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And surprise, surprise, here comes the Fudge argument.

Quote:There are many trials of life that can test the resolve of man (and ladies of course). We can be pushed to the brink physically, we can be stretched to the limit mentally, we can lack the strength to continue on. For too long, The South Pacific has been battered and frayed by an era of lost opportunity. We have lacked a generation of strong leaders to carry on the legacy of our founders who worked to keep the South safe, active and powerful. I am here to plainly announce that the days of stagnation and lethargy are over, and I shall use every morsel of my resolve to ensure the thesis of this paragraph becomes fact.
Firstly, for a person who claims not to want to start trouble, you're certainly good at it.
How long have you been in this region? Let me tell you something sunshine, this region has been struggling on for a good many years. Not due to the lack of interest in it, but rather, the diminishing interest in NationStates as a whole. The old guard of which you speak have stayed around, kept this forum going, and generally saved the region from the demise that has impacted so many other regions. The old guard stayed, because they felt there was something here to fight for, to maintain, and to keep this region alive - because they have ties here and memories. Most of the old guard have moved on, finished university, had families and started work, but they stay because they have something here in this region. Friends - lifelong friends who are now also RL friends, because of our common bonds.

Feeders once had prestige, and were the ideal target for raiders. But seriously? There hasn't been a decent raid for years. There hasn't been a decent power overthrow for YEARS. To this day, I still don't think there has been anything quite like the CrazyGirl attempt to take over the Pacific. Now that was a battle.

By dissecting the laws that have held this region stable for well over 7 years, do you plan to achieve instant life? Wouldn't your energy best be channelled into your proposed recruiting first, to generate interest in the region, and then perhaps look at modifying the laws? For pity's sake, you are Prime Minister, not God. And yes, I am as blunt as a wooden axe. However, you can't swan into a region and propose to undermine it's core fundamentals. RESPECT the history, respect the elders that have been here, and whilst, yes, we may be a little difficult because we have been here a long time - we love this region, have spent many hours and in some cases, sleepless nights recruiting and protecting this region. Do you possibly think that might be the reason we are a little obstinant? Like I say, I'm not opposed to change. But there are 2 ways about things - and a sledgehammer approach is not the best.

At the moment, I respect your aims. However, you need to start at grass roots, rather than treetops. Firstly, increase activity. Then you can start aiming higher. There is no point remodelling a cabinet when you can't get enough people to fill seats. There is no point changing laws when you have noone to either support or debate the changes. Right now, as I see it, you have put the cart before the horse.

HEM, a final word, much on the lines of Kloister's. You catch more flies with honey. You can't waltz into a room and tell people what they are going to do. You will make yourself unpopular and people's guards will automatically go up. Effectively, you piss off the whole region in a matter of sentences, and then all the best laid plans and ideas will no longer matter - because noone will respect you. I made a career out of being TSP's version of Margaret Thatcher - the Iron Lady - because I took no crap and called it as I see it. Some things have not changed in retirement. I will fight for this region, and I will call a spade a spade. And if I'm pissed off, you can guarantee the whole world will know.

I'm willing to work with you - but for pity's sake - stop grandstanding, and take the advice that is being offered to you. And ask for help. We may be oldies, but we still have life in us yet. We want the best for this region too, we just ask a little respect for our history, and for what we put in. The old guard aren't against change. We just want to be acknowledged, and want our history in one place.

Messages In This Thread
Opening Address - by HEM - 09-13-2010, 08:29 PM
Opening Address - by kloister - 10-12-2010, 12:59 PM
Opening Address - by HEM - 10-12-2010, 08:48 PM
Opening Address - by Fudgie - 10-13-2010, 12:04 PM
Opening Address - by HEM - 10-13-2010, 09:10 PM
Opening Address - by Fudgie - 10-14-2010, 03:41 AM
Opening Address - by HEM - 10-14-2010, 09:59 AM
Opening Address - by Southern Bellz - 10-14-2010, 03:09 PM
Opening Address - by Fudgie - 10-14-2010, 09:12 PM

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