such as you can not call this into action until at least a month after you have been in the Seat, but also the Cabinet would be in on it, that way maybe, assuming that the Delegate is honest enough and works with the Government, then the Cabinet can check the Delegate before it is called into action.....just a few thoughts on the matter.
I'm not for the time limit, but if, say, a member of the cabinet calls a vote 'Martial Law' will be enforced if the Delegate and three additional members of the cabinet vote in favor of it or, if the Delegate is opposed, six members must be in favor of it. That way it will be fair...Not giving the Delegate emergency powers when it is proposed.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

There is a way we could get it to work, and rather quickly. What if we include the DOD, the DOR, the DOI, and the Delegate and VP in on it? It'd have to be a 3/5 vote to pass, and it would fall under the responsibility of these people in a way. The delay is a good idea, but with the power of the Delegate in the game, it'd be nigh impossible to enforce. I'm like you LR; I don't like to think about it, but it's one of those things that we'll prob. have to put into affect to keep people like Tinpot and Harky out of the seat.
Very good point there God-Emperor and thank you for your suggestion on that, I think that would be great then that way in a state of emergency the Cabinet and Delegate work together, not leaving it up to one body of the Government.*smacks forehead* I should have thought of that one Tongue
Okay - over the last few days, I've been reading around a lot of other regions forums and generally looking at the structure of them.

A lot of other regions (Tinpot's included) have imposed a ban either on endorsing other countries <em class='bbc'>other</em>than the delegate, limiting the number of endorsements, or - my personal fave straight from the Pacific <em class='bbc'>You can not endorse any country that you do not know personally. And you do know your government personally</em>

I think the free endorsement policy in the SP is great - I'm not out to collect endorsements, but if you scratch mine, I'll scratch yours.

Quote:If a nation starts gaining endorsements, and I mean alot of endorsements all at once and will not contact anyone with their intentions, after being contacted by the Cabinet or the Delegate, what should we do about this?
Quote:a Suggestion, if they tie or get to the point of being close enough, as in passing the Second in the Region in endorsments, then I would think that we need to do something, after all if that nation is not talking to anyone how can we be sure that it is going to be for the best of the Region, and allow us the Freedoms that we have in place?
If they do not contact anyone, or reply after being contacted, I think the only thing you can do is assume that they are up to no good *why do I have the urge to insert an evil laugh here*. Then as was suggested, keep an eye on them.

But the only thing is that if we do chuck a ban on someone for gaining too many endorsements, that makes us as bad as FS. Even with reason, we still look dodgy.
Ok this is why I have brought this forth,a nation in the SP has gained endorsements,four days ago they had about 33 endorsments, I contacted them as one of the first three nations to endorse them as usual, everyone knows that I do that.They never responded, then looking back in on them they had 131 endorsements, I contacted them again, asking how they were doing and again inviting them to these Forums. This was two days ago.Yesterday they had a little over 200 endorsements, and then today they have 337 endorsements.They will not contact me even after me telegramming them a few times already, so now you know what is going on with this and why I think this should be brought forth to the Council.
Quote:What if we include the DOD, the DOR, the DOI, and the Delegate and VP in on it? It'd have to be a 3/5 vote to pass, and it would fall under the responsibility of these people in a way.
That's what I just said...more or less. I'd also like to say I still don't think the delay is a good idea. Admittedly, I'm new to the region, so I don't know how long the average term of a delegate is. A month may be a small fraction of the Delegates' term, but...Let me set up a scenario.

LR is overthrown by Harky...That has about a snowballs chance in Hell of happenin', but if it did...Sure, he could be granted emergency powers immediately to do God knows what, but only if he could get the support of three additional cabinet members. If that DOES happen we shoulda seen it comin in enough time to stop it, and there'd be no one but ourselves to blame. On the other hand, once LR overthrew Harky, she'd have full support of the cabinet and would quickly be able to reverse any damage done by Harky and make sure it never happens again. Plus, what Aurelis pointed out, I'd be almost impossible to enforce. How's that sound? That is, of course, if my proposal is accepted.

Quote:I'm like you LR; I don't like to think about it
May I point out that that IS your jobs.

Quote:Very good point there God-Emperor and thank you for your suggestion
No, thank you. I hope you find my other suggestions just as helpful.

Quote:*smacks forehead* I should have thought of that one
It woulda came to ya. Big Grin

Quote:if you scratch mine, I'll scratch yours.
Sounds kinky...Anyway...

Quote:If they do not contact anyone, or reply after being contacted, I think the only thing you can do is assume that they are up to no good
I don't think that's a resonable assumption, but you should still keep an eye on them.

