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WITHDRAWN: Nuclear Security Convention (Mk. 2)
Nuclear Security Convention

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.


Category: International Security | Strength: Mild | Proposed by: Chester Pearson

<i>The World Assembly</i>,


<b>RECOGNIZING</b> that nuclear power is a relatively clean and efficient source of energy,


<b>THUS GUARANTEEING</b> member nations the right to use nuclear energy for their energy needs,


<b>ALSO REALIZING</b> the potential threat posed to all members in regards to the acquisition of nuclear technology by rogue states, terrorist and/or extremist organizations,


<b>ALARMED</b> by the possibility of widespread devastation that could occur as the result of the uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear technology, particularly by non members who are not bound by the conventions of international law,


<b>FOR THE PURPOSE</b> defines nuclear energy as the useful energy released by nuclear fission,


<b>The General Assembly hereby mandates</b>:

  1. Member nations take all necessary precautions to ensure their nuclear materials, technology and information are fully secured against unauthorised release; Additionally members shall ensure all adequate measures are taken for nuclear the safety and security of nuclear resources from production until utilization,

  2. Member nations maintain comprehensive records of processed nuclear materials, technology and information,

  3. Member nations shall take all necessary precautions to ensure nuclear manufacturing, design specifications, technology or materials are not in any way proliferated to any party not bound by the terms of this convention,

<b>NOTHING</b> in this convention shall be interpreted as:

  1. Affecting the right of member nations to research, or use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes or,

  2. Denying members nations the right to possess, or produce nuclear armaments.

Co-Authored by <a class="" href="">[Image: abacathea__559655t2.jpg]Abacathea</a>


Forum thread:



Vibrant Coconuts

WA Advisor to the The South Pacific

Also known as Gruenberg
, Quintessence of Dust
and The Dark Star Republic


This has been rushed to quorum, again, and in my opinion the draft has not improved; if anything it's got worse.

Vibrant Coconuts

WA Advisor to the The South Pacific

Also known as Gruenberg
, Quintessence of Dust
and The Dark Star Republic


I agree completely with VC. We strongly urge a vote AGAINST


One specific issue: clause 3 effectively bars member nations from aiding non-member nations in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." – Galileo Galilei
This proposal has been withdrawn. Again.

Vibrant Coconuts

WA Advisor to the The South Pacific

Also known as Gruenberg
, Quintessence of Dust
and The Dark Star Republic


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