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The Rejected Realms Army
Earlier today I received intel that a team of Rejected Realms soldiers launched an assault on a smaller region. Details of the who's and the where's are sketchy, but the invasion failed for reasons unknown.I would advise all nations to be vigilent of infiltrators from the RRA.
I, for one, agree. We better sleep with one eye open or keep our eyes wide open.
The RRA has been actively recruiting in the South Pacific--they sent me a telegram asking me to join earlier today.An invasion against the South Pacific may already be underway.
Please, if they're considering to attack us, their outnumbered like 2 to 5.
If someone can, we need to find out who's associated with the RRA and keep our eyes on those people. While it's not a pretty solution, it's the best for now. We also need to let Alpha know and tell him to stay on his guard.
Yeah i agree RRA is one of the most significant threats facing the SP at the moment and an eye should always be kept in their direction at all times to keep up with their current movements.
Admittedly I started this thread by I would now like to recommend that all discussions re the RRA are kept in private forums (???) or done by personal message. I will continue my surveillance.
Alright. I will deleted this thread sometime tomorrow. however, i think we need to look at the more pressing issue.while i think that Alpha C has done great things for our region, it cannot be hlped but noted that he is/was a member of the Atlantic. the ACC and the RRA are rivals. Therefore if Alpha C remains in power - he will ultimately bring up us attacks.i think we need to discuss this.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


ok so dose that mean that we are now going to have to get someone new in the delegate seat? if so who? I think it should be a nation that we all know, and trust to be an active part of the government..........just a thought or two here.....Sincerely,President Supreme
im not saying we need to but i think we need to discuss it at least. i do think Alpha C has done great hings for our region. but do we want contast outside attacks on internal attacks againt the delegate as we have had???i too agree it needs to be a nation we all know and trust...any suggestions?

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


I don't know, but honestly we need to stop and think for a min. if Alpha C is still current in the ACC, if some other organization was to plan a attack on the South Pacific then could he not ask for help from them to keep the Region Free, I don't know about the ACC personally, but when I created my nation and went to the West Pacific FoCA was in charge there, and he did a great job, at least I think so, and Alpha C seems to be running the Region like FoCA did the West Pacific, I don't know anymore, the ACC has never done anything bad to me or my friends that I know of, I know that they did some bad things before my creation as a nation *hey that gose together* anyway, I have not seen to much of the ACC here lately and Alpha C, and a few others I know are members, but not alot, that I know of, *shrugs* whatever you feel is best, Sincerely,President Supreme
guys, like imrie said, we gotta stfu about this. All suggestions via pm or some safe mode of communication.
what are we saying wrong here??? Nothing. We are discussing if we want a new delegate. Alpha C stated that he would be willing to give up the delegate seat to someone that he trusted to run the region. Until then he was holding it. Therefore - what is the harm of discussing it here??? Pm doesn't work well with groups.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Aiight, fine. If alpha c wants to be replaced, fine. If the whole region wants him replaced, fine.
well whatever. i dont care anymore. if we are going to get pissy right away im not going to talk anymore. no ideas coming from this source. i'll continue gettin the elections in place and providing i am elected i will perform my duties and thats about it.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


Who's getting pissy? I'm sorry if i sounded like i was getting my chops broken. I have no problem with giving alpha c the boot, especially since he/she doesn't mind.
We wouldn't be giving Alpha C the boot--he would be abdicating the position to another nation, one that he feels would work to keep the best interests of our region at heart. If such a nation does not come forward, or is not put in place by the nations of the SP, then Alpha will be remaining delegate.The fact that Alpha is aligned with Atlantic at the moment does bring us up for attack. However, Alpha has stated in messages recently that if he has to chose between the ACC and the South Pacific, that he will quit the ACC in order to keep our region free. Think on it.
couldn't we use alpha c's position to our advantage. i may not be too cohearant it's 6.13 am here... wouldn't alpha c's atlantic stance protect us from the rra? wouldn't the atlantic do anything rather than let them have this region?now i am rabidly anti-atlantic..i remember the last time. but why not use them? I was not happy when alpha c took the delegate's seat. hopefully we will not have to do anything and the atlantic will take care fo the threat on their own.or i'm just an unawake pip dreamer in serious need of coffee. Wink
Do we really need to fear the RRA? Last time I checked they were only 50 strong, that means that even if they did all come into the SP, they'd have to come up with about 200 more endorsements to take the SP. Also, it seems that the SP is in pretty tight surveillance (ex- shnell). I think we would notice a country that had quickly gained 200 endorsements. What I worry about is the new delegate, and I'd say the same thing for any country I've never really heard of. It may be time for one of the more vocal and known countries to actively campaign for the delegate seat. That's just my opinion. But if not, what I think we need to worry about is the new delegates lack of activity. If anything were to happen, perhaps another attack by xyz, or what i think would be an genius takeover by the RRA, the SP would be vulnerable. My solution of course is to either try to fortify the new delegates endorsements (which brings up the issue of trust) or to all stand behind a one country and try to gain endorsements for that country really fast (the issue here is time).
personally, if we are going along with Kyoto and looking for someone new as a delegate, i personally think we should all support Bistmath since they are the VP.

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


You don't have anything to worry about. The RRA has tranformed itself into a primarily defensive organization over the last few months.As the RRA is opposed to the ACC, we're pleased to see that the SP has made the enlightened choice of cutting ties with the ACC's corrupt leadership.
Quote:You don't have anything to worry about. The RRA has tranformed itself into a primarily defensive organization over the last few months.
If that's true, then the RRA shouldn't be opposed to the ACC anymore, especially with our "corrupt leadership" gone... Wink
Quote:<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' >You don't have anything to worry about. The RRA has tranformed itself into a primarily defensive organization over the last few months.
If that's true, then the RRA shouldn't be opposed to the ACC anymore, especially with our "corrupt leadership" gone... Wink
</blockquote> I wasn't just talking about Pilmour.
What other corrupt leaders are still in the ACC?

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