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Jennifer Government
Has anyone actually read Jennifer Government? If you have, what did you think of it? I was at the library today and I looked for it, but the copy they had was checked out.
I forgot to look for it last time I was at the library, but right now I'm busy reading Harry Potter ^^()
I read the chapter that you can read on Max Barry's site. i want to read it but i cant find a copy here. aparently Barnes and Noble nor Borders carry it...

"I learned that dreams don't work without action. I learned that no one could stop me but me. I learned that love is stronger than hate. And most important, I learned that God does exist. He and/or she is right inside you underneath the pain, the sorrow and the shame."


It's excellent. I forked out almost ?20 to order a hardback copy from the States and I don't regret it one bit - cutting satire and very, very funny. I'm now on the hunt for Syrup.
well shoot I just might have to get it.. I'm currenty reading and re-reading a brief history of time. :wacko:
God, and I hadn't even bothered to look. Although if you say it's good, Imrie, it might just be what I get on my next trip out to the bookstore. Smile
It's well worth it!
I've never seen it before, but if I ever get around to the bookstore I'll look it up. :blink:
yeah ive heard so many people talking about how good it was.....i may just have to read and find out myself....
hm. a friend found it in a chapters (essentially the ONLY bookstore in canada...) it was expensive.. we're waiting for it to come out in paperback.
as it has not come to France yet I'm trying to order it from an english bookstore, but it's quite expensive too.
Actually I was just coming here to suggest everyone get it. It is a great book!
It's on my birthday list! (My birthday is on the 10th of August)
Was that a subtle hint? :lol:
happy birthday Big Grin
My birthday is next Sunday (the 10th) -> but thanks in advance Big Grin
Got it from my local library and was hooked by the first chapter. Not only was its humor tongue-in-cheek, but the chilling nature of such a commercial world system was quite frightening. Excellent commentary!
I am the milkman of human kindness

And I will bring an extra pint
-- B. Bragg

Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters. -- Grover Cleveland

When the laws are used to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society -- the farmers, mechanics, and laborers -- who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their government -- Andrew Jackson

"Capitalism takes no prisoners and kills competition where it can." -- Vince Cable
I finally remembered to put it on reserve for myself...I also looked for Syrup, but it was at the library downtown, and we were in a hurry...
I checked it out from the library yesterday. I'm about a third of the way through so far. It's pretty interesting.
Yesterday I ordered it at the site of a large bookstore in Utrecht called Broese.Now I have to wait for about 15 days.. and then I can read it as well!Yours,The Ancient One (Paul)
I've read it before.I loved it.Here are my top 3 favorite books.1.Jenifer Government By Max Barry2.Syrup By Max Barry3.The Hobbit By J.R.R Tolken
I still haven't recieved Jennifer Government SadSomething went wrong with the order in the USA.. they're fixing it now.Hopefully it will arrive soon.. looking forward to reading it!!
After re-ordering the book at another bookstore, and waiting for another 3 weeks, Jennifer Government has finally arrived today Big Grin Now I can finally read it..

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