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Article 6: Legislative Power
For what it is worth, I have suggested these changes:

Quote:<strong class='bbc'>Chapter III.

The Code of Laws

<em class='bbc'>Article 6 - Legislative Power

The Legislature</em></strong>

<del>1. The South Pacific will be governed by a <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Code of Laws</a> that will detail the rules and regulations of the Region of The South Pacific.</del>

2. All nations of The South Pacific may serve as legislators in the <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Assembly of the South Pacific</a>, through registration on the offsite forum of The South Pacific and publically agreeing to the Charter outlined in Article 1.

3. The Minister of the Region will act as Chair of the Assembly. The Chair of the Assembly is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the drafting, <del>debate, and passage</del> debating, and passing of laws.

4. Any nation may propose a bill.

5. A draft bill is discussed in the Assembly, the discussion <del>being</del> lead by the Chair of the Assembly. The discussion time may be not longer than 7 (seven) days.

6. After the discussion period is over<del>, as indicated by the Chair of the Assembly,</del> the nation who submitted the original proposal shall write the final draft of a bill<del>. The nation may request assistance for this task, but must approve of the final draft and submit it to the Assembly in person, </del> and submit it within 72 (seventy two) hours <del>after closure of the discussion</del>. If a final draft is not received in the allotted time, the Chair of the Assembly is charged with constructing a final draft for immediate submission.

7. The <del>Department</del> Minister of Justice will promptly examine the final draft of a bill for consistency with the Charter and address any concerns<del> as soon as possible. </del> in a 72-hour time frame. If the bill is not approved by the Minister of Justice, a further debate period of 72 hours shall occur in the Assembly.

8.<del> If a bill is found to be consistent with the Charter it may be debated during a Second Debate period of three days; during this time debate on the bill continues but no amendments can be made.</del>

9. <del>Following the Second Debate period on the bill,</del> the Chair of the Assembly will close the debate and immediately open a poll in the voting chamber of the Assembly, following the guidelines below:

a. The poll will offer nations the choice to vote yes or no.

b. All <del>citizens</del> legislators of The South Pacific may vote.

c. The ballot must specify the full name of the bill, the complete contents of the bill and the opening and closing dates and times for the vote.

d. Voting will continue for 7 (seven) days.

10. A bill becomes law if it receives <del>the support of</del> a 60% <del>(sixty) or more of those who voted and if a quorum of fourteen votes is met. A bill that receives the support of less than 60% (sixty) of those who voted, is defeated.</del> majority vote.

11. Once a bill has become law, it will be published in the <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Code of Laws</a> by the Minister of the Region.

12. Concerns over the legality of any aspect of the law-making process described in <strong class='bbc'>Article 6</strong> must be addressed to the Minister of Justice.
Quote:<strong class='bbc'>Article 6 ? Legislature and Legislative Power</strong>[*:pjwhs9i0] All nations of The South Pacific may serve as legislators in the <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Assembly of the South Pacific</a>, through registration on the offsite forum of The South Pacific and publically agreeing to the Charter outlined in Article 1.

[*:pjwhs9i0] The Minister of the Region will act as Chair of the Assembly. The Chair of the Assembly is responsible for the administration of all aspects of drafting, debating, and passing of laws.

[*:pjwhs9i0] Any nation may propose a bill.

[*:pjwhs9i0] A draft bill is discussed in the Assembly of The South Pacific sub-forum, the discussion lead by the Chair of the Assembly. The discussion time may be no longer than seven days.

[*:pjwhs9i0] After the discussion period is over, the nation who submitted the original proposal shall write the final draft of the bill and submit it within 72 hours after. If a final draft is not received in the allotted time, the Chair of the Assembly is charged with constructing a final draft for immediate submission.

[*:pjwhs9i0] The Ministry of Justice will promptly examine the final draft of a bill for consistency with the Charter and address any concerns in a 72-hour time frame. If the bill is not approved by the Ministry of Justice, a further debate period of 72 hours shall occur in the Assembly.

[*:pjwhs9i0] The Chair of the Assembly will close the debate and immediately open a poll in the voting chamber of the Assembly, following the guidelines below:[*:pjwhs9i0] The ballot must specify the full name of the bill, the complete contents of the bill and the opening and closing dates and times for the vote.

[*:pjwhs9i0] The poll will offer nations the choice to vote yes or no.

[*:pjwhs9i0] All legislators of The South Pacific may vote.

[*:pjwhs9i0] Voting will continue for 7 (seven) days.

[*:pjwhs9i0] A bill becomes law if it receives a 60% majority vote.

[*:pjwhs9i0] Once a bill has become law, it will be published in the <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Code of Laws</a> by the Minister of the Region.

[*:pjwhs9i0] Concerns over the legality of any aspect of the law-making process described in <strong class='bbc'>Article 6</strong> must be addressed to the Minister of Justice.

Question though: are we having the MOR synonymous with the chair, or are we dumping that position? Either way is fine with me, and yes, I agree, the chair should be elected. It would probably make sense to put it in here.

Messages In This Thread
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Todd McCloud - 10-13-2010, 05:26 AM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Karatafasadi - 10-13-2010, 07:29 PM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Southern Bellz - 10-13-2010, 07:54 PM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Guest - 10-14-2010, 09:53 PM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by kloister - 10-15-2010, 12:03 AM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Todd McCloud - 10-18-2010, 06:18 AM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Guest - 10-20-2010, 07:23 PM
Article 6: Legislative Power - by Todd McCloud - 10-21-2010, 03:26 AM

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