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I truly think it is disgraceful for someone/group of people to go around creating nations with titles that tear down nations that have show us nothing but friendship, example would be AlphaC, what has he done wrong to any nation in the South Pacific? now all because of the Alantic in his motto there are somone/group creating nations like Alpha sucks and Alpha Must Go, the first one is sending telegrams to other nations about not endorsing Alpha C, if it keeps up I honestly feel that nation should be banned, but I know it is not up to me alone, so let me know what you think on the matter,Sincerely,President SupremeSecretary of Justice
Agreed that we don't want inter-nation conflict within the region. So we have to look at the source. Not the people themselves but the actual Atlantic tag. Any information given on why it's there might clear up any problems people might have with with Alpha C.
Do you just want to kick out everybody who doesn't agree with you? I certainly hope you don't. Protesting is protected free speech in my nation and these nations have a right to protest alpha c and his Atlantic allegiance.You want to run this region like a police state? Count me out.
I think both sides have valid issues. But, I agree with Zorlack. While it is wrong for people to diss Alpha because of his Atlantic tag, it is free speech, and there is nothing we can do that wouldn't be wrong as well. Remember what your parents told you as kids: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
A few of these nations were created in the aftermath of the Alpha / XYZ / TFB confusion... I have to admit that I haven't seen them active.
I think the problem isn't that they're anti-Atlantic, or anti-AlphaC--it's that these nations are actively defaming people. Free speech is good, and should be held dear, but we still punish people for libel, slander, and hate speech.
Guys, why don't we run a campaign that glorifies Alpha C, rather than booting these nations that like to flame.
I agree with Geo. Good idea! Smile
That's why I'm the undersecretary of intel.
has there been abuse of alpha c? why haven't they written in? alpha? what's your take on this. please if you want, write me or gatren and we'll get things sorted out.bisty
The nation Alpha Sucks is actually my wife. She was playing a mean joke on me. She thinks I play this game to much. But there are two others nations in this game named Alpha Must Go and UNENDORSE ALPHA C whos only mission is to make my life a living hell in this game. I don't think that they should be banned, but they should not be able to just make up lies about me either. I think any naiton should be able to say anything truthful about another nation, but right when they cross the line of spread lies that is when they should get banned. Both of the above nations to my knowledge have not spead lies about me. They have only asked people to unendorse me which I don't like, but it is fair.Alpha C
Ok guys on this forum.... I have to appologizing. I made the nation AlphaSucks to play a joke on my husband. He loves this game and I am not much of a online game player as he is. I think sometimes it's funny how riled up he gets at these Anti-Alpha nations, so I made one to poke at him a little. I am sorry if I created any issues bigger than they need be. I told him I was emailing his endorsements to get them to unendorse him but I didn't. I just thought that it was a funny joke. I am sorry that I made this mess for him and you all!-Alpha's Loving Wife
Honey you didn't make a mess. It was a funny joke and you really got me!!! I love you!!!Alpha C
Awwww :lol:
Yeah!!!Alpha C
How cute! Big Grin
I know we just got married on July 5th!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Alpha C
Big Grin He is cute aint he?
No, I am not. You are the cute one!!! Big Grin Big Grin
oi these married couples.listen alpha let me know about the lies. i will get together with gatren and we'll sort this out for you.bisty
Uh-oh! Bisty's got his hatchet and he's riled up and ready for a head hunt!
Thats all very nice, but there are some important issues here.I am strongly against kicking out people becouse they disagree with something. It is not slander if you have a campaign to prevent someone from being endorsed. Whoever controls the other two anti Alpha nations obviously fears Alpha's atlantic connections and has every right to campaign in order to prevent his endorsement. If this place ends up being run like a police state then i am leaving. It is a very fine line between preventing slander and preventing free speech.
Free speech is fine, but lies are not, I have not recivied any Alpha hate telegrams, but then everyone knows that I support Alpha, so what would be the use of sending me anything, and Alpha's wife if cool you should let her get on line more offten so that we can talk to her Alpha, when he told me what was going on with Alpha Sucks, I lost it, I laughed my head off, but to the more important issue when I first heard of this it made me mad granted, but I started this stream instead of asking Garten to just bann the nation in question(which turned out to be Alpha's wife) but I do think a law should be passed that if you are caught spreading lies, then it should be banning, at least for a day or two, then the next time permant banning, this subject hits close to home, I know how it feels to have lies spread about you, and no one should have to go through that........and just to add another few thoughts here, speaking out against the ACC well that will happen when hasn't it, (and those debates are fun for me at least), speaking the truth but understand there is a fine line between the truth and slander, is fine, but to point out there were nations that spoke out against Alpha when he was delegate and those nations did not get banned by him, so I think that free speech is held dear to one and all in the South Pacific, but once more <strong class='bbc'>Lieing</strong> should not be allowed by anyone................ok I will shut up on the subject, thank you for reading.........
DR, i have asked alpha to send on any hate meail thy get to either me or gatren. and we will deal with that nation in conjunction with the mods.i do not have a hatchet out. i just miscliked and no smily came up..... :wacko: besides bisty is a she not a he. ^_^

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