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TCT Memorial Award
Every so often in NationStates, someone in a position of authority subjugates a group and there is one or a handful of bright individuals that lead the way to protest the suppression of their freedom of speech. Freedom of Speech is the tenet of anyone's liberty, it is truth's primary filtration unit -- what is true or false is discovered or reaffirmed with an accompanying discourse, debate and exchange of ideas that is free and open.The South Pacific relearned this the hard way, experiencing recently what happens when someone has the authority and the will to suppress open discussion. In the fallout we lost a rather incredible member of the South Pacific.I'd like to suggest the South Pacific's sponsorship of 'The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award' for the Promotion of Free Speech. My recommendation would be to open up possible recipients to non-citizens and make it an award for the greater NationStates, hosted here. However, this Award could be open to all to vote or closed to the Assembly for voting, or closed for voting to a special council (like the Nobel Awards) -- and this Award could be handed out when a candidate reaches quorum or on a fixed annual date. The details, I'd love to have clarified with some discussion here if there seems to be support for the idea of the Memorial Award.If the response for the idea is positive, I'd also like to propose Southern Bellz as the first recipient of the Award.I yield the floor! ^_^
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

This could be interesting. :unsure:
Hmm, thanks for bring the idea of TSP, assembly based awards of Merit. I feel like many regions have tried different awards of merit, but I know few who have done it in their assembly system and I like that idea.I want to first start by thanking Unibot for bringing up unique ideas in the assembly the last few weeks, even if I have been disagree with most of them. He is really living up the the ideal of citizens can be difference makers too.I think what might be better served to TCT's memory is TSP's own award of C&C like the world assembly does. But if you guys think this is better, I'm cool with that too.I'm also honored to be nominated.
@Hileville: Not the most enthusiastic response I was hoping for, I admit. :lol: I dunno, it was an idea I had at work today (I try to filter out the crap ones first before posting. Tongue).
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

Quote:@Hileville: Not the most enthusiastic response I was hoping for, I admit. :lol:

I dunno, it was an idea I had at work today (I try to filter out the crap ones first before posting. Tongue).
I like the idea and was trying to imagine how it could play out.
Quote:<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' > @Hileville: Not the most enthusiastic response I was hoping for, I admit.  :lol:

I dunno, it was an idea I had at work today (I try to filter out the crap ones first before posting. Tongue).
I like the idea and was trying to imagine how it could play out.
</blockquote> Alrighty. :flowers:
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

It's a pretty sweet idea; I remember TCT fondly, as do a lot of people. He was, undoubtedly, the best debater in NS. My suggestion would be to award two TCT memorial awards, one for debating and one for commitment to free speech, though I'm not sure about the time-table for holding.And perhaps a 'Devotians Non-Award for Unfree Speech' along the lines of the Razies?
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

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[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
What I respect about TCT is how he left.

He didn't make a big deal about it and didn't try to win any arguments or points by talking about leaving.

Quote:So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish.

Seriously, I quit. (No protest. No grand gesture. I'm just done)

With that, he put his boots on, he took a face from the Ancient Gallery, and he walked on down the Hall . . .
Just a nice, simple goodbye and I think it says a lot about him.

Anyway, me personally I'm not sure about handing out TCT awards...I thought you were going to do just a memorial page or something.
Quote:And perhaps a 'Devotians Non-Award for Unfree Speech' along the lines of the Razies?
I can't tell if this is a joke or not, but I would prefer we focus on the positive.
Quote:<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' >

And perhaps a 'Devotians Non-Award for Unfree Speech' along the lines of the Razies?
I can't tell if this is a joke or not, but I would prefer we focus on the positive.
</blockquote> A joke, I assure you. I'm not <em class='bbc'>always</em> serious.
[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Okay, what if we opened up the award's topic to the Furtherment of Democracy in general? Non-fixed date for awards. Voted on by the Assembly -- candidates need five initial supporters for proposals to be quorated. I think opening candidacy to anyone including those outside of TSP is a good idea -- because more open awards are bound to bring some NS-wide attention for the award and maybe even bring people on our forums to congratulate. I was thinking we could probably run a ceremony for the awarding of a TCT Memorial Award, like a keynote address from a designated speaker who knows the nominee well and anyone else can speak or congratulate the nominee.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

Quote:Okay, what if we opened up the award's topic to the Furtherment of Democracy in general? Non-fixed date for awards. Voted on by the Assembly -- candidates need five initial supporters for proposals to be quorated. I think opening candidacy to anyone including those outside of TSP is a good idea -- because more open awards are bound to bring some NS-wide attention for the award and maybe even bring people on our forums to congratulate.
Im all for the NS-wide candidates, but I think that there should be some time-table for the award. Even if there is a "no-candidate" clause or something... Maybe we could do every 6-months? If the WA can find +/-12 "candidates" a year, we can find 1-2...

