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Hug a Dwarf Day
I propose, in my theme of proposing off-the-wall holidays. That we have seriously neglected an invaluable peoples group: Dwarves. I therefore propose that we hold "Hug a Dwarf Day" once a month, to dispel the biaed belief that dwarves are selfish and unkind and surley. I await the rulings of the VP, Delegate and region at large.
Yes I like this one, I would gladly hug GA, I mean all Dwarves, but you know that you also need to think about the Leperchauns, that way we don't have an angry mob on our hands.......wouldn't mind giving them all tummy rubs and scratches either....... Tongue *now where is the Leader of the Leperchauns, now him I would just love to <em class='bbc'>Hug, kiss, and ........give a stomach rub and scratch</em> Ya thought I was going to censor that hahahahaha ladeda hahahahaha fooled ya.
nah i have come to know that you don't have a shred of decency in you LR. Sure while I'm at it, hug the leperchauns/leperchauns's leader day. Happy LR.
NO.......not hug the leperchauns leader day, just hug the Leperchauns.....*frickfrackfirecracker* can't get the wording right now can you....... :o , you think I want to compete with all the pretty girls out there for MATT, I mean give an old gal a break will ya?
I am all for hug dwarfs/leperchauns. Hugging brings love and peace everywhere!
All right. I am for this too. Which day were you thinking of MF? (i'd like to know before I close the topic.)
the 21st of each month how's that sound?
the <a class='bbc_url' href=''>poll</a> is created so the topic shall close for discussion here.
everybody closes these things before i can get to say something....( so i opened it just for this )21st good day, i like it...Hug the leader day???? can i be naked????.do the leprechauns have to join in?? ( a bit to kinky for me ).LR mmmmmmm yes.
LR said no open season on the delegate/leprechaun keeper, something about too much competition.
*grumbles as she recloses the topic*

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