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The Great Assembly
Quote:Article 22 ? Special Circumstances
Charter amendments will be accepted at a more rapid pace during special, well-advertised events such as the Great Assembly.
As Delegate and member of the Assembly of The South Pacific, I would like to call for a Grand Assembly effective asap and for a duration of as long as it takes.

The thing we have to do in this thread is come up with a tentative agenda, and plan to advertise this event. I know a lot of you post on the RMB daily, so I would appreciate if you could lend a hand in advertising this event by adding something to your RMB posts.

I will add it to the WFE soon.

Cheers ^_^
Excellent! Big Grin Hmmm.... Perhaps we should plan on allowing one to two weeks from now for new members to come? I'm not sure about the way this was done in the past, so input from those present at past Great Assemblies would be very much appreciated. I realize circumstances were different then, but Todd's expertise from TEP's constitutional convention would be very helpful, especially considering it was probably the most successful feeder government reform in recent history. (How was that organized? etc.) As far as advertisement goes, we could each try to post a daily announcement regarding this on the RMB so that it is always visible there - and, as you suggested, incorporating it into our usual discussion is a great idea. (While you're adding this, we could also have a new RMB question since the World Cup is over?) I can send telegrams if it would be of any help - perhaps starting with WA member nations, as they are more likely to be active. I've also seen regions send mass emails to old forum members via the Admin CP - I personally have no opposition to this considering that members can opt out of receiving emails from administrators, but I realize some might hold different views.
We had Grand Assemblies in the past, the information should still be in the archive unless it got lost during that invisionfree crash we had a few years back. As far as I remember, we did it exactly like this: set a date in the near future, advertise that date on the forum and on the RMB (I don't think we ever did telegramming. Mind you, back then we had 7000 nations in the region rather than 2000). At the same time, build an Agenda. Then the GA was done in two stages, the first stage (1 week? 2 weeks?) was used to harvest ideas, the second stage was used for debate and voting. I think the ideas put forward in the harvesting stage were supposed to be written down in legal code already and not vague ideas, such as to be able to finish the thing within an overseeable time frame, and since there was plenty of time between announcement and start, everyone was able to formulate and discuss their ideas in advance.

EDIT: <a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>

EDIT 2: Hmm, I think I was wrong about that last bit I wrote.

EDIT 3: What worries me a bit is that I've heard lots of talk that we want to change something, but very little on <em class='bbc'>what</em> we want to change. Without concrete ideas the council will fail.
I organised the last one ... I'll see if I can remember how I did things.
Thanks to Tsrill and Fudgie for your help!

I copied the meta-agenda from last time here for reference. (I can't seem to locate the agenda itself, ostensibly released 21 December 2005.) It seems you gave a week after advertising in the WFE for issues to be raised. I think the things we want to address this time around might be more general matters than those discussed last time though - a way to remedy the effects of global inactivity on TSP, for example.

Quote:December 12th - Monday

- Announcement of dates for Council, and advertising in the WFBE.
- Creation of issues box - where council members may post issues that need to be raised. This will be left open for a period of one week, where members of the council may post suggestions for topics for the council.

December 19th - Monday

- Closure of suggestion box and collation of ideas and issues into categories for discussion.

December 21st, Wednesday.

- release of agenda for Council, including structure of forums and how things are going to be organised.

- forum members will be encouraged at this stage to work on their submissions for the council, and have them ready to submit for discussion come January 7th. this gives everyone 3 weeks of short notice, with 5 weeks of notice in total.

January 2nd - 5th. - intensive advertising for the council

7th Jan - (Saturday) - council opens and all topics are organised under a new category on the forums - this will be at the top of the boards as you log in.

12th Jan - (Thursday) - Discussion closes.

14th Jan - reforms voted on

17th Jan - polls closed.

18th Jan - results published, summaries released.
I think we should begin to discuss a meta-agenda and advertise the event. I'll put together a proposal (hopefully others will as well) and hear your feedback Smile

EDIT: Missing tag
I'm insanely busy at the moment due to new business ventures and existing committments, but please ask me any questions ok?
This is indeed a good idea. It should be fun to go over things, I believe!
The South Pacific announces the start of the Great Assembly. Laws will be changing, so make sure your voice is heard.

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