Quote:I was thinking we could probably run a ceremony for the awarding of a TCT Memorial Award, like a keynote address from a designated speaker who knows the nominee well and anyone else can speak or congratulate the nominee.
That sounds a like a great idea B)
The Confederation of Rebel-topian Nations

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Former Minister of Foreign Affairs in TSP (5/12 - 9/12)

The one and only minion of LadyRebels (Goodness I REALLY miss that woman!!)[/spoiler]

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"If you're normal, the crowd will accept you. If you're deranged, they'll make you their leader." - Christopher Titus

A No-Candidate clause works. Multiple awards should be allowed to be handed out on the award date.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

How'll about this..?

Quote:<em class='bbc'>Decorations and Awards Act</em>

<strong class='bbc'>Preamble</strong>

The South Pacific, believing there to be members of the South Pacific and NationStates abroad that ought to be recognized for their great contributions, gallantry and defense of the noble principles it holds true and steadfast,? does so establish the following conventions for said recognition in a manner that is most fitting of its community.

<strong class='bbc'>Article I ? Formation of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award</strong>

1. Every Eighteenth of January and July, which marks the creation and ?at the time of writing? departure of The Cat-Tribe, the South Pacific Assembly shall award, and present in the name of the South Pacific, a Memorial Award of appropriate design, with ribbons and appurtenances, hereby referred to as ?The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award?, to an individual or group of individuals that has distinguished themself conspicuously by their steadfast and exceptional defense of democracy and political freedom whilst such ideals ?

(1) face curtailment or clear and present endangerment;

(2) have yet to be entrenched.

2. The procedure for organizing The Cat-Tribe Memorial Awards shall be divided into three basic sections: the Nomination period, the Announcements of Recipiency, the Award Presentation;

<strong class='bbc'>Article II ? The Organization and Procedure of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award</strong>

1. THE NOMINATION PERIOD is a fixed duration of time between the most recent Announcement(s) of Recipiency and the upcoming Announcement(s) of Recipiency. During said time, at least one candidate for The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award ought to be publically suggested by a member of the South Pacific Assembly in an individual proposal thread in the South Pacific Assembly. Nominations ?

(1) may be suggested for candidate(s) extant or posthumously;

(2) can be for any member of the NationStates community except those holding an extant Cat-Tribe Memorial Award;

If five other members of the Assembly support this proposal, the proposal shall be considered quorate and thus voted on by the Assembly during a vote lasting seven days to decide whether or not a nominee shall be awarded The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award;

2. THE ANNOUNCEMENTS OF RECIPIENCY shall occur on the Eighteen of January and July of every year. The nominee(s) of any proposal(s) to have been approved by a simple majority in the Assembly during the most recent Nomination period, shall be formally declared as a recipient of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award by the legitimate or acting delegate;

3. THE AWARD PRESENTATION is a ceremony for a recipient of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award, which ought to be hosted by the South Pacific and celebrate the recipient?s excellence. A keynote address by a relevant speaker and an open session for subsequent congratulatory remarks shall be the suggested format for the Awards presentation;

<strong class='bbc'>Article III ? Provisions for Reconsideration of A Cat-Tribe Memorial Award</strong>

1. If a recipient of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award is found to have either committed acts that undermine the acts that distinguished them initially or found to have been awarded initially under false pretenses, this knowledge may be used as reasonable grounds for a vote to withdraw a recipient?s Memorial Award. Any such challenges to recipiency must be endorsed by a supermajority of the Assembly during a vote lasting seven days;

<strong class='bbc'>Article IV ? Immediately Following the Passage of this Act</strong>


(1) an irregular nomination period shall begin and will conclude two weeks later for the first Announcements of Recipiency. Following this event, the procedures and organization as identified in Article II shall be followed wholly;

(2) the legitimate or acting delegate shall appoint an artist or group of artists to design the medal of the Cat-Tribe Memorial Award, its ribbon and any appurtenances;

<strong class='bbc'>Article V1 ? Closing Remarks</strong>

May this resolution be amended with any future ideas for an award or decoration to be bestowed by the South Pacific.
Never Cruel nor Cowardly,

Never Give Up, Never Give In.

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