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NS Political guide
The world is a big place, with hundreds of regions, alliances, and organizations...and those are just the major ones. This is my attempt to categorize some of the more prominent ones into a simple guide.

<strong class='bbc'>Key</strong>

Political designations:

P1- Dictatorship. Absolute rule by one player, usually the Founder or Delegate of the region or founding Admin of the organization's forum.

P2- Council or limited democracy. A small percentage of players(in very large regions, this may still be a large number) decide things, and the opinions of lower-ranking players are heard, but are not law. (Note: This description is a default for regions not fitting the other categories.

P3- Representative democracy. The democratic process in the region and/or its subordinate organizations is open and fair, but the region is so large that the percentage of the region's nations represented is still small. (Example: North America has over 200 people, but only about one eighth of those are active players who choose to take part in regional politics)

P4- Senate or true democracy. A very large percentage(more than a third) of the region's members vote democratically on almost all issues.

Regional/Alliance size designations:

R1- Less than 18 players

R2- 19-36 players

R3- 37-100 players

R4- 101-500 players

R5- 500+ players


Air Strip One- Small region-crashing group, member of the Imperial Commonwealth.

P1, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Alliance Defense Network(ADN}- loose interregional alliance.

<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Allied Liberation League (ALL)- Co-defensive agreement and defensive/liberational alliance, formed by several regions: North America, The Meritocracy, Holland/Nederland, American Alliance, Utopia, North Alerica

<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Armageddon- A deeply Christian region, also poltically conservative, Allied with Capitalist Alliance and The Meritocracy as a MACTO pact member.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Atlantic Alliance- Mid-sized offensive/defensive alliance, shrunken as many players left due to inactivity. Its primary goal is world domination. Opposes The Rejected Realms. Potential members are screened.

P2, R2, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Canada- Large, well-organized region.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Capitalist Alliance- Conservative region, Allied with The Meritocracy and Armageddon as a MACTO pact member.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

East Pacific, The- Nation birth region, solid centralized leadership, Delegate runs an NS flagmaking service.

P2, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Empire of Imperials- Large region, built by an older invader who once headed the Empire of Power, currently neutral until it can grow large enough to intervene in foreign events.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

England- Large English region. SABRe signant.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Europe- Player-created super-region, Delegacy is in turmoil.

P3, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum and Regional Map</a>

Farkistan/Farktopia- Homes to an extremely old, skilled region-crashing group.

P2, R3, No Forum

Freedom Alliance (FA)- Democracy-loving group based in The Gulf and United States. Allied with The Meritocracy and The Rejected Realms, Opposes Atlantic Alliance. Potential members are screened.

P4, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Golden Hills, The- Large region, Allied with Sardaukar Confederacy.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

GREAT Britain- Mid-sized, generally friendly region. SABRe signant.

P2, R2, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Great Britain 3- British region, Opposes SABRe. ADN signant.

P2, R2, No Forum

Heartland, The- Large, well-organized region. Its leader is a Game Moderator, Ineptia. Allied with Wysteria and Texas. Potential members are screened.

P3, R4. <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Holland and Nederland- Two regions that work as one. Made up mostly of Dutch players, and as such uses the Dutch lanquage primarily. Opposes Blue Moon and invaders in general. ALL signatory.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Imperial Britain- Smallish well-organized region. SABRe signant.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Imperial Commonwealth- Large region-crasher base. Potential members are screened.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Ireland- Large region, security is tight due to lack of a Founder. Potential members are screened.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

Island Nations of Aramir- Large, party-atmosphere region. Many residents moved there from the now-nearly-empty Monte Carlo.

P2, R3, No Forum

Japan- Older region, genreally isolated from the rest of the NS world.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Lazarus- Like the Rejected Realms and the five Pacifics, this region is an integral part of the game. It is the home of nations newly resurrected after being deleted for inactivity. Due to the rarity of resurrections, it has only 62 nations as of this post, most of them non-UN. It has no Delegate, no Forum, and no organization whatsoever.

Meritocracy, The- Democracy-loving organization, based in the regions of The New Meritocracy, New Meritocracy, and Meritocratic Isles. The Meritocracy values the political and economic sovereignty of nations, and as such UN membership is forbidden in its regions; However, most Meritocrats have UN puppets, which can be found in all manner of other regions all over the Nationstates world. Allied with Capitalist Alliance and Armageddon as a MACTO pact member. ALL signatory. Potential members are screened.

P4, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Monte Carlo- Small region, has endured many shifts in governement, largely due to modbombings of its original members. Currently a shadow of its former self. See: Island Nations of Aramir

P2, R1, No Forum

NetWork Radio- a group of reporters who report on events in the Nationstates world.

P3, R1, []Forum[/URL]

North America- A large, well-organized region, home to many active RPers. ALL signatory.

P3, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

North Pacific, The- Nation-birth super-region, several recent friendly changes of Delegacy. At the time of this writing, the second-largest region in the world.

P2, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>?

Pacific, The- The original nation-birth super-region. A dictator has siezed power by force and ejected at least a thousand people to hold onto his power.

P1, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Pacific Army- Defensive alliance, a former satellite of The Pacific, now independant as many people flee (or are ejected from) the dictatorship in The Pacific.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Realm Of Ambrosia, The- Small, tight-knit region. the Founder is a Forum Mod, Cogitation.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Rejected Realms, The- Super-region that is the destination of all those ejected from other regions. Ejecting nations is impossible here. Allied with Sardaukar Confederacy and Freedom Alliance, Opposes Atlantic Alliance.

P2, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Rejected Realms Army- Offensive/defensive alliance that is a satellite of The Rejected Realms. Alliances and enemies are the same as the Rejected Realms. Potential members are screened. ALL Signant.

P2, R2, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Roman Empire, The- Democratic region based on the government system of the ancient empire of the same name.

P4, R2, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Sovereign Alliance of British Regions (SABRe)- As the name states, an alliance between British regions. Includes Imperial Britain, England, GREAT Britain, Britain, United Kingdom, and British Empire. Opposes Great Britain 3.

<a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Sardaukar Confederacy- Self-styled as a loose alliance of interdependant states. Allied with The Rejected Realms and The Golden Hills. ADN signant.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Website</a>

South Pacific, The- A nation-birth super-region and highly democratic in choosing its officers. Largest region in the world at the time of this writing.

P2, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Texas- Large, well-organized region, Allied with The Heartland and Wysteria.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

United Kingdom- A British region, the UK is heavily pro-human rights, and the democratic nature of almost all of its occupying states furthers this image.

P2, R2, No Forum

Urbanites- Home to a powerful defensive/liberational alliance, this region is opposed to most region-crashers.

P2, R3, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

West Pacific, The- Nation-Birth Super-region. ADN signant.

P2, R5, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>

Wysteria- Large region, Allied with Texas and The Heartland.

P2, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum and Regional Map</a>

Thank you Kandarin for the information, now we just need to see if we can get some started with some of them.
Quote:Meritocracy, The- Democracy-loving organization, based in the regions of The New Meritocracy, New Meritocracy, and Meritocratic Isles. The Meritocracy values the political and economic sovereignty of nations, and as such UN membership is forbidden in its regions; However, most Meritocrats have UN puppets, which can be found in all manner of other regions all over the Nationstates world. Allied with Capitalist Alliance and Armageddon as a MACTO pact member. ALL signatory. Potential members are screened.

P4, R4, <a class='bbc_url' href=''>Forum</a>
I feel extremely stupid right now because I thought that the Meritocracy was the AA.....
I have allies in Mesopotamia.
Just wondering if someone could explain how super regions are different from regular regions.
My definition of a super-region is any with over 500 nations. That's why I said that Europe was one.In a more technical sense, super-regions are those which were created by the admin and not by players, i.e. the five Pacifics and the Rejected Realms.These are different because they are permanently Founderless, and the Delegates have limited powers. Delegates of a Pacific region cannot password the region, and the Delegate of the Rejected Realms cannot password the region or eject people.
Rock on Kandarin thanks a ton, well done.
Yes good work one the list I would like to see a regional map for the south pacific too. Yes it would be hard because we have 4600+ nations but it can still be done and it would take several diffrent maps.
What types of regions do we feel that the S.P. would be best aligned with? Should we outright declare opposition to others?
Generally we've been seen to be allied with the pacifics. however with fs and cronies in place, this has fallen down a bit.for a while we were allied-ish with the acc because one of lr's puppets was in the army. (she has now left.)as you can see kandrian writes into this board so we're loosly allied with the rr and the ra.nothing rock hard, but nothing too soft either.

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