Quote:a nation in the SP has gained endorsements
What, pray tell, is the name of this nation.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

The Delegate doesn't serve terms G-E. We put that up to vote and it came up that it was a major logistics problem. So the delegate serves until she/he's ousted...but there are some people who are unknown quantities, so that's why we're implementing this...
Honestly I do not know the length of term for some of the Delegates, the great ones that helped this region, we could ask Westminster, I know that he was Delegate a while back, as for me I am now coming upon six months in the Seat myslef.We do have nations that come here and say that I do not have 100% of the SP supports, but if they would bother to look around they would see that the SP is full of people that just do not want to join us here. Granted I have the most endorsments, but that is due to working for them, contacting people and letting them know about these forums. Then we have heard that the non UN members are getting the bums wrap because they are not recongized by the Government, when in fact we invite anyone here, it takes time to telegram all the nations and then there are those that still do not want to be into the game.Anyway I will do what I can until we get this before the Council, and that is just awaiting Bisty's approval on it and I will write up the final draft and see what happens about it.
Quote:The Delegate doesn't serve terms G-E. We put that up to vote and it came up that it was a major logistics problem. So the delegate serves until she/he's ousted...but there are some people who are unknown quantities, so that's why we're implementing this...
Oh, I see. Like I said...I'm new.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

As to the name of the nation I will PM that to anyone that wants to know it.
Quote:Yesterday they had a little over 200 endorsements, and then today they have 337 endorsements.

They will not contact me even after me telegramming them a few times already, so now you know what is going on with this and why I think this should be brought forth to the Council
I would be worried. Harkinnen has threatened this (dash it all! I said he dodn't exist!) - and said it may not be him that takes the delegacy. If this peron is not responding, and isn't joining the forums, then I would say that there is something fishy going on. Unfortunately, as they havne't done anything but gain endorsements, what can we do?
Quote:As to the name of the nation I will PM that to anyone that wants to know it.
I'd like it, if you don't mind.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

wow that kinda makes me feel lousy i mean ive been here what 3 months now and i only have 23 endorsements Sad
You're doing better than me, MB...I've got about 31 and I've been here since early July... Huh
But are you going out there and endorsing everyone to try anything hokey in the SP? see the thought process here, endorse everyone and hope that they endorse you back kind of thing, kind of makes ya wonder about the whole mess sometimes.
I'm not even a member of the U.N. because they never sent me that damn e-mail. :angry:

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

that like totally sucks, but then sometimes they get bogged down, how long ago did you apply God-Emperor?
I applied a few days ago.

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

Quote:I would be worried. Harkinnen has threatened this (dash it all! I said he dodn't exist!)
And that's what we're worried about. He's been far too active here for my liking. I do not wan this to turn into FS. (good gods kids i'm not getting enough sleep as it is.)
I am also afraid that this could be a ruse to get us to move whatever UN nations we have in the pacific back home.
No, I do not think Lr, would abuse this. However, I do not want the region to stagnate either. We have to face the fact that LR, will not be around permanantly.
I also think that installing this rule will follow what the mods want. ambitious nations will leave us. is that what we want?
I think the proposal needs to be a bit more specific: include procedure, time limits, and the specifics of this case. For the time being, until I have seen different info, I believe that kinkball is not in the interests of the people of the south pacific. Further if the delgate would please refer to article 4 of the existing charter, she may find it interesting. She may also find a part of article two to be of interest. However, it is my belief that you should follow article four.
Yes, GE this is part of my job, no i don't have to like it. But, I will do it. I say we include the details of the case with the proposal.
May the people of the SP show us thier wisdom.

Now if you all don't mind i think i'll be sick.
Quote:good gods kids i'm not getting enough sleep as it is
Neither do I, Bisty...Neither do I.

Quote:ambitious nations will leave us. is that what we want?
Of course not! I haven't left, yet, have I. Big Grin

Did LR want anyone sayin' Kinkball's...I mean, the name of the NationState in question.

Quote:Yes, GE this is part of my job, no i don't have to like it.
I never said you had to like it, but must you call me after an electricity company. Tongue

TSP Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)

TSP Ambassador To The East Pacific

TSP Ambassador To Osiris

TSP Ambassador To The Rejected Realms

Europeian Citizens' Assembly Associate Member

Do you want somebody murdered?

(Then don't call GE's General Services

But, for any other job, dial
HURRY UP- It pays!

P.S. We also walk dogs.

[Image: 20QJ0.png]

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