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"Hello everyone!" Elle Woods, representitive from Tusnamy begins. "Since our move, we have had many new faces active in the political arena of the region. Therefore, I reccomend that we reintroduce those representatives that have been active in the past, and give all new representitives a chance to introduce themselves."I think we should use the Friendship Stick!" Elle sets a wooden rod decorated in pink fur and fake diamonds on the podium. "The way this works is that I hold the stick and introduce myself. Then I hold the stick out and the next person will take it and introduce themselves! Then we go around the room until it gets back to me! Then not only are we introducing ourselves, but we also are pledging friendship to everyone else because we are saying it with the friendship stick! It was always a great way to start of the new year at my Delta Nu soroity."Elle picks up the stick and begins, "Hello, my name is Elle Woods and I'm from Vertigo by way of Washington, by way of Boston by way of Bel Air." Elle pulls a dog from her purse, "This is my dog, Brusier Woods. We are here to represent the nation of Tsunamy."Elle holds the stick out to the next participant.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Taku steps up reluctantly and takes the stick, holding it as far away as possible."I'm Prince Taku Miyake, youngest of the royal family of Bejita-sei. I represent said nation."Taku then set the stick down on the podium and ran away, screaming something about having to 'purify himself', as he is now 'unclean' from having touched that 'obnoxious, girlie, nausea-inducing stick-thing'.
"Hey" Elle screams! "it's not like we all wanted you to touch it anyhow!" Elle pulls out a can an lysol and cleanses it because of Taku. She hold the now cleansed stick out. "Who's next?"

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Mrs. Stevens hesitantly takes the friendship stick, one eyebrow raised incredulously. "I'm Mrs. Kathleen Stevens, of the People's Republic of Slackervania. My word represents the position of the Slackervanian government in all discussions."Kathleen replaces the friendship stick on the podium, and begins to walk away, when she turns back to Elle, rubbing her hands together. She leans over and whispers, "You might want to know that thesilver backing on those fake diamonds is coming off. It's all over my hands."
"Oh dammit!" Elle screams! "Thanks Taku - now I have to get my sisters to make *another* friendship stick for me!!!"Elle pulls out a cell phone, dials her soroity and asks them for another. With a quick thanks, she hangs up and returns toward the assembly."Alright. My girlfriend is already on her way with it. Anybody wanna still use this one forthe time being??"

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Comrade Lewis mumbles "I'll take it," and immediately starts chewing on it, much to the despair of his fellow members. Kathleen Stevens nudges him and he realises everyone is staring.Trying to act like nothing happened he takes the stick out of his mouth and washes his portion down with a drop of schnapps.Finally he rises unsteadily to his feet and starts to speak:"Uhhh... Greetings ladies and gentlemen. I am Comrade Lewis of the People's Republic of Imrie. Where am I and who the bloody hell are you people?? This place looks a bit another big room with people and chairs that I occasionally spoke in, but this is a bit nicer looking..."Anyway, we the people of Imrie stand for a peaceful and stable South Pacific and offer beer and great music to make sure it stays that way."He falls to the floor... but from his prostrate position he raises his left arm, holding a rather chewed looking Friendship Stick.
Prince Xanzu takes the stick somewhat cautiously from Comrade Lewis' outstreched hand and looks sorrowfully at its rather bedraggled state. He then steps over the Comrade and up to the podium."Greetings ladies, gentlemen and other 'distinguished' members. As Ambassador to the South Pacific i am here on behalf of the Empire of the Flying Pig, to represent our interests and maintain relations within the region"As a sign of goodwill we have brought along a number of crates of our finest pig shaped cookies...they're very tasty!!!"and with that he steps down handing the friendship stick with great care (it isnt after all in the best of conditions) to the next person to come forward....
Arthur walks to the podium and gently takes the stick from Prince Xanzu."Greetings nations of The South Pacific. I am Premier Arthur Williams of the Dominion of Aurellis, and I represent the intrests of the citizens of that nation. We wish to thank Tsunamy for providing the new forum. We hope that this forum solves many problems in this region."As Arthur gingerly hands the stick off and walks back to his seat, he can be heard muttering something about "earning an award" and "shortest speech he's made." Big Grin
Taku returns from the bathroom, having scrubbed his hands raw, and steps with wide clearance over Lewis.

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