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Mod Power for Undersecretaries?
This is coming up as a result of me getting thrust in the Sec of Justice position. I'll be keeping Desert Rose as my deputy, and LadyRebels asked if I wanted her to still have mod power over the Dept of Justice board. It just thought it brought up (in my mind, anyway) the interesting question of whether or not the assistants to the Secretaries should be allowed mod power for use in the event of vacations, emergencies, etc.
I think it should ultimately be up to each secretary, but I don't see why it would be a problem. In some departments the undersecretaries do more than others. Hell, I don't even have an undersecretary right now.
While i was on vacation, i gave aurellis all the powers i usually have. the temporary fix was a good one.i gues i don't have an undersecretary right now either....
sorry to write another not but i've been thinking about this for a bit.i would vote no to giving the powers to the undersecretaries. not because we don't trust them. (far from it) but simply because they havn't been elected. on a similar note, should there be an election for the secretary of justice? if DR is stepping down? i do support slackervania, she has shown awesome leadership today if not always. but i thought i'd ask.
Undersecretaries don't deserve having mod power unless a cabinet member is busy or something to that extent.
ok a thought here, is DR really considered to be an undersectary, after all she did say that she would take the step to advisior, and she can check in sometimes to make sure that things are running right.........and be on call for certain things if we really need her, I can let her know to get her _________ to the Forums and check on things
I would agree with geo on that one. I dont agree with you often geo so I cherish the moment. Tongue
I concur, my good friend.
I simply brought up the subject out of curiosity--I've requested that DR maintain her mod privileges, and I just wondered how people would react if a similar standard was also applied to the other departments. I really don't expect anything to come of it... I agree with DVD that the decision should be left up to each secretary.
Well, while you were Undersecretary, I had given you Mod powers Slacker. however, thinking aout it again, if i give undersecretaries mods powers over their board, they also need cabinet powers to start threads in these boards.just a tho...and it was brought up about elections for the secretary of justice, when i stepped down from Secretary of Foreign Affairs, geo just took over without elections...and, i think we'd all vote for slacker anyhow Winkand finally, while bisty was away a moved Auriells up to the same level for the time and then dropped him back down after...given notice, LR and i can do that.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


All I want to know is if I got it right or not Big Grin , considering that I caught it before it happened, I almost baned Slackervania, but I did not so please don't panic, I am just learning the ropes people, but I hope I am getting a grip on it Big Grin
Well, I don't know if DR still has mer mod powers, but mine are working just fine, LR. B)
Quote:Well, I don't know if DR still has mer mod powers, but mine are working just fine, LR. B)
Well... I'd say that delegating some jobs to undersecretaies is not a bad thing. Afterall this is just a game and if someone s busy or on vacation ect. it sure would help if you got a undersecretary who can take care of business that time. (Thats what I'm doing in real life too) Big Grin
Also dividing some of the responsibilities in those jobs would have an good effect to their funktions. I don't mean that they wouldn't work efficiently right now, but why not help ones lives and divide some of the jobs.

Precident of Garylandia
Good point, Garylandia. I agree with that it should be left up to each department. Some departments are more busy than others and may require the extra man-power. Undersecretaries would also be useful during vacations. While I have no qualms with this, perhaps there should be another amendment to the charter stating something like "Secretaries have the right to appoint undersecretaries blah blah blah. The office of undersecretary is dependant on the current secretary." That way, people who come after us won't have to debate the issue again.
Quote:Undersecretaries don't deserve having mod power unless a cabinet member is busy or something to that extent.
I have to say I agree with Geo, and also with Bismath.
I'm going to weigh in with kyoto. It makes more sense to leave this stuff up to the various officials. What's good for one department isn't necessarily good for all of them.
I agree. A department like the Department of Foreign Affairs needs more people than the Department of the Region, for example.

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