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Typing by Cnadlelight
Okay, by now i'm sure you've all seen the news.if you have written me, please be patient as i am in toronto and on a schedual of roling blackouts.I will get to everyone who has written. i thank you for your patience, while we get back up on the juice.Oh, and don't listen to the bbc! they are making it sound like it's a meltdown. if so, i haven't grown a third arm. yes, there is a minor crime wave, no we have not degenerated into cavemen.coffe tastes best off the bbq....bistmath
Wow, what a surprise that there was a crime wave in toronto during the blackout, yet NYC was crime-free, pretty much.
it was surprising. but they're saying that they caught most of thepeople here who did stuff.however, i have seen nothing on detroit..... having lived in windsor, i would love to see the pictures from there.

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