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hi every one
hi every one ime a new nations and a new member
Hi. welcome.go check your pm's. Smile
Welcome to The South Pacific! I hope you enjoy you're stay and will be active. We really encourage active nations here. Have fun, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. We'll all help as much as possible.
Hey another party*puts lampshade on head*Welcome to the SP hope you like it here and that you have fun with us.*cranks up the music and starts dancing on the table* B) I :wub: my job Big Grin
Hope you enjoy it in the SP! Please, find your voice in the SP government and use it often!...and ignore the insane Delegate on the table... Big Grin
*starts trying to pull LR off the table* she's not usually like this... Tongue oh, wait... Smile
Yes, welcome to the Sp Forum, any questions? ask us and one of us will answer.
since when am I not like this......*gets down off the table muttering*I told everyone I am insane and no one listens.........*looks at Bisty*you could have joined me ya know Tongue
true....*throws LR back up on the table and jumps up too*
good thing for long strong tables Big Grin hey coyote ugly happening........the Delegate and the VP dancing on a table here Yeeha........ Big Grin
never saw that movie...does this mean i have to give body shots?
Your welcome Tlorsoshiaand Bisty that would be up to me, I guess it would be up to whoever wanted to take the suggestion :lol: , wonder is there is anyone crazy enough to do so Tongue
The Democratic States of Lakarian formally extends a welcome. Smile
Welcome to the South Pacific Tlorsoshia!!!Alpha C
LR, I'll take you up on the challenge of body shots - I'm definately crazy enough!! Besides, Aussie chicks are good at drinking copious amounts of alcohol!! Big Grin
I'm with Binky - I worked in a resort for ages and learned how to drink!*jumps up on the bar*Now let's show them how we aussie gals party!
This should be fun!
Hi all, yet another new nation!


5 hours ago Mavenu hm. I guess I shouldn't point out that Max Barry's not even from America, but is an Australian?

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators When did actual facts or logic have anything to do with idiot spammers?


Change comes not when some group of radical seizes power, that’s just a shift at the top. It comes when Mr. And Mrs. Ordinary make a stand. When the cake shop owner and teacher and the bearer boy come together and say, ‘They are not afraid,’ anymore.

Monica Whitlock – BBC “From our own Correspondent”

Nov 7/05 – in reference to actions in Uzbekistan, May 2005.
Tlorsoshia, Mavenu,The Free State of Sartreania welcomes you to the South Pacific. Be active and be proud...our region is amongst the greatest in the world. You'll find many friends here at the forum.
Woohoo!!!!!! Aussie chicks giving body shots. :wub: Big Grin :lol: B) Tongue ^_^ SWEEETTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just so in on this.
Military Force, I can't imagine why Aussie chicks doing body shots is something you'd like to get involved in (such a pity there isn't an emoticon of a blonde turning her head from side to side!!). Blokes are all the same!! Wouldn't change 'em for quids!! Big Grin Oh and a big warm welcome to Tlorsoshia and Mavenu!! Hope you love the SP as much as the rest of us. *Wanders off muttering* "Now where's my next shot?"
one isn't an aussie. they're not _all_ aussie. Tongue
Cause all Aussie's rock, they have cool accents and they're hadcore. And yes Bisty, Canadian chicks are way cool too. And a <em class='bbc'>blonde</em> Aussie no less ^_^ This just keeps getting better.
ROFL - i'll agree w/ military force about the kewl accent Big Grin

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