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VOTE: Vice-Delegate Nomination Fudgie
This vote is on the nomination for Fudgie AKA Fudgtopia for vice delegate. The proposed candidate must be accepted by a 75 % majority vote.Vote Closes: 11:33 AM July 9th 2011
The Confederation of Rebel-topian Nations

[spoiler="Positions - Past and Present"]

Forum Administrator

TSP Chair of the Assembly (12/13 - Present)

TSP's Craziest (12/12 - 3/13 -- 8/13 - Present)
Former Vice Delegate under Belschaft (8/13 - 12/13)

Former General in the NSA (5/13 - 8/13)

Former Minister of Security in TSP (9/12 - 12/12)

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs in TSP (5/12 - 9/12)

The one and only minion of LadyRebels (Goodness I REALLY miss that woman!!)[/spoiler]

[spoiler="CRN Member Nations"]

[nation]Rebel-topia[/nation] | [nation]Rebel-topia of The South Pacific[/nation] | [nation]Rebel-topia the 2[/nation] | [nation]Rebel-topia III[/nation] | [nation]RebelT[/nation] | [nation]Rebeltopia[/nation] [/spoiler]
Farengeto is my new best friend!!!!


"If you're normal, the crowd will accept you. If you're deranged, they'll make you their leader." - Christopher Titus

[center]Rex Imperator Princeps Tribunicia Potestas Pater Patriae Dominus Noster Invictus Perpetuus[/center]
[center]Member of The Committee for State Security[/center]
[center]Forum Administrator[/center]

[center][Image: BelschaftShield2.png][/center]

[center]Ex-Delegate (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Security (x2)[/center]
[center]Ex-Chair of The Assembly (x3)[/center]
[center]Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)[/center]
Former Delegate of The South Pacific
Aye (aye captain)
New Southern Army Member
Longest Serving Delegate of Warzone Australia (271 glorious days, 2012)
Delegate of Warzone Africa (1 day, 2012)
TSP Minister of Foreign Affairs (September-November 2011, April-May 2013), Deputy (July-September 2011, June 2012-April 2013), and Advisor (January-June 2012)
TSP Chair of the Assembly (December 2012-April 2013)
Council of State Security Member (April 2013-May 2013)
TSP Deputy Minister of Security (July 2012-April 2013)
TSP Head of Ambassadors (June-July 2011)
South Pacific Army Captain (2011-13)
Founded February 2011 - 2 years of Nationstates and counting!
[spoiler=Whispering Ants][Image: We_so_excited!.gif] for DelegANT 2013!!! [/spoiler]
I am a member of the Committee for State Security. Yay safe region!
Feel free to PM me with any questions / concerns Smile

Former Vice Delegate, Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Regional Affairs, Minister of Justice, and Chief Justice
Quote:Question from Southern Bellz to me in December 2013 MoFA campaign:

Bizarre scenario: Unibot asked you a non-loaded question about TNI or the UDL. How would you react?
<img src='' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />
Who, Me?

Veni, Vidi, Vamoose

I Came, I Saw, I Skedaddled

Kids shouldn't drink with monkeys.
Voting is now closed.12 Ayes0 Nays0 AbstainsNomination passes.

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