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wait, how do i find a job?
Quote:I think it's important to point out that I've seen plenty of ads for Monroe College in the subway. It seems like a not very reputable institution if you ask me.

Kinda like a University of Phoenix in NYC.
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Via Slate</a>

Boy, you ain't kidding Tsu. It's a bloody vocational type school. the secretary school, with an upgraded fancy name. Though apparently you can get master's degrees from it???

Quote:A description of Monroe that you will not find on its Web site is one that Thompson herself-who spoke to me reluctantly after the drubbing she's taken in the press-proffered: "a vocational school." Monroe is what the education industry euphemistically terms a "proprietary institution" or, in ordinary language, a for-profit school. It is accredited as a college by the regional organization responsible for these things-a fact that an offended Monroe spokesman confronted with Thompson's words insisted meant Monroe must be a college and not merely a "vocational school." But it does not by any stretch of the imagination exist for the sake of the advancement of learning. The relationship between Monroe and its students is more bluntly commercial: The students pay Monroe money in the hope that it will increase their chances of landing a decent job in a world in which the magic words bachelor's degree have become a requirement.

For the education it offers, Monroe charges tuition of $5,872 a semester (including a $400 "administrative fee"). For comparison, the City University of New York, whose Lehman College campus is not far from Monroe and offers the range of academic programs in the arts and sciences that most people expect of a college, charges $2,300 for in-state students; the local community colleges cost less. The education that Monroe offers is geared toward what is ostensibly valuable in the work world. Trina Thompson told me that her courses included classes in Word, Excel, and Web design; in the course catalog, you'll find even more basic offerings, including a college credit course in "keyboarding."


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.

Messages In This Thread
wait, how do i find a job? - by mavenu - 08-05-2009, 04:16 PM
wait, how do i find a job? - by tsunamy - 08-11-2009, 03:43 PM
wait, how do i find a job? - by mavenu - 08-12-2009, 03:58 PM
wait, how do i find a job? - by Caer Rialis - 08-13-2009, 12:57 AM
wait, how do i find a job? - by mavenu - 08-14-2009, 03:35 AM
wait, how do i find a job? - by mavenu - 08-30-2009, 04:10 PM

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