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Reformed Texas runs for SP government
The Republic of Reformed Texas has announced today its decision to run for the SP council. The Republic of Reformed Texas feels it is qualified to be apart of this council. Although we have 6 million population we are not a new nation. I have had several other nations and which one has reached the billions in population. So we are in no way new to NationStates but rather just starting a new nation. Reformed Texas is a Democracy. And in Reformed Texas the Republican party has the majority. Former nation that I have controled have been involved in major events through out the world, and contuine today to be apart of them. So on the balet when you see Reformed Texas, make the right decision and but Reformed Texas in the council.
Welcome to the SP! I'm Slacker, the Secretary of Justice for our fine region.Hrmmm... should I point out that everyone in the region is on the Council, and the elections are for the Cabinet? Tongue
so texas, what job are you interested in?i'm the vp for now and if you would like information, just pm me and i'll be happy to share.
The next elections won't be for a while right?Just out of curiosity, what were these other nations, Reformed Texas?
shouldn't be for at least a couple of weeks.
Wow... fast service Tongue
how do i become a general?
there is not generals.....and Reformed Texas, i must agree with Slacker - you dont run for for the next elections...Sept 12-14 -ish....i gotta look at how i did them last time. was it friday @ 1201 - sunday @ 1159 right???

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Yes Tsunamy that was how you did them the last time, and Welcome Reformed Texas, hope you like our little corner of the World.I too am curious as to what Nation you hold that has over a billion in pop...... Big Grin and if it is the Delegate Seat that you would like you will need to talk to the South Pacific Cabinet about that one, then to the Council, Which is all of the Noble Nations of the South Pacific........And for the General Question from Military Force, that you would have to speak with MATT DUCK about........that is his department.
Welcome to our region, Reformed Texas.Is it indiscreet to ask which position you are running for ?
Sorry but no one ever told me about the council. But I would like to run for Cabneit member.
You have to pick what cabinet position you want to run for and notify Tsunamy. I noticed you still haven't answered the question that LadyRebels and myself asked...
I do not remeber the name of the nation that was in the billions. Because i created it at the begining of the summer. And then let it die off. But largest nation that i have right now it The Redavic Union...but that is only a region hopper. Aswell as The NSAFL which is my sports like of over 48 nations pertipation. Altough i may be able to find my oldest nation that was in the billions. It would be hard but if it is that important i can do it.
Not a problem with me, and welcome, just add your name to the ballot of the Cabinet Postion you want and we will see what happens from there Big Grin

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