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Harkinnen Poll
As I said, this is to take a quasi-official reading of Harkinnen's popularity.Your vote is appreciated.::EDIT::This may seem pointless, but Harkinnen believes he has majority support. I am doing this to see who is correct::END EDIT::
Ha, this is foolishness. There is no need for a poll.
Well, Harkinnen, it is you who keeps insisting that you have gobs of support. This is our way of testing that.Oh, I hope you don't mind me adding the third option, Aurellis. I just wanted the people who are truly apathetic to the question to have a place to express themselves.
oh let me guess who voted yes on this poll.*can you see me rolling my eyes here*not only no but no way in hades do I want Harkinnen telling me what to do, LR does tell me what to do.
My vote's no. Harkinnen, The only difference between you and most would be Nationstates despots is maybe you're bright enough to hide your true intentions behind pretty speeches but you are still annoying.
No, I don't mind the third option. I was rushed for work and didn't have time to fully prepare it.
This is really a waste of time. Even if harraken had a huge support base it would not be in here.
Thank you, GA. That is exactly what I was saying in another thread. The main voting body of the SP is the cabinet and assorted friends, most of which are on less than friendly terms with me right now.
Harkinnen,I wonder why that is? I mean if you were friendly, nice, or just plain human to people you know you might make friends. But that is just a thought.
Go away.
<span style='color: blue'>Uh no offence, but I've never heard of Harki-watshisname</span>
Do you want Harkinnen to represent us and replace LadyRebels as UN Delegate Yes [ 2 ] [13.33%] No [ 12 ] [80.00%] Don't know/Don't care [ 1 ] [6.67%] Go back home H. Stop wasting your and our Time.YANGUS 1st of YANGUSLANDPs : it's only a game, no prize, no fame...
Ps 2 : for info LadyRebels democratic and true??? YES [ 15 ] [60.00%] NOT [ 5 ] [20.00%] I DON'T KNOW [ 5 ] [20.00%] I DON'T THINK [ 0 ] [0.00%] Total Votes: 25 YANGUS 1St of YANGUSLAND
The response from the People of Sartreania is an emphatic NO. There is no desire to see the leadership change. Especially when the change would revolve around replacing a fine republican style of leadership with a despotism. I've read absolutely nothing from Harkinnen to show that the nations have any chains to shake off and haven't seen a reason to replace LR; the only reason that might have been there being erased with her relative withdrawal from the ACC. Many reasons have been displayed, however, for avoiding Harkinnen's rise to power. These are not found in his drive for the perfect nation/region, but in his deceitfulness, in what seems to be a belief that he has found or has known the perfect way to run a region and that his general aura really seems to be that of a tyrant. He seems to say that we need to invoke a true democracy, but the last true democracy to be on earth was that of Maximillian Robespierre's France...a period known as the reign of terror came from that. Representative government is the best way to run a region of so many people. If you seek, Harkinnen, to change things, then please just do it through the channels in place...they're rather effective.
I agree....LadyRebels is a much better delegate. She has experience, and as the saying goes, "If it works, don't try to fix it."
Thank you both for your support, but pleas beaware that our government is a dynamic thing, it will change, as all forms of Government do with time, and if given the time to watch this happen from the Delegate Seat would be great, but if the <strong class='bbc'>South Pacific</strong> sees fit not to let me then I would hope for the chance to work closely with the new Delegate to help in the process.

But I will not do so if Harkinnen and his "supporters" come into power, because this is not right and I will not have my nation crammed into a cubby hole by Harkinnen or anyone eles, I am a free nation, working with the other free nations of the South Pacific. So Harkinnen, you stated to DR that you will rule this region weather or not she liked it or not, I say to you now that with the aide of the South Pacific and other regions, that you will not rule this region, or any region unless you create it yourslef, your name will not fly over the South Pacific, as long as I am an active nation, and the Cabinet of the South Pacific, and the Nations of the South Pacific do not want you too.

This is it, no more talking with you on this matter, if you would like to help us then make your suggestions.

The Horse is dead, quit beating it Harkinnen.
Thats a bad attitude to have cautela, 'if it works dont fix it'. You will find it leads to lack of willingness to improve. Everything should be strived to be improved, for there is no state of perfection. And damn it Harrakanen, quit wasteing our time. Go overthrow some other region. Was it what you were doing in Air field one?
this is getting incredibly has been proven again and again that harkinnean is not wanted nor needed in this region...get the hell over yourself and leave us alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should just ban him from both the region and the board, especially when the entire region is telling him to go away...Wink
Except that Harkinnen has this annoying habit of creating new nations so he can just come right back in again. And he's being smart enough to not bring his UN nation in, which still leaves the possibility of an invasion. :angry:
Don't worry...unless he can get over 500 people to help him, I don't think he has a chance... Wink
agreed.let him spout off if it makes him feel better.
completely right.if he wants to become a delegate, let him try to gather support. and if he does not have support, then he does not deserve to be a's as simple as that.
I just did this to prove a point. The one thing that tickles the back of my mind is this: What if he <em class='bbc'>does</em> come back at the head of an invading army? Remember, a ragtag buch of farmers with hunting rifles and pitchforks beat the snot out of the finest army in the world once...

(for those in nations other than the USA, Canada, and Brittain; or those having a brain fart that was the Revolutionary War)
Problem is we were right and had the conviction of righteous fury, he has the conviction of a stick up his butt. :lol: oh and I have the conviction of a Marine with a 306 on my side.

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