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VOTE: Amendment to Presentation of Bills Act
So I have decided to submit an amendment to this bill as when I was editing the Charter under this format it became hard to read. I propose we change it to the below format:

Quote:<strong class='bbc'>Preamble</strong>

This bill is to clarify the manner in which a bill may be written, and how the bills should be named.

<strong class='bbc'>Article I: Bills</strong>

<strong class='bbc'>1.</strong>? The title must be a descriptor of what the bill is intended to do. The title must be politically neutral, although it may refer to a region in it.

? ??

? ?? (?1) If the Chair of the Assembly finds the title of the bill to not be politically neutral, the Chair may edit the title of the bill.

<strong class='bbc'>2.</strong>? The bill must be divided into the following parts: preamble, articles, clauses, sections, amendments, repeals.

? ??

? ?? (?1)? Preamble describes briefly what the bill sponsor hopes to achieve with the bill being proposed.

? ??

? ?? (?2)? Articles are the main sections of the bill.

? ??

? ?? (?3)? Clauses contain the proposals within each Article, divided up by context.

? ??

? ?? (?4)? Sections clarify points proposed by the clauses.

? ??

? ?? (?5)? The Chair of the Assembly may edit the bill to fit into this format.

<strong class='bbc'>3.</strong>? All bill sponsors must have regard to previous legislation and add amendments and repeals as and when necessary.

? ??

? ?? (?1)? If this clause is not followed, the Chair of the Assembly may amend the bill to take account of this clause and/or the bill may be ruled as out of order.

<strong class='bbc'>Article II: Amendments</strong>

<strong class='bbc'>1.</strong>? Amendments must be presented in such a way as to make it clear as to which bill and to which clause it refers.

? ?? <strong class='bbc'>(?1)? Revisions to bills shall be marked by red text

? ?? (?2)? Additions to bills shall be marked by blue text

? ?? (?3)? Omissions to bills shall be marked by <del>red strike-through text</del></strong><del></del>

<strong class='bbc'>2.</strong>? The bill sponsor must present the current wording of the bill to be amended and present the proposed changes to the bill.

? ??

? ?? (?1)? Proposed changes to sections of current bills must be in bold.

? ?? (?2)? The Chair of the Assembly may edit the amendment to insert bold tags around the proposed changes in the amended version of the bill being proposed.

<strong class='bbc'>Article III: Repeals</strong>

<strong class='bbc'>1.</strong>? If a bill supersedes a previous bill, it must be stated that the previous bill is to be repealed.

<strong class='bbc'>2.</strong>? If the bill is a straight repeal, the repeal must be divided as follows: Intent of the bill to repeal a previous law followed by the text of the law to be repealed.

? ?? (?1)? A straight repeal is defined as an repeal that is not within a bill.

<strong class='bbc'>Article IV: Naming of Bills</strong>

<strong class='bbc'>1.</strong>? All bills passed by the Assembly will have a Capital Letter and a number for a prefix.

<strong class='bbc'>2.</strong>? All bills must have a name which can be comprehended by an English language speaker.

<strong class='bbc'>3.</strong>? The Chair of the Assembly will be responsible for deciding which letter best fits a bill.

? ?? (?1)? 'F' will be designated for Finance bills.

? ?? (?2)? 'D' will be designated for Defence and Regional Security bills.

? ?? (?3)? 'P' will be designated for Public Services such as Health and Education.

? ?? (?4)? 'J' will be designated for Justice bills.

? ?? (?5)? 'R' will be designated for Foreign Affairs bills.

? ?? (?6)? 'L' will be designated for bills affecting procedure in the Assembly.

? ?? (?7)? 'G' will be designated for any other bill which doesn't fit into the above categories.

<strong class='bbc'>4.</strong>? The Chair of the Assembly will assign the prefix number to the proposed bill.

? ? ?(?1)? All prefixes for each category will start with the number '1', and will increment by '1' for each additional bill in that category.

? ?? (?2)? The number assigned by the Chair of the Assembly doesn't necessarily have to follow the chronological order in which the bill was passed.

? ?? (?3)? The number may not be re-assigned, even if a previous bill with the same prefix number has been repealed.

<strong class='bbc'>5.</strong>? Any previously passed bills may be edited by the Chair of the Assembly to fit this format, as long as there are no changes to the actual content of the bill.
<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Discussion Thread</a>


<strong class='bbc'>Vote Tally: </strong>(Last vote counted: Tsrill)

Aye: 9

Nay: 0

Abstentions: 0


<strong class='bbc'>Voting closes:</strong> Sunday 10/23/11 at 7:15pm EDT (11:15pm GMT)
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"If you're normal, the crowd will accept you. If you're deranged, they'll make you their leader." - Christopher Titus

Aye. Although Art. II.1 ?1-2 should use bold + red or tags, but to keep it consistent with Art. II. 2 ?1, I think this could be ruled as simply a typo and edited by the MoJ or the Chair.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

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This vote is now closed:The proposed amendment passes:Aye: 9Nay: 0Abstentions: 0

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