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discussion thread for the courts martial
:blink: I am shocked and suprised that I am being accused of being an informant, what Mala says is the truth. If anyone wishes to know I will gladly tell them. So Geomania, how can you say the things you did? No matter I will make it clear, I hereby invite Geomania,Lady Rebels, and Matt Duck to e-mail me all their questions and concerns. Malajhaliza never left the region. No one could possible doubt my words could they? I am highly trusted by my friends in the government am I not? Do you remember Aramac and the Seeds of the Revolution? Do you remember the Growth of Harkinnen and the WUF? To the near conquest of the Pacific and the attempt of West Pacific Conquest? I was the informant!! I told Lady Rebels, I told Geomania! Sureily they told all of you? What I said was the truth and what I say now about Malajhaliza is the truth, still if you have doubts let me know and I shall settle them. Mala is a marked man indeed, but still I will represent him to the best of my ability if he has chosen me to be his lawyer so be it, it is his decision. This region of the South Pacific is a free state, the government can't command anyone to pick a lawyer or who it is. I am sorry for any misunderstandings! Thanks For Everything You Have Given To Me!! I hope to be working with you as Secretary of Inteligence, sureily I will serve you well just like I did in the old days. Sincerely Greg, Supreme Channcelor of Groznia

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discussion thread for the courts martial - by Groznia2 - 10-13-2003, 10:55 PM